Thanks 4 not banning this time 🤣
Good point! I've been storing them in zip loc bags in my safe with those rechargeable dehumidifiers too.
Surprised that the NOAA wouldn't fudge the numbers.
Ass-backwards land.
Yes, both I suppose. They aren't really "sealed" before opening as far as I remember either. If I recall there isn't a seal to break, just a cap to remove and replace.
Just trying to confirm if death is good or not, 'cuz death be bringing us homies up to da lord in da heavens.
No idea. I bought standard Ivermectin for dear O'Neil. Do you know if it should be refrigerated??
Asking for a fren.
To surmise, we don't have a hard time believing they are sick motherfuckers, which is why Pizza Gate is accepted as fact rather than fiction.
We do have a hard time believing that those sick motherfuckers will actually see true justice, which is why Q is accepted as fiction rather than fact.
The jabs definitely affect those with "comorbidities" more negatively it appears.
Nash, Cleveland & Godfrey Veterinary Clinic
This is where I acquired O'Neil's meds.
I bought 10 tubes for my Horse which is named "O'Neil."
A fundraiser that raised between $2,500-$3,000 as if that's a lot of money (NOT TODAY!) HAHA. These days they charge $300,000 to speak at a College. LOL.
Deal accepted.
Oh I wasn't aware, was the "initial" poison a two-shot poison concoction? I wasn't aware. Although I'm perfectly fine labeling everything else after the initial poison as a "booster." That's my mistake!
My Father in law had at least 3 fainting episodes throughout the year which preceded his death on December 22nd. Anytime he would do a more strenuous activity he was blacking out. My thought is that there was long term blockage with the heart. Although to my knowledge he "only" received 2 shots before he quit.
Well this confirms my theory that we were up to #7 now.
This sort of collapse has been occuring in Europe for a little bit longer than it has here. That's no a "plan." The chaos is purposeful.
So what, is it fine and dandy that all of these people are dying? 'Cuz they be going up to heaven or some schheeit?
With that kind of logic, one could simply still tout "the plan" for many more decades. Perhaps until I'm wrinkled and wheelchair bound myself. Still called a doomer...
I've scoured your profile - I tend to see that you think that there's still a plan in play.
I don't think there is. I tend to think that indicators leading up to 2020 showed that there was a plan in play, but that it was FOILED by insider saboteurs.
I remember, but you can't mention it otherwise you catch a ban.
The redistribution of wealth requires the destruction of western anglo civilization.