Looks like a TV broadcasting engineering job.
Total BS! Amazed this shit is even allowed in the prestigious journal (which proves the journal is shit itself for all this time).
Seems like all the hope is now on military-makes one shudder with all the memory from history. Do we really want military junta? How are we to accept being the best democracy in the world to be one of the military dictatorships that we have been fight against?
Well, if they succeed in impeaching Trump, maybe it paves the way for impeaching the other former presidents?
Well, her family sent her there. She should confront her parents first. But yeah, she has behaviorial (not mental) problems all along, a rich kid disease. Rich people practice abusing their own children in way of "grooming" for later "success" and "domination" and maintaining family control for generations. Without the family connection and "abuse", how do they get so famous and rich and powerful so quickly?
Shouldn't it be the other way around? T supporters get free T hotel. Or maybe T is doing what he has always been good at: marketing with hype to get rich himself.
Trump hotel making bucks from Trump supporters? No very nice! Make sure we are not suckers to some con.
Holy cow! They are foretelling us that she will be the #1.
Russian peasants are the coolest!
Thank goodness, lots of stepping down (especially in media) in the last couple of days. Big win!
NTD TV is another one, but they are owned by FaLunGong, like Epoch Times.
They also have NTD TV, very pro Trump, more than Newsmax. Where do they get all the money? Cannot figure out.
Is this the harbinger of the death of "democracy", "election"?
Yeah, think of all the color revolutions going around the world. Finally it landed in the US. Next to expect is military coup, it looks like.
Thank you for your foresight.
So for the 1st time I can remember the military dictatorship is on the right side. Anything going to happen here?
No fing sht! I was just joking that Burma also uses Dominion, now comes the proof. You really cannot make this sh*t up!
I am totally on board! Can't get enough popcorn. LOL
He is old enough to show remorse now, but he doesn't.
We of course should not blame a whole group of people for the wrong some members of it do, not just Jews, but everyone. That's a no brainer. But where did anyone say "all Jews evil" here?
Mighty rain makers, titans of our day.
You expect this to happen here?
his <relative> is his son Alex Soros.
Wow, another Obama/Soros puppet in Burma. No wonder she got Nobel and all the other many prizes.
So Chris Ruddy is friend with both Trump and Clinton, how nice!