Your statement is invalidated immediately by ‘get a disease’. You don’t ‘get diseases’. Get? Like, from the store? Being scared is dis-ease. You treat the word disease as if it refers to symptoms. It doesn’t. It refer to you not being at ease. Furthermore, what you’ve called an ‘ailment’ is not an ailment, just a natural part of recovery process.
Yes, to varying degrees. If you have the most extreme scare, a death fright (Sorry ma’am you have an incurable disease you’re going to die in a month), you get an even more extreme special biological coping program: lung cancer. But for all regular scare, it’s a standard widening of the bronchioles to increase oxygen intake to make you more equipped to handle to conflict/threat.
Kind of. It’s perfectly natural to feel afraid. And one will inevitably get symptoms when the physical bodily structures built to help cope with the fear inducing conflict are purged upon resolution of the conflict. That is all real. The mental illness part is thinking anything unnatural is happening and then doing irrational things like wearing masks, taking ivermectin, getting vaccinated, or anything that is oriented toward ‘trying to prevent nature from taking its course’. And the biggest part of the mental illness would be believing that there is actually a virus and fearing it in the first place.
The cause of ‘COVID’ is fear, not a fictitious virus. When you’re scared, your bronchioles widen to give you more oxygen to ‘fight or flight’. When you’re not scared any more, the extra temporary lung tissue is purged (broken down by bacteria) and you get ‘symptoms’. The more scared you are, the worse your eventual symptoms will be. This one paragraph is the entire explanation of COVID and all colds and flus.
Further information:
Part 1: Part 2:
NOTHING. Imagine the scene from Clockwork Orange where they pry his eyes open to beam the message into him. Well imagine that, but with your ears. Ok, ready? YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE ANYTHING TO CURE DIS-EASE. JUST NOTICE YOUR DIS-EASE WITH YOUR CONSCIOUS AWARENESS AND ALLOW YOURSELF TO RETURN TO EASE. Got it? :)
Oh the famous Dr Malone says it and suddenly people care. I’ve been saying it for almost 2 years on these boards. I know 100x how it works compared to this guy. Apparently to be regarded as a thought leader you gotta be in that sweet spot of just 5% ahead of normies lol
Most people can’t notice their dis-ease. They think it doesn’t exist. If they could only notice it, they’d know that it causes their ‘symptoms’. But they can’t, so they blame the symptoms on viruses, bacteria and genes… and 5G. All make believe causes. It cannot be proven to someone ‘scientifically’. Not to say a great case cannot be made, but the subject will ignore and evade all facts. They must notice dis-ease for themselves.