Trump declassed EVERYTHING before leaving office
What most people don’t know is that there is a board of individuals at the National Archives that then approves or disproves that declassed material being made public
Ezra is the head of that board
In December 2020, Cohen-Watnick was appointed by Trump to chair the Public Interest Declassification Board. He continued serving into Joe Biden's presidency.
Here ya go
What if I told you not everything is as it seems and people are playing roles for optics?
Who confirmed all of Trump’s SCOTUS pics?
Who confirmed hundreds of Trump’s federal judge positions?
That’s right...cocaine Mitch
So who gets to decide what is a movie and what isn’t? You?
Do I need to check with you every time I post something to make sure you agree?
Fuck feelings. I don’t care if our discussions upset people or not.
We’re here for the truth, period.
It was on awhile ago. I’m trying to find it on his site
I hadn’t looked at it in a long time, until the claims from Russia made me think about it again
🙏🏻 Agree. Has to be handled carefully or you’ll spook the herd.