LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was definitely interesting. I thought his part was pretty funny this time though. Like the whole 'and this person said this, and this person stopped Sidney from entering the WH! Like, oh my God!' is just so stupid. I can't believe anyone fell for that.

LiberatedDeathStar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think he's a supporter, and the President has 'mouths' running around distracting the enemy as lieutenants. Powell, Lin Wood and others are all amongst this crew as well. They have enough ties to garner credibility, but they're just taking the spotlight as actors.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

He could have just sat in a chair in the hallway and walked out flashing a sheet of paper for all we know.

LiberatedDeathStar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Patrick Byrne was hilarious disinfo. The whole 'desperate' meeting in the white house and special counsel stuff was so obviously scripted, I definitely chuckled a bit. I can track this whole fraud campaign back to 2018 when they put the governors and house members they needed for lockdowns and impeachment in, any counsels or investigations were started a long ass time ago. And I don't know shit as far as intel goes, I'm just a spectator.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The optics and visuals makes it look like Biden/Dems are pulling a full military coup to seize control.

How many people are dooming about how the military is stopping them or enforcing this? Pure show.

LiberatedDeathStar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Everything looks like it is designed to collapse legitimacy of the existing government, so I think it's going quite well.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This one:


Has interesting provisions for removing personnel who fail on merit. Doesn't mean they'll fire a bunch of people on the 19th, but it could be useful in the aftermath for some purging of grifters.

LiberatedDeathStar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good things.

There is an EO that comes into effect on the 19th that allows the President to fire much of the bureaucracy, that is something forgotten about I think.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dutch ovens you want to use with charcoal usually. You can use open fire coals, but it is going to take a lot of work and it isn't easy. You should be able to find online of people showing it. You set aside an area, and put coals below and on the lid, rotate lid and pot every now and then to cook evenly. I've done cobblers, rice and even bread in a dutch oven, can do a lot. Big pot use tripod over fire. If you have a stove big enough, can use that.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have tons of camping and outdoor gear built up over the years. Almost all of it, from hiking stoves to lights are all generally useful for any emergency.

I don't know much about storing rice in buckets. I would think ziplocs are fine, I have used them to store other food for long periods of time.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm on coastal South Carolina, most people are fairly prepared. There's always people after certain things like plywood and batteries at the last minute, but it works out.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pushing it too fast causes pushback from us to not take it. If it was taken slower, how many more wouldn't see the red flags?

LiberatedDeathStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know then. I guess there's always the people that understand they should do something, but don't do it.

LiberatedDeathStar 6 points ago +6 / -0

The food you have for ten days is usually non-perishable. Lots of times people buy out perishable foods right before, because they taste better.

LiberatedDeathStar 10 points ago +10 / -0

You should always have at least ten days of food. Get it if you don't, regardless.

Down in hurricane country, that you wouldn't have a few weeks of food on hand would be completely baffling. We always have that.

LiberatedDeathStar 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let as many enemies into the trap as possible. If he's got the winning hand, they're all going down now. If he used it two months ago, then Ruby and a bunch of other little people would go to jail and that's it.

LiberatedDeathStar 6 points ago +6 / -0

They want instant gratification. The concept that waiting this long to strike is even preferable completely eludes them.

LiberatedDeathStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

They defused their intended operation pretty well I think.

They originally wanted to incite a mob to storm the building, but a combination of Trump keeping people away and possibly even the police letting people in makes it look completely absurd and their reactions way overblown and scripted.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is all common sense to anyone thinking. The President isn't going to be rounding up these people with a bunch of random, unorganized and unprepared civilians. He's going to have positioned military and police to do what needs to be done. Anyone thinking he's going to do it with the militia and it's their time for greatness is actually larping.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

In his speeches and all during the campaign, he would say 'a Biden administration would...' as well, so he's referred to it before, many have just forgotten about it because that was months ago.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Vox Day and others had predicted what would happen years ago, which is why all their stuff is still running.

LiberatedDeathStar 7 points ago +7 / -0

It doesn't mean it will happen, although I am certain it will. But to rule it off the table to do something outside the rules when the enemy has broken literally every rule is completely absurd. In fact, following the rules to almost the very end gives justification to break the rules in a big way when it all comes down.

LiberatedDeathStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember the original TD when we first went there and started it. The original was very interesting, lots of stuff that could be discussed. I joined TDW recently, rejoining TD, but it has just gone so bad with the doom marching recently.

Remember the coats and bricks, and even when the centipede thing came out. Good times.

LiberatedDeathStar 22 points ago +22 / -0

They're insanely demoralized, a bunch of them. They're like, 'what's the path forward, it's over'. Can't even fathom the possibility that the rules can be broken if all the rules are tossed out the window, or any other possible outcomes.

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