LeannaJGrimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the chuckle! I wish they would serve tempura, I'll take the shrimp! Hee hee! Stupid autocorrect has made me say the wildest things.

LeannaJGrimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been schooled by hard knocks just like everyone here. I've been rich and I've been poor, and in some of the hard times I've been homeless and couch surfing. But the Lord always provided for me, and I know He will do the same for you! I'll be sure to lift you up in my prayers today fellow pede.

LeannaJGrimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I need to second Tennessee. Great place. No state income tax. Lived there for ten-twelve years awhile back. Also Kentucky. I'm currently renting a place in Ohio because of my husband's job, and my neighbors here are very based, their Trump signs are still all up in their yards and mine's still hanging up against my house (it's big).

But we're working on moving because we are building a new home in the far eastern part of Kentucky. I work from home and make a comfortable income, my husband's employer however is buckling under the strain of covid lockdowns and laying people off. Times are so uncertain, which is why we're moving to be closer to family.

When I visited our home site in Kentucky, all I saw were Trump signs surrounding it, and met some of our future neighbors. They're all based af! I hope Kentucky works for us!!!

LeannaJGrimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

He mostly takes spec orders for action figures through a local comic shop. I don't think he likes to post his figures online. He's a little weird. He uses a computer to make sculptures and a 3D printer, then he sands the prints and makes molds out of them to cast the figures from. He will cast a limited run and number each figure. The figures are usually sold before they're cast.

They're not ordinary mass produced figures from China but rather, heirloom collectible toys made right here in America in West Virginia (Yup he is a neighbor). The prices start at $1200 per unit and go up from there.

LeannaJGrimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

oh wow I know a guy who makes this kind of stuff. wonder if this is one of his

LeannaJGrimes 4 points ago +4 / -0

The fear that they will swab op's kid and diagnose "rona" but the tests are all fake and made in China.

LeannaJGrimes 9 points ago +9 / -0

I would advise against calling a doctor or nurse in this current time, UNLESS IT IS AN IMMEDIATE LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY.

The reason: They'll test him for the china flu. Anal swab. Mask on your precious child. Quarantine. The "law" will get involved. They will FORCE experimental drugs on your child AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY.

Calling a doctor is reserved for only the most dire medical emergency!

LeannaJGrimes 10 points ago +12 / -2

GTFOH fucking lefty shill. Go fuck a tranny

LeannaJGrimes 0 points ago +2 / -2

Don't worry. All the top posts here are dank memez to redpill the normiez with. We'll totally win with cartoon frogs.


I liked the more peaceful ideas floated about, such as getting involved in local politics first.

LeannaJGrimes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I did not see this. Thank you for sharing. Wonder what's going down on Friday???

LeannaJGrimes 15 points ago +16 / -1

I never trusted Lyin' Ted and this whole thing was a political stunt for him. He was pandering all along.

It's too bad that so many pedes fell for his ruse. He can just go away now, the people will vote him out

LeannaJGrimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the explanationskis, comrade! (That's a joke! Please don't yell!)

Now my husband is all intrigued and wants to participate in this stonks madness.

LeannaJGrimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually, I think that would be very sad and harmful. But, my opinion doesn't matter for much.

LeannaJGrimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm the only one that uses this workstation, and don't really have much interest in porn obviously, BUT I did recently have to disable my ad blockers so maybe that was it.

I feel kinda dumb now and probably deserved to get yelled at.

LeannaJGrimes -2 points ago +1 / -3

Eh, I'm not interested in learning more about q or whatever. It's just a bunch of larpers daring each other to be the next school shooter in an FBI honeypot. They cry if anyone disagrees. The conservative movement is dead.

LeannaJGrimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all fake and you just wait, it will become a new reason for all these people to go on permanent disability because they caught a cold. They're goldbrickin

LeannaJGrimes -9 points ago +2 / -11

Yes. They ALL do that. My husband reads cnn and I'm sick of seeing their breathless headlines. Don't even get me started on msnbc it tickles my rage center!!!

LeannaJGrimes -21 points ago +3 / -24

Agreed! My beef with the site wasn't the content, it was with how the content was presented.

This stuff will NEVER make the mainstream if we keep DOING THIS!

And this is why we're getting curbstomped by the Left.

LeannaJGrimes -17 points ago +3 / -20

They tell us to think for ourselves, so I do. If I see stuff like:

  • A headline not seen anywhere else
  • A headline that really doesn't match what the article says
  • Viewer is targeted with clickbait ads that look like porn (huge boob, huge ass, etc.) at top of page
  • Exclamation points
  • Misspellings and other errors
  • Stock images unrelated to article

A single one of these flags may not raise the alarm but I'm being wary and thinking for myself.

It's interesting that I get called a shill for not subscribing 100% to the Q hivemind groupthink after being told to "wake up" and "think for myself". Very, very interesting. It's textbook cult behavior.

LeannaJGrimes -1 points ago +1 / -2

I've started reading labels and trying to shift my buying habits, but every store in this country might as well be the fucking Chinese embassy! I can't stand it.

There is no one forcing us to buy crap every few days, though. I know we do it, because we're gatherers and we can't help it. It's a natural tendency for humans to go out and forage. I'm fighting the urge to buy cheap shiny crap just for fun. The trade off is that I do have a little bit more pocket money to spend on truly NICE things, like when I upgraded my phone and tablet this year I was able to get the really nice ones.

But the stupid things are made in f&$king CHINA! ARGH!!! tableflip

LeannaJGrimes -9 points ago +2 / -11

Heh... I thought the sidebar ads were too porny, but to each his own I guess.

But you can link through to docs, so. There is that. Thought it needed a NSFW tag.

Look man, I don't like to see porn. Some people sure got their panties in a bunch over that. How're the conservatives supposed to unite when they're calling each other fags over dumb shit?

LeannaJGrimes 3 points ago +4 / -1

Oh. This is Europe, with a German director. They're all gay trannies welcome to Europe check your penis at the door

LeannaJGrimes -18 points ago +2 / -20

You couldn't be more wrong, and I have no tits at all. But please, call all noobs and outsiders faggots. That will truly MAGA and is a good use of your time.

LeannaJGrimes -23 points ago +2 / -25

So, a lady not wanting to look at breasts on a news website is "being a gigantic faggot"

This is why your movement is doomed to fail. Have fun with your little larp circlejerk.

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