Exact same time as kick off of Army Navy game…
Say it with me, all together now, “High Crimes and ___________.”
Or 1776 2.0? Probably nothing
We are the news now….
It’s ok around May I was accused of being a Shill, LARPer and banned from here for a few weeks for posting LIN Wood info… McAfee - future proves past. Many of us are at the end many will need the past to learn what we already know. A chain of custody if you will that we did not have. They will need it.
And who was the lender…. Agent and notaries….
Wrong question… the answer you are looking for is who owns the land to hospitals sit on…
Marvelous! Welcome to a place where you can share your thoughts and opinions freely. Healthy dose of skepticism is exactly what we need right now!
Was the crucifixion considered glorious until people knew what it was for?
Sounds to me that you have more of a plan than you realize. Come up with 3 or 4 ways to get what you need from Philly to NJ and then share those options with your family.
Find people you trust and stay together. Work together to keep each other safe.
That is the business class section of 787 - AKA “Dreamliner”
Zoom in to the placard between them. https://qposts.online/?q=787&s=postnum
C before D - Cuomo….
“Counter” anagram RECOUNT aligns nicely with 2608…
Canion from Compaq also on BOD at Enron…. Now long time Board Member of Invesco… which was Aim Funds before that…
Ah, YES! That too.
This is the post for 170 - https://qposts.online/?q=170&s=postnum
Much much more than that... founded by (who? - where are they now?) “disgruntled” TI employees (TI was the largest NASA contractor at the time) drawn out on a napkin while eating PIE... no shit look it up. Rod actually wrote a book about it called “Open”. This was the first generational wealth lineage created by micro technology off of the billions subsidized to IBM, XEROX, TI and others... FOLLOW THE PEOPLE, families and related entities. See ENRON emails....
Go back further and look at how Compaq was “conceived” and came to be...