The frogs know this wasn't the first attempt. The maralago drone attack a few years back, and of course the missile from hawaii too predates this one. It may not be the last one either.
It is obvious to all here that this was engineered and trump will be fine, because GOD WINS EVERY TIME. it is also obvious why the shooter was so quickly taken out - dead men tell no tales after all. Or do they? Dig frens, dig into this man, dig into everything. Weaponised autism will drive this forward and straight to the WH front door, I am sure.
This is going to backfire on Trumps's detractors, hard. His base will be more galvanised. New blood will see a man who get shot at and still keeps encouraging his base to "fight, fight, FIGHT!". Demon-rats will see their plans backfire.
News media reported Biden as saying to "put a bullseye on trump", which implicated a call to action by the government to kill both the current opposition candidate and a former president (and soon to be upcoming president). Huff post apparently claimed the SCOTUS said such attempted murder is legal by Biden (how they come to that conclusion is beyond me). This bodes badly for the enemy, and further attempts before the election as I see it are now unlikely.
We knew this would be coming at some point frens. A "shot heard around the world" reminiscent of JFK was called out by Q four times in Jan 2018. This will be something that helps trump win in the end.
The clock has a limited time frame left. The cabal has run out of options besides a hit on trump. And once the clock runs out on the cabal, their time will be over, and a new reality will be brought into play.

I saw this reddit thread here: and decided to do something I haven't done in nearly a decade - formulate a reply to lefties that refuse to learn.
Why leftists think they are losing
The post hoc rationalisation and self deceptions going on in that thread is hilarious.
- It's the algos that are against us! - yeah. Cool story Bernie bros. Because FB and Google are so notoriously anti woke /sarc. Seriously, the algos are biased to your favour and have been for years. Over a decade at least.
- The right has all the power! - only if you define anything that is corporate or wealthy as right wing, which these days is far from reality.
- it's because socialism is really just misunderstood anti-monarchism! - ummm no. We tried your way for about 100 years in loads of countries. It ends with loads of dead people and total societal and economic collapse. Socialism is fundamentally anti capitalism, not just anti monarchy.
- people are just afraid of change! - no, people don't want a change that fundamentally is flawed and doomed to lead to literal hell. Good intentions make for a wonderful brimstone pavement. People are happy to take a change that adds value to their lives and the lives of those they care about, but not a change that adds only costs.
- we're underdogs and always will be! - you literally are controlling the establishment, the media, and corporate pressure throughout the west since the last US election. Dude, wake the hell up and pull your head out. You haven't been underdogs since probably at least the 90s to be frank.
- we are just disorganised! - this obviously is so tone deaf a response that it nearly gets filed under "I can't even" for me, but given the left has more ngos working to lobby and organise "grass roots" movements globally this is just a pretty lie for these losers.
- it's because capitalism! - what, you mean you need ideas that can compete? If that is what you meant than correct, but it's not. You meant the same thing as "the right has all the power" in that you presume all rich people are right wing, a fundamental categorisation failure. It ignores wealthy people like David Brock, rob reiner, every left wing politician on the take and benefiting from trading scams, and people like Soros.
- people lack critical thinking on why wokeism is correct! - no, this is projection. You are confusing critical thinking with critical theory, and fail to apply the former with consistency.
why the left is actually losing
To lefties everywhere, here is why you are losing. It is because you are on a foundation of sand, ideologically. You presumed there can be no real objective truth. You presume everything factual is relative, including biological facts on genetics. You have fundamentally flawed philosophical principles and always have, because your theories are based on feelings and not logic and empiricism. You forget that there is what you see and what is actually there, and if your lens of observation is flawed, the view of what is there will be flawed as well.
How lefties could change for the better (but we know they probably won't)
- Learn the trivium, and focus on logic.
- Read something on economic theory that isn't marxist or keynesian. I recommend F. A. Hayek and the road to serfdom, or perhaps watch some videos featuring Thomas Sowell.
- Learn the principles of biology as a physical science instead of a social one.
- Learn to understand that because we are individuals we cannot be all the same or just grouped into buckets, so the only system that can work is one which takes into account our individualism, namely capitalism.
- Learn that if you focus on privileges for minority groups over the negative rights of all, people will consider your opinion on what should be done as worthless.
- Perhaps most of all, learn some humility. Learn that maybe you could be fundamentally wrong and learn to accept failure. If you can't do that much, you won't grow.
None of the info seems realistic to me now. I'm calling shenanigans.
- why the hell would you hold a dance party on the border with an enemy who just invaded your country and Where the hell did Hamas get an airforce from?
- did the dance party even happen at all??
- wtf happened to the IDF border guards?
- the usual footage recycling scheme at play from the msm, as may attack are being represented as current, and IDF forces are being shown as has militants.
Seriously, if anyone believes the narrative as it stands, then aren't paying any attention to the past or the strategies the Media use constantly to deceive us....

Sitting in the autoshop in VA and a member of 10th mountain walked in a moment ago. They are everywhere I swear...
First - everyone should re-read the post: which started this panic. In particular, note the second paragraph on how he is becoming the executive chairman instead of CEO.
A lot of people think "the CEO controls the company" and for some companies that is the case. Companies with no board of directors (eg private companies) often have a CEO leading them, like twitter has been since Musk bought it and made it a private company again. However, by making himself the executive chairman (with no other board members), the power still lies with him.
CEO vs Executive Chairman
A Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the strategic direction and the overall running of a company. It is traditionally a position of near ultimate control strategically, and affords a lot of power over appointing other executives and directors. They also have to work out how to get investment under the boards supervision.
The chairman of a company board is above the CEO. the CEO reports to the chairman, and the chairman can fire a CEO, especially if he is the only person on the board (which is the case for musk).
Why no one panicking about the new CEO is playing chess
- Everyone sees the CEO label and thinks "they will control twitter" where in fact musk still has final say on CEO decisions
- Elon is also owning the CTO post, so he still has technical control of code and product development, so the CEO won't be able to steer the direction of technical development and will in effect be reporting to the CTO.
- Given the above, the CEO post is a bit of a "face of twitter" role. It is one which could be anyone and it won't really matter. Musk still will run the important parts directly, and will still have ultimate power over twitter (until a real board forms), while the new CEO has to take the bad press and deflect it.
- This new appointment being a woman who is a WEFer is brilliant to my view when looked at in this lens. Musk has taken a known globalist and made them into a form of human shield for twitter. She now has to run cover for Musk and protect twitter from the bad press financially, in order to attract investment along musk's direction.
I pity whomever takes this role, regardless of who they are. They'll have no real power, they'll be constantly trying to make twitter look good in the face of anti twitter pressures from the lefties they always supported before, and in effect will become pariahs if they come from a globalist position beforehand. Plus, musk can discard them as he sees fit, especially if they a) break ranks with him or b) no longer become useful to him. Once they are no longer effective verbal bullet shields, musk can hire someone new to replace them.
That's my two cents on this shift. It's a game of misdirection and semantics, with no real difference in what will be occurring. Musk wants twitter to be profitable, and this acts as a shield for him to achieve that goal.

There is a new AI provider, OpenAI. Thry also have built a chat app called Chat GPT. This thing is mental. For the firat time in years of reading on AI with script autogeneration, I'm seeing a product that (more often than not) works to generate content and not fail memes.
Tell it to produce a passage of a guy putting a pbj sandwich in a VCR in the form of a biblical passage or sermon, and it creates one that makes actual sense and isn't completely insane.
Tell it to refactor php code into react.js and it creates workong code. Tell it to use a formatting on that code and it will.
This thing looks like it is a real gamechanger. For the first time in decades of hearong nothing but hype about AI, I'm seeing actual substance.
I don't have an account yet as i dont dev code anymore, but shows some of the things it can do. Thought it was worth sharing.
I see a lot of "I'm disappointed by the speech" and "it was a low energy post for a 2024 run" going around today. I know we all wanted the war we are in to go into a speed up phase where people are being arrested publicly. We aren't there yet.
I'd like to take some time to point out the following:
- We are fighting a global cabal, one with entrenched power and capital. Its not some single entity with a single head we can hang. It is thousands, perhaps millions of criminals working in lock step.
- Trump has always been portrayed as a firebrand, a lunatic declaring "impossible" events occurring. This time he appeared like a proper statesmen. I was speaking to my mother earlier in the week on him, and she was saying he was too much of a loose cannon to be viable for 2024. I am looking forward to seeing if she still feels that way today, as he was calm and collected and did not fit the pattern the liars and smear merchants have been painting in the media.
- It isnt the responsibility of one man to fix this all for us. If you think your vote was stolen, then check. There are tools out there to confiem the status of your vote. If you voted and it wasnt counted, check and flag it with truethevote and your candidate. Take some responsibility for participating in a rigged game and help to prove it is what we all know it is - corrupt and flawed.
- Arizona is about to go full on protest mode tomorrow due to the obvious fraud performed. Kari hasn't conceded. Neither has Masters. If you live in Arizona, help your fellow citizens and walk out. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out of your state without your voice being heard and a new election performed. The whole country should be peacefully aiding this state in its up coming civil disobedience actions. Make the state give the people what they demand - a fair election. Then do it again for PA, NV, CA, and everywhere else where the steal is in.
- People seem to be missing the forest for the trees on front of their faces. We won the house. No more J6 committee as most of the people running it were voted out. Pelosi is out. No more frivolous lawsuits to keep trump out. Protections now are in place for two years for the president. The senate is also still a toss up. Have faith on God saving this land from 2 more years of Biden's hellscape plans.
- If you hate how this country is being run, dont put your faith that one person will fix it. Politics is and always has been a mug's game. You have the power to speak and to protest. Use it wisely. Don't sit back and wait for someone else to save you. Put on the armor of God and stand up for what you believe in. The time is now to let your voice be heard.
- Georgia has a run off election in play. Dont let them do what they did to AZ there.
- You can start to demand elections are run the way they were in TX and FL. The rest of the nation's trickling flow of votes is a joke and makes it look weak and powerless to fight corruption. But a nation is made up only of its people. Are you weak? Are you powerless? No.
- There is plenty of red pilling still to be done. If you desert the cause now you have wasted years and for what? Acquiescence? That speech wasn't for you. It was for those still asleep. If you go back to bed now, you learned nothing.
- Yesterday wwiii was averted. The "disinfo" conferences from bush and barry are useless now. The wind has been dropped from the cabal's sails. And we have no real idea what the MIL did while all eyes were on trump.
- May i remind all of you that WE ARE AT WAR. Quit your whining and hold the line. God is with us, and the devil won't win, so stop complaining and help fix America in real terms.
- This wasnt a referendum on trump, and even if it was he got a 90% rate of success in this fight. Stop crying over the few we didnt win and do something to help. It was a referendum on Biden, and we got a lot of ground back. Dont give an inch in return.
- This is a game of chess. Trump said "im charging now" then played a strong defensive move instead. He blindsided the cabal. Hes smart enoigh not to be drawn in.
Remember, NCSWIC isnt a catchphrase. It is reality.
I know how things look on the surface, but for some reason im full of hope. We are seeing a paradigm shift of late myself. A lot has happened that the election coverage has nissed.
- Evelyn de Rothschild is dead
- SBF and FTX shown to be corrupt and slush funds for the election (violating numerous laws). Dont forget the mil planes that went to the bahamas. They said police caught SBF, but i wonder if it was MP forces
- the sleepers qere activated all at once over the "desantis trump spat" which looks a lot like kabuki to me or is trump outing a plant. They have thrown the whole lot into the fray and we know the hidden enemy within well now.
- michael burry buying prison stocks like it is going out of fashion. That guy is autism squared when it comes to finances, and he knows something is coming.
- then there is trump himself saying tomorrow will be one of the hallmarks of history with his speak. A bit late in the evening for me to catch but i look forward to the fallout of the tactical nuke i expect in this new age of warfare.
- NG called out in numerous states, all of which had issues in the election. Odd isn't it that where the military is watching hardest, everything goes wrong?
- the red wave was so real that many states are still calculating votes to prevent the inevitable. The fraud is now so blatant it boggles my mind.
- space force shuttle landed, ending a major mission.
- immediately after that, military activity went wild and then dark.
Given all this, i doubt the election we just had will be able to stand up to pressure coming in hot. I see the dawn coming frens. I hope the first rays pf the brilliant sun will rise tomorrow on america, but we will see. The piece to me look set at last. Now, get your popcorn frens.
We were promised that nothing can stop what is coming. I still believe. In the end, God wins. Never forget that.
Some musings on this election:
- I'm mostly in line with x-22 on this result so far
- We are at war. No war is won without some losses
- Do not be too open with your emotions or opinions at this time. Wait for reality to stabilise before voicing too much. Most Socmed is still not secure, and still has deep state tentacles
- If you saw suspicious activity, report it to truethevote for collation
- Pray for those who are still being decided here. Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, and Georgia senate, as they are key to the end results here
- It is my opinion Oz conceded due to being little more than a plant for fetterman to run againat. PA, CA, and NY are all compromised and hemorrhaging citizens.
- Never forget. Never forgive the theft.
- Always remember: NCSWIC. NOTHING.
I've been watching some old series of late, and started up xfiles a few days ago. Started with a feature film that talked about an alien disease that would be the ultimate plague, and how the world of man would basically end in 2030. But then i started binging the series again.
S2E14 touches on the satanic cult effect, the ritualistic rape and sacrifices of children in such scenarios, "american stonehenge" (Georgia guidestones), and how people of power at the school in the small town it is filmed in have faith in the devil.
Key elements from the episode (spoilers):
- Blood of the young is very powerful
- "do what thou whilst" is mentioned (Alistair Crowley's rule one)
- The name of the school is Crowley Elementary
- The witch (Mrs. Paddock), responsible for the deaths of two students, has a pet snake that eats the one who betrays the local sect, and she winds up being show with snake's eyes (an homage possibly to reptilians)
- The original sect "lost its faith" and the witch punishes them by killing the original sect using black magic, then vanishes
Will keep watching to see if another hint of what they do comes out from this series in particular.
- Queen is dead.
- UK nearly collapsed its currency and bond market with a tax cut (supposedly), and real estate is falling
- Wokeism seems to be dying at speed in courts, politics, and public aentiments
- Big companies are deprioritising ESG work (im speaking with insider knowledge on a global corp in the ftse top ten that planned to do it last quarter for this quarter, then shifted away from it recently and removed funding to work on it)
- Reserves of physical metal are falling draatically again
- Konnech CEO arrested
- The child trafficking cases are still being tackled at a rate that exceeds my ability to cover it the way i used to
- Elon owns twitter now and apparently jack wants it to be open sourced
- The media is panicking over "qanon" as trump continues to endorse Q extremely publicly
- Cdc keeps downgrading governance on covid and we keep getting shown we're right on the vaxx issues
- Biden looks more and more like a dictator every day to more and more people
- Russia has flipped the script by bringing all the regions of war in the Ukraine under its bear claw, and is now playing chicken with Ukraine and nato
- Nordstream pipeline called out as probably a us infrastructure hit job (red October) both directly and indirectly
- Maga candidates are getting more and more traction
- National guard called out more and more in my best Billy Mayes accent: But wait there's more!!! Edit to include new finds on GAW
- Ukraine nazis accused of assassination of daria dugina
- Canada contracts with WEF shown, 102m in canuck bucks
- UK central bank purported bailed out by fed according to twatter links from investment groups (which were then yeeted from the platform)
- Florida showing the nation it will do right by its people poat hurricane ian
Frens - we are winning. Don't let any scaremongering or doomers convince you otherwise. The world is changing, and we are driving it. Never forget nothing can stop what ia coming, and WWG1WGAWW

A couple weeks ago i saw pol go crazy over aquariums in TX thanks to possts like this one:
My own life now is full of activity once more and i rarely get time to do any proper digging of late, but i suspect texas isnt the only place. Here's what i planned to do if i wasn't balls deep on my real life shtf plan implementation and rebuilding myself physically and mentally.
- Go on a local search site for businesses like yelp, or reviw your yellow pages
- Find addresses for aquariums starting with two initial letters (eg: HR Aquarium)
- Go on Google street view and check if it has a store front at thw registered address.
- If not, flag it here or on pol if you post on the boards
I'd do this myself if i had time but life is busy and good for a change