Not even close. Obama’s opponents were McCain and Romney, which were candidates many people had to hold their nose and vote for. They didn’t care about us and didn’t fight for us. The level of fraud this election was only obvious because they had to cheat so big to overcome the huge turnout for one of the most loved presidents of all time.
Wood hasn’t been sued for defamation over his “radical” statements about certain people which says a lot. I don’t know what other radical statements you are talking about other than he is very optimistic that the truth will come out. There was a fake Parler account that had a lot of posts under his name, and he called that out in one of his fireside chats. He has unwavering faith in God, that probably makes him seem radical to a lot of people.
Wood is a highly respected defamation lawyer who has successfully litigated high profile cases such as Nick Sandmann and Richard Jewel, and his foundation helped raise Kyle’s $2 million dollar bail. He also was one of the first lawyers to bring a lawsuit in GA (11/13), against the SOS for illegally changing election laws here. He was the attorney that subpoenaed the famous surveillance tape from State Farm arena that showed the boxes of ballots scanned after observers were sent home. His GA lawsuit is currently docketed at SCOTUS. He filed several TROs to stop certification of electors as well as an injunction to stop the senate vote on the insecure machines. I think overall he has filed nearly 13 lawsuits.
He has been maligned as having donated to dems in the past, but he is an independent. He voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and has donated and held fundraisers over the past few years raising over $100k for republicans.
In short, he is one of the good guys. I do not believe that he says things he cannot prove. But he remains attacked relentlessly on conservative sites, usually by the same people that attack Powell, Q, etc.
Not just Q, they have also attacked Powell, Wood, and others relentlessly across all the conservative sites.
It is a concerted effort to divide us as well as to get people to ignore the evidence. It’s a textbook Alinsky tactic to target, isolate, ridicule and polarize an opponent and sadly many on TDW and other sites are falling for it.
I’m not talking about people who are genuinely disappointed that things didn’t go down as they expected, I’m talking about those who are on a mission to discredit all of these Patriots who are fighting, not just for Trump, but for the future of freedom in the US.
Right now a lot of fireworks...
I was ready to give up if Biden was inaugurated, but there are too many things that don’t make ANY sense, so I am holding on to hope.
I believe that God is in control so no matter what, these evil people WILL face judgment someday, no matter what.
Lin Wood’s SCOTUS suit had his motion to expedite denied the same day:
BS, they didn’t make money off of this and they put their lives and reputations on the line. They and their small staffs busted their butts for the past 3 months, educating people, filing suit after suit all the way to SCOTUS, urging people to call their representatives, tried to help POTUS within their ability, and they urged people not to give up hope.
I haven’t even really followed Q, but I am here because the military option made the most sense after the legal options failed. It all doesn’t make sense, the buildup, the last minute EOs, the last minute department head changes, the withdrawal of the lawsuits by the Trump team, and the positive attitude of everyone including Trump himself.
I keep feeling like it’s not over... too many loose ends
Lin Wood himself gives his telegram account address in an interview here: at 53:00 @linwoodspeakstruth
That is his account. He gives his telegram account address in an interview here: at 53:00 @linwoodspeakstruth
Lin Wood gives his telegram account address here: at 53:00 @linwoodspeakstruth
Lin Wood himself gives his telegram account address in an interview here: at 53:00
Lin Wood gives his telegram account address here: at 53:00 @linwoodspeakstruth
Here is Lin Wood himself giving his telegram account: at 53:00
Q redpilled a TON of people, and I say that as someone who has never followed Q. I just know that the folks that I know that did are some of the most active, upbeat Patriots I know.