I may be over reacting, but what with some recent events around the boards, my spidy sense is tingling.

  • The Biden Pardons - Hunter was obvious. But now he's done his whole family, and the biggest targets for investigation as well, it feels more like he has put targets on people. The Pardons are blankets for the latest lots, and they have no apparent topic, which tbh is insane. And people are now looking at these as if guilt should be ascribe to all of them, whereas before many still thought they were on the up and up. No one has ever assigned a pardon without a crime being declared before, even Ford with nixon didn't do that.
  • guards trying to keep pardoned j6ers from even leaving dc - this made me confused but I thought just sour grapes. Annoying, but it's DC. Now I'm not so sure.
  • judges trying to stop j6 victims in CA from having freedom after being released - this had me worried. It's one thing for DC idiots to do it, it's another for a judge to openly defy the order after it's been executed. It sets quite the precedent too, one she will be paying for from the cabal once it gets used on the Bidens/Fauci/Milley et all.
  • ice agent in freaking Vermont killed stopping a migrant in routine check stop - this is proper freaking me out, as its the first proper victim of the second stage. Vermont is not where I expected the first fatality on the deportation mission to happen. I expected a fatal shooting somewhere, maybe the southern border, but not the northern one.

It feels like the deep state is picking the wrong battles on every level now. They keep making very stupid mistakes. It is literally shooting their own feet daily now. They are creating flash points and highlights, adding visibility to the injustice and criminality rhsg are willing to inflict on us.

I wish they'd just accept that it's over, but I worry they'll make this a hot war first.


I look at Clinton, Bush, and Biden (cant even see Obama on the footage right now) and all of them look just wrong. The faces are nothing like what I remembered from recent footage. All of them look broken and beaten spiritually and emotionally.

Trump has total control over the situation, and God is winning the day!


This week I've been watching GAW in particular and I saw everyone chipping in to report child trafficking and pedo related issues. So this week, I decided to do a special edition exclusively to GAW based reports to highlight the data our fellow frens provided us all. I will say this week has a heavy lean on the UK scandals in particular, but we do have some us news too.

My thanks to the pedes here on GAW for finding good info without seeking anything for it. I hope you'll continue to do so. Especially u/catsfive, u/purkiss80, u/brain_dead, and u/ashlanddog who definitively overrepresented themselves this week in finding this data. You guys rock.

  1. From our illustrious mod u/catsfive - an O'Keefe whistleblower showed the fbi wants to downgrade child sex investigations: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LUyEp3/whistleblower-steps-forward-to-r/c/
  2. From our SA superfren u/purkiss80 - rockafeller, rothschilds, and trudeau's famous PM father named as pedos by victim: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LacI0u/the-elite-pedophile-network-davi/c/
  3. From the best doggo u/ashlanddog - the great British scandal of grooming gangs, why it was covered up and why justice has been denied (hint: multiculturalism) : https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1GyVAfQ/how-the-grooming-gangs-scandal-w/c/
  4. From u/catsfive once more, and continuing the last link's theme - a victim is contacted by UK's south Yorkshire police to stop talking about their experiences with grooming gangs: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1Gv75lf/tonight-a-police-station-contact/c/
  5. From u/purkiss80 once more, this time on a UK Labour former mp Ivor Caplin who criticised Musk throwing his weight around, being caught by citizens seeking sex with a minor and arrested: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LacZ3z/breaking-former-labour-mp-ivor-c/c/ honorable mention to u/smellorama for the brietbart article related to this: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LZUim7/-uk--former-labour-mp-reportedly/
  6. Once more the dog delivers, as u/ashlanddog shared this - how a Bill could be stalled in the UK over the grooming gang scandal: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1Gtx2UC/mps-debate-child-safeguarding-te/c/
  7. u/purkiss80 once again delivers, this time for Wales - little girls are being used in ads to attract immigrants to come to Wales from the areas that have the highest chance of delivering rapists of white girls: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LacHsn/in-wales-the-welsh-refugee-counc/c/
  8. u/catsfive delivered this from X on politicians and rabbis being arrested in NJ in a trafficking ring, with crimes from child trafficking, money laundering, and organ trafficking: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1GsoNS5/ryanmattamedia-17-rabbis-arreste/c/
  9. And now from u/praying61 - a deep comment from Gen. Flynn and his thoughts on child predators: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1CDK09M/gen-flynn-about-the-future-of-ch/c/
  10. I mucked the sourcing on this but it was related to one u/purkiss80 posted, but here is a pic from the GAW media section on Tommy Robinson highlighting senior police being photographed with members of the grooming gangs: https://media.greatawakening.win/post/9Qy1N4U3AuYF.jpeg
  11. And now u/brain_dead with a Louisiana mayor being arrested in relation to prostitution and drug trafficking: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1GsoNJn/louisianas-youngest-mayors-arres/c/
  12. It seems u/purkiss80 has been as active as Elon, this time with an older tale of Grenville Jenner, a Labour lord, who was never tried for his child sex crimes in the UK as his age and health were deemed to be a factor: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LadfOQ/child-abuse-detectives-raid-labo/c/ (for details here's the wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greville_Janner)
  13. This one is from u/Joys1Daughter - a list of 50 Labour pedos who held some form of office and their crimes against children. Mayor's, councillors, and all sorts of officials are guilty and it explains why so little is done to stop the endemic rape of British boys and girls: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LaeDMF/labour-pedos-50-of-themwanna/c/
  14. Aaand I lost the history on this one so whomever posted it I'm sorry, but you did a good job finding it whomever you were - how the grooming scandal massively predates the Blair years of open borders: https://www.jaccusepaper.co.uk/p/the-historical-context-of-pakistani?triedRedirect=true
  15. HT to u/Kimball_Kinnisonfor this one - how the suicide prevention Hotline the Tervor Project is purportedly used for human trafficking: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1Le3OaH/the-trevor-project-is-supposedly/c/
  16. Another from u/brain_dead - an LGBTQ teacher has been arrested for child porn possession: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QDtArZ/lgbtq-activist-teacher-in-missou/c/ link is in comments to the PM article.
  17. Once more u/brain_dead finds dirt on the UK, with the pipeline of child sex trafficking to organ harvesting being exposed by an MP to Infowars: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QDsu0p/uk-mp-exposes-child-trafficking-/c/
  18. u/purkiss80 and u/smellorama both found articles that highlight a whistleblower revealing how the Rotherham scandal purposefully tried to cover up senior police officer's trying to downplay the issue, and how they helped in making this rape of Britain a thing: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QBbYXd/a-whistleblower-has-claimed-that/c/ and https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1Le2qov/-no-surprise--top-cops-shielded-/ respectively

If you see something, say something

US contact details

NCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678 NCMEC Cybertiplines: https://report.cybertip.org/ or https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline or call 1-800-THE-LOST National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 or humantraffickinghotline.org HSI/ICE toll-free hotline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE | Anonymous toll-free ICE Tip Line: (866) 347-2423 Tip Form: https://www.ice.gov/webform/ice-tip-form#wcm-survey-target-id

United Kingdom contact details

Urgent: 101 or Contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially: 08000 121700 (24/7) https://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/helplines Children support: 0800 1111 | Adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000 | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ Report CSAM: https://report.iwf.org.uk/en/ | https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ Scotland Police: https://www.scotland.police.uk/contact-us/

Interpol, Europol, & EU contact details

Contact Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-help Europol tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 | https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime EU Hotlines: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotlines/national-hotlines_en

South Africa contact details

South African National Human Trafficking Hotline: 0800222777 | https://0800222777.org.za/

Global contact details

Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers Global: List of Emergency Telephone numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers

And as always, Remember - NCSWIC. NOTHING.

UK Petition did as much as expected 🤜 FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! 🤛
posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate

Those who remember the Petition to have a General Election in the UK with about 5% of the country signing it probably knew it was going to land flat. And it did. But we have more data as a response was shared.

This Government is fixing the foundations and delivering change with investment and reform to deliver growth, with more jobs, more money in people’s pockets, to rebuild Britain and get the NHS back on its feet. This will be built on the strong foundations of a stable economy, national security and secure borders as we put politics back in the service of working people.

On entering office, a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances. We inherited unprecedented challenges, with crumbling public services and crippled public finances, but will deliver a decade of national renewal through our five missions: economic growth, fixing the NHS, safer streets, making Britain a clean energy super-power and opportunity for all. This is what was promised and is what we are delivering.

The Government’s first Budget freed up tens of billions of pounds to invest in Britain’s future while locking in stability, preventing devastating austerity in our public services and protecting working people’s payslips.

Mission-led government rejects the sticking-plaster solutions of the past and unites public and private sectors, national, devolved and local government, business and unions, and the whole of civil society in a shared purpose. The Government will continue to deliver the manifesto of change that it was elected on.

UK economy: current result FAIL

Since September, the pound has been tanking.. It's still trending down. Taxes are up, pensioners are getting screwed over, and the NHS has been getting worse and worse.

Also, according to Ons Unemployment is up too, and the job market is from the look of it, the job market is shrinking. Growth at best is stagnant since July, and has been on a downturn since 2022 at least here in the UK. Si six months in and they are weak on promise 1

fixing the NHS: current result: FAIL

NHS still has massive staff shortages. It still has too little money. Personal experience of the GP system here for me and my wife is so hit and miss it beggars belief.

Anecdotally, I have a bad case of psoriasis that is starting to give me arthritis at fucking 40, and I had an appointment to see a specialist. It was pushed from 3 months wait, to 18 months wait, then the next week it was unilaterally cancelled. I went private, cost hundreds of pounds as a result to me out of pocket, but got treated at least. Still an issue but one I can at least try to manage myself now. Wife has had lots of health related scares and the only way I can get scans done for her in a timely fashion is to pay for them myself. Her favourite doctor is now Dr. Chat GuPTa

But don't take my word for it:

So year, NHS is still a shit show

safer streets? Current result: fail

Southport massacre. Grooming gang scandals not being addressed or taken with the severity they should be still. UK police appear to be overwhelmed and staffed with weak cops.

If I need to source this, you just have to look at Elon's posts on the failure of the UK to protect its girls from harm.

clean energy? Expected to fail, it's a six year plan

There is no wiggle room for errors in the plan. It looks like it's another target based policy which was only designed to give government more control, which in my view is never good.


Opportunity for all: current result fail

British men have been complaining the job market doesn't exist for them out of university at all because they are white males. White men are part of all, and dei is impacting them. Hard. As I already mentioned the job market has shrunk. The pound is down and investment is drying up. I would not be surprised if we aren't in a recession already, or about to enter one.

So yeah, for all their blather, the government and the cabinet Office can kiss my arse with its lies until the cows come home. I won't believe the system is working as they say it will. I'll believe it is working based on how it delivers results, and right now it isn't.


I posted a chunk of my original thoughts here as a comment. I wanted to expand on it without rehashing it too much (but I probably will a bit, sorry), especially after seeing u/catsfive comments here on the false post regarding Oprah leaving the country.

I recommend you read the links above, then proceed.

Recent examples of a worrying trend

So first off, let's review a few similar posts to the Oprah one:

  • oregeon firefighters being held up by incompetent california gov - disproven by the oregon fire department itself, which said they are in the fight right now.
  • There was a false claim I saw shared a few days ago (gone now, thank you mods!) that the Diddy LA mansion burned down before the investigators could visit it. It was raided last year ffs, it kicked off the scandal we know of today. It was so wrong the first community note was a French men's response.
  • some source shared (again can no longer find the posts so I think our good and gracious mods have been hard at work tossing bad bread away) a bad source (I think it was Stew Peters) who again was proven wrong in x community notes.

There are some other examples I saw since the new year too, so I know the mods have their work still cut out for them. Point is there are still people who reposted these claims in various forms, and a lot of them have weak data support (and/or are outright false)

Okay some things on GAW are wrong factually, but so what? that's true for a lot of news aggregators, right?

First off, GAW isn't just another news aggregator, though it does serve that type of function for a lot of us. If you think it is, you didn't read the sidebar on your pc for this place. GAW is a haven for high quality data and support for the Great Awakening.

People will need us to help them navigate the hellscape about to be shown to them. We need good quality data to do that. Also, News aggregators historically aggregate MSM mostly, and that is dead media now due to bad data and outright lies to us all. We are the news so let's not act like the reporters who fed narratives.

Secondly, this place has been fighting shills, DDoS attacks, glowies, paytriots, and all sorts of bad actors for years now. Our mods are simply superb at keeping the crap away from their fellow frens. I remember the days when glowy FET theory spreaders used to try to forum slide good data in comments, and the next day they were all squished like roaches under banhammers. The mods still do the same today, and I'm sure will continue to do so. I propose we help make their jobs easier by not feeding the problem posts save calling them out.

Thirdly, as I said in my comment I linked, in the title, and just a moment ago we are the news now. That is the function for many of the digital soldiers that aren't among the autists of the chans helping the white hats precision strike isis, identifying body doubles, or image analysing antifa members as criminals and catching them in the act. We each have our purpose here, be it getting/giving support, sharing good/bad news, or morale boosting the crowd. GAW rocks, so let's make sure we keep it rocking!

u/ashlanddog does great aggregation of all sorts of info in huge bursts. I'm more niche as I focus on human trafficking and the like (I'll keep trying to do one a week BTW). Others here are hot on medicine and share how ivermectin is a cure for cancer and possibly the common cold. Find your subset and grind it!

We have a responsibility to provide as good a dataset as we can before SHTF, which tbh won't be long now. We are gonna get a lot of newbies in the coming months, so we need to guide them accordingly, frens.

Okay... so how can I avoid feeding the bad actors / sharing false data?

Pay attention to the following a few simple rules I try to live by (emphasis on try). I try to follow these in the order I am giving them as well:

  1. Trust but verify: Conformation bias is a helliva drug, frens. We all want to believe shit is going down, or x organisation is malicious/incompetent, or people are fleeing America that hurt it for decades, but we cannot jump the gun. it is worth remembering that before upvoting or presuming something as true just because you want it to be, verify it is. If you can't be bothered to do that, don't bother to upvote it at all.
  2. Pay attention to types of data being shared: an image alone is lower data value than a tweet. A tweet with no sauces is lower data value than a sourced tweet. A sourced tweet is lower data value than a tweet thread. A tweet thread is lower quality than a tweet thread with lots of high quality sourcing in it. Same for videos, no data sourcing in the vid, low quality food for news. Multiple points of backing = high quality data. Follow data sourcing rules, and things will go better for you.
  3. Drop any bad data sources as shills/paytriots: X is the primary source for many new events, and paytriots / shills have seen the shift and are starting to capitalise on it. Unfortunately it means that we will have an influx of crap hitting x, and by extension GAW. Remember the axiom "fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you." I'll give sources two shots total, and if two consecutive falsehood come out without any corrections, that source is deadweight for me. Stop following them if it happens to you, and perhaps let us on GAW know the source is compromised (mods - recommend a flair for that, like "Shill alert!" or something).
  4. Remember rule one: It bears repeating. A key aspect of things I saw with the click baity posts lately are they were things we wanted to presume. We want to presume cali is so incompetent they will let everything burn out of spite like Nero, so much so that they will stop help from other states providing it. We want to believe Oprah is running away. But wanting something hard enough doesn't make it come true. So remember rule one.

Final thoughts

As I said in that linked comment, our job isn't over. It's only just beginning. If we are the news now, then we have to provide as high quality info as we can.

Personal experiences of what is happening? Do it. Aggreagting key topics on the issues we are facing? Do it. Local wins? Do it. Advice that worked for us to get through the nightmares we have after knowing all the dark we have hidden in the system? Do it. Little steps taken complete the journey over time. Help everyone know your steps and we can carry another and each other on this journey together.

Above all else remember that we are in God's hands, and are his servants. So serve him well, and do not presume you are but an observer alone. Get involved. Be the change you want in the world. We are going to see change like we have never seen in our lifetimes. It will likely be as revolutionary as the printing press, steam engine, atomic energy, Internet, or possibly all of them combined. We have to help people through these changes before we lose them as part of the 4-6%.

We are in it together, frens. Let's goooooo!



  • Billy Crystal: Lost his Pacific Palisades home of 46 years, with him and his wife, Janice, confirming the destruction in a statement.
  • Paris Hilton: Lost her home in the wildfires, with the exact location not specified in the available reports.
  • Eugene Levy: Forced to evacuate his home, with reports indicating that his property was among those destroyed in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood.
  • James Woods: Lost his Pacific Palisades property, breaking down in tears on live TV as he described the devastation. Feeling particularly bad about this one...
  • Milo Ventimiglia: Returned to his burnt-out home, describing the experience as “heavy” and confirming that his wife, Jariah Mariano, who is nine months pregnant, and he are safe.
  • John Goodman: Lost his home in the wildfires, with the exact location not specified in the available reports.
  • Adam Brody: Lost his home, with his wife, Leighton Meester, also affected by the wildfires.
  • Cary Elwes: Lost his home, with him and his wife, Lisa Marie Elwes, expressing gratitude for surviving the fire and extending their thanks to the firefighters and first responders.
  • Ricki Lake: Lost her “dream home” in the wildfires, escaping with her dog, Dolly, and “not much else”.
  • Mandy Moore: Evacuated her home, with reports indicating that her property was among those destroyed in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood.
  • Mark Hamill: Evacuated his Malibu home, describing the blaze as the “most horrific” since 1993.

Currently evacuated but homes still standing

  • Jamie Lee Curtis: Her home has survived the wildfires, but she expressed sadness over the destruction of her neighborhood and the loss of homes by her friends and neighbors.
  • Hunter Biden: The status of his home is currently unclear, with conflicting reports suggesting it may have been destroyed or might still be standing, as his father, Joe Biden, mentioned during a briefing on the fires.
  • Tom Hanks: his home has narrowly escaped the devastating Los Angeles wildfires, with the $26 million residence remaining untouched despite the nearby properties being destroyed. (fire is a cruel and somewhat unpredictable mistress)
  • Ben Affleck: Returned to his $20 million Pacific Palisades home after it survived the deadly LA wildfire that forced him to evacuate. The actor, who had been staying with his ex-wife Jennifer Garner, was seen arriving at his home, which is still in an evacuation zone, on Wednesday
  • Steven Spielberg: Steven Spielberg’s home in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles has been spared from the devastating wildfires. Despite the fires consuming over 17,000 acres and forcing many celebrities to evacuate their homes, Spielberg’s sprawling, wooded estate remains intact

Remember, this is a developing scenario. These homes are still in a danger zone, and at risk of damage/destruction.


I smell fear from the cabal. I smell fear from the elite. It is ripe and tasty, and is giving me such a desire to see the whole corrupt plague of nightmare fuel-ridden demons destroyed entirely. I can smell the blood in the water.

  • nervous laughs from Obama next to Trump. He knows he's gone and fucked up with trying to get trump killed. He knows he's on the Diddy tapes.
  • Elon is going full hulk mode on the UK single handedly, and is by far doing more damage to Kier Starmer's career with kier's career history, as amazing as that is. All of it over the Rape of Britain too. Kier is an example of failing up to the top post, so let's see if Elon can bring him tumbling down.
  • the fires in la burning all the places by the infamous PB mansion tunnels. Actors and celebs who lived in paradise now see hell upon them. Yes it is likely arson, but seeing the level of devastating destruction (and having lived through fire too) it looks like an act of God upon the earth in scale. And I could not think of a more deserving set to face it. And I have faced losing my home to fire myself, so I know the pain well.
  • trudeau is out on his arse. Niff said for that POS
  • resignations all over the place within the fbi and other alphabet agencies. Good riddance to them all, hope the white hats reserve them all a cell in gbay.
  • ally Carter on Diddy tapes is driving nails in hard onto all of the scum. That girl is fire. I pray for her safety and that she helps us to see justice, not just pain.
  • the administration has to reward the worst of the lot with freedom medals to make them all look good again. It's like the Obama Nobel peace prize for being the first black president of America, being followed up by making Pakistani kids scared of blue skies via predator drones. The smell test is terrible

my bingo card is full, and loads of shit happening never even made it on the card. The next 11 days are going to be a mad, mad ride. I honestly didn't think the world would get crazier than it has the past 4 years, but every time I think we are at the precipice some cabalite comes around playing a game of "hold my beer".

Stay safe, people. May God be with us all in the coming days and months ahead.


For reference, my go to archival sites, archive.is and archive.ph, are now misbehaving with my VPN (Nord), this time on my phone as well. So be advised, you may need to temporarily disable VPN to access these archive links too. The news since my last post on this is limited, so I've thrown in a fair bit on the UK grooming gang scandal and some older links from 2024 again that I think I missed last time.

Onto the new year's first news round up on the arrests concerning the real problem in the world we are fighting (abuse and trafficking of the kiddies).

  1. UK - first, a lotus eaters video. 3 days into 2025, and Elon has decided to go on the attack against the British government's handling of the grooming gang scandals. Glad to see him on the warpath over this - https://youtu.be/AcioBWMmQxU?si=fN0rHDUxD-0hy1PE
  2. UK - Let's continue the theme of number 1 with the tories berating Labour over the Oldham scandal, while Farage berates the tories for doing equally little for years when they had power - https://archive.ph/WNyub
  3. UK - apparently there's a pass the buck game between the local and national government in the UK over this scandal now. Jess Philips refused to start a gov inquiry after the council requested it, saying it was the council's job: https://archive.is/KdfCQ
  4. UK - finally, let's dig up a little history too on this, as guess who was in charge of the Prosecution services in the UK during the scandals? If you said Kier Starmer, you're right! - https://archive.is/MwcTN & https://archive.is/asKks
  5. North Carolina, USA - Trump assassin Ryan Routh's son arrested for child porn possession. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree: https://archive.is/eFpKW
  6. New Mexico, USA - an inquiry into Meta's child porn rings (operation Metaphile) leads to the arrest of 3 men: https://archive.is/hJZdT
  7. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA - Grandson of teniss legend Bobby Riggs, Daniel Riggs, arrested for child porn. He was a tennis coach : https://archive.is/nZXh3
  8. Buffalo, New York, USA - an ontario man (dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship) crossing into the US on the peace Bridge was arrested while in possession of child porn: https://archive.is/saBkP
  9. Florida Keys, Florida, USA - Eric Cadogan and his wife Kia abused and distributed their footage of child abuse from their houseboat. Eric has been sentenced to 20 years of prison: https://archive.is/Mx97U
  10. Wisconsin, USA - woman held captive by her boyfriend as she was exploited via Only Fans. Investigations have show many "content creators" are actually being abused through the platform by their partners: https://archive.is/GjdVB
  11. Cambodia - an odd case of trafficking as 13 pregnant women were convicted of trafficking via surrogacy: https://archive.is/w38Gn
  12. USA - federal government finally recognises child soldier training and recruitment as a form of human trafficking: https://archive.is/Zp0IV
  13. Quebec, Canada - 17 arrested in raids across the province over child porn charges: https://archive.is/37TFa
  14. UK / Belgium - a people smuggling ring was raided in a joint task force sting operation. 3 afgani nationals were arrested in the UK on behalf of the Belgian government: https://archive.is/9M5TF

If you see something, say something

US contact details

NCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678 NCMEC Cybertiplines: https://report.cybertip.org/ or https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline or call 1-800-THE-LOST National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 or humantraffickinghotline.org HSI/ICE toll-free hotline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE | Anonymous toll-free ICE Tip Line: (866) 347-2423 Tip Form: https://www.ice.gov/webform/ice-tip-form#wcm-survey-target-id

United Kingdom contact details

Urgent: 101 or Contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially: 08000 121700 (24/7) https://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/helplines Children support: 0800 1111 | Adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000 | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ Report CSAM: https://report.iwf.org.uk/en/ | https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ Scotland Police: https://www.scotland.police.uk/contact-us/

Interpol, Europol, & EU contact details

Contact Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-help Europol tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 | https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime EU Hotlines: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotlines/national-hotlines_en

South Africa contact details

South African National Human Trafficking Hotline: 0800222777 | https://0800222777.org.za/

Global contact details

Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers Global: List of Emergency Telephone numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers

And as always, Remember - NCSWIC. NOTHING.


I'll be doing another news round up this week, but it is Christmas day and the only child I am thinking of is the one born in Bethlehem over two millenia ago. But until then, may all of my frens here have a merry Christmas, and I hope you all enjoy this season to the fullest.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a lamb leg I need to spend the next 5 hours prepping and cooking for dinner


It has been a couple of years since I’ve done one of these. In that time I've dated, remarried, started writing fiction, reconnected with my family properly in the USA, lost and gained much. I figured with the news in the media of Diddy eating the air wares of all oxygen for trafficking, it was worth restarting the Orbital View series.

I still haven't found a way to make this less of a problem for my mental health, but it's been so long that I'm worried people are missing some big hits. It's also been so long that I am going to be rehashing things that probably/definitely were posted here as individual items, so apologies in advance.

At the time of writing this, I am having to jump through hoops to document things, as Archive.is is for some reason failing to load on my PC but works fine on my phone. If the links are broken for you, hopefully jumping on a new device will work. Something is wrong with the site’s nginx web service for PC, but not for mobiles. I always archive these to make sure they survive editing but sometimes the archive links are tetchy.

Anyways, enough with the intro. On with the fireball edition!

  1. Lynchburg, VA: Man arrested for sex trafficking: https://archive.is/f1jho
  2. Scottsdale, AZ: Child sex trafficking ring leader caught: https://archive.is/jhWQa
  3. San Diego, CA: Comic-Con Sex trafficking sting arrests 14 this past summer: https://archive.is/KRWKd
  4. Rockford, IL: 6 men arrested in human traffficking Sting https://archive.is/ZLVYh
  5. Thailand: British national arrested following child abuse investigations: https://archive.is/2TU0m
  6. UK: Third woman arrested in Paisley brothel human trafficking probe: https://archive.is/64y28
  7. UK: Nine arrested during major INTERPOL operation on human trafficking: https://archive.is/XnSSx
  8. Polk County, FL: 157 people arrested, including 25 illegals, during Operation Autumn Sweep human trafficking sting: https://archive.is/OhuN7
  9. USA: High end real estate agents, the Alexander brothers, arrested over sex trafficking charges involving clients being given the opportunity to assault women: https://archive.is/frVD6
  10. Philadelphia, PA: 22 arrested for operating a human trafficking ring that existed for years: https://archive.is/T7p2P
  11. Save the Children in Guatemala had its offices raided over child abuse allegations: https://archive.is/PD2VH
  12. Los Angeles County CA: soccer coach arrested for possession of child porn: https://archive.is/ND8y1
  13. Rio Vista, CA: Baseball coach arrested for child porn charges: https://archive.is/bJfOn
  14. Canada: 17 arrested in Quebec over a child porn ring: https://archive.is/37TFa
  15. India: 20 Places raided and 10 arrested in child pron sting: https://archive.is/wTc6B
  16. South Africa: Two arrested in international child porn probe: https://archive.is/dvQLp
  17. Dallas, TX: 28 children rescued, 59 adults arrested in massive CP sting: https://archive.is/4mWRP
  18. Concordia Parish, 8 A: Multi-agency sting uncovers two child exploitation rings in Louisiana: https://archive.is/82tEh
  19. Katy, TX: 2 arrested for trafficking children out of a motel for an escort site: https://archive.is/BNM5I
  20. UK: Suspected human trafficking ring arrested in Midlands after children are threatened with violence: https://archive.is/hnLJP
  21. Tasmania/Philippines: Six kids saved, Philippine child abuse ring dismantled after Tasmanian man arrested: https://archive.is/I6qaz
  22. Australia: Sex ring busted in Sydney with man charged with child trafficking via 1. Indonesia: https://archive.is/nDJNZ
  23. USA: Oldy for this year and previously reported - AF CEO Mike Jeffries arrested for operating a sex trafficking ring via Abercrombie and Fitch: https://archive.is/RrIf7
  24. UK/Europe: Woman speaks out to the BBC on her harrowing experience as a victim of Gregorian Bivolaru: https://archive.is/y5fsw
  25. USA: Another old one - Cartoon Network Animator arrested for Child Sex abuse content: https://archive.is/w6DLF
  26. Philippines: Fugitive pastor accused of child trafficking by US: https://archive.is/N8MRE

That’s all for this week that I can provide, but feel free to send me anything you want to report in comments or DM. Happy to provide more for next week. And as always…

If you see something, say something

US contact details

NCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678 NCMEC Cybertiplines: https://report.cybertip.org/ or https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline or call 1-800-THE-LOST National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 or humantraffickinghotline.org HSI/ICE toll-free hotline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE | Anonymous toll-free ICE Tip Line: (866) 347-2423 Tip Form: https://www.ice.gov/webform/ice-tip-form#wcm-survey-target-id

United Kingdom contact details

Urgent: 101 or Contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially: 08000 121700 (24/7) https://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/helplines Children support: 0800 1111 | Adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000 | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ Report CSAM: https://report.iwf.org.uk/en/ | https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ Scotland Police: https://www.scotland.police.uk/contact-us/

Interpol, Europol, & EU contact details

Contact Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-help Europol tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 | https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime EU Hotlines: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotlines/national-hotlines_en

South Africa contact details

South African National Human Trafficking Hotline: 0800222777 | https://0800222777.org.za/

Global contact details

Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers Global: List of Emergency Telephone numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers

And as always, Remember - NCSWIC. NOTHING.


I'm interested in knowing what people are willing to see removed from the sphere of the government, now that Trump is back and DOGE is in play. After all, if we have a hope in hell of having a better nation, the first thing to do is cut off the tentacles of leviathan.

My hotlist:

  1. IRS and the FED: any tax agency that says you owe it money even if you leave or give up your citizenship has lost a grip on reality, and anything funded by stealing isn't worth having. Let's get rid of the roots and stump - IRS to be replaced with tarrifs, Fed with treasury notes backed by a precious metal based currency. This will mean a lot of government needs to go with it though, so time to grab a chainsaw and cut, cut, cut
  2. Dept. Of education - has done nothing but make America dumb again, eliminate it. No replacement. If states want to run public schools they can go it alone and fund it themselves as they see fit. Personally prefer a private schooling free market or using home schooling instead.
  3. EPA - abolish, it's a joke how it actually works, and the private sector could do an infinitely better job regulating company activity
  4. CIA - eliminate it. It has caused more long term harm than good.
  5. ATF - eliminate it. All three of its letters are legal in the USA ffs, so why the hell do we need it as a body at all?
  6. FBI - cut and reform. I'd like to see it gone personally, but.... I think it would be too much too soon to erase it now.
  7. DHS - cut and reform it. It's a bit of a monster now, and needs revising.
  8. NSA - oooh this is gonna be controversial. Personally I say after the heads have rolled, the Nsa current path needs to be shut down and burned. Privacy is a right in the constitution, and having a government body trawling the Internet for all our data like a huge info fishing ship is simply wrong. Their activities woke me up years before Q, so it's only right that we finish what started this mess.
  9. FDA - abolish. If RFK is right, this bastard did more harm than good. It effectively works to say what is the minimum level of poison companies can use on us, and that should always be 0. So, yeah, abolish it.
  10. NiH/CDC - torn here, leaning to abolish rather than reforming these. Too fucking dangerous, and don't trust either now, but maybe they could be replaced with something more sensible.
  11. FCC - they can FOAD. Abolish it.
  12. FTC and similar financial crime agencies - abolish and replace it with the reformed FBI. This bastard does more to help the hedges and elites than anything. Let illegal trading practices be a federal crime with real penalties.
  13. TSA - abolish. Seriously why do I need to have a full body cavity search or remove my shoes to fly domestically? More terrorists are caught by the passengers now before they can take over than the TSA ever did.
  14. DOE - reform it. Get a focus on new energy sources rather than renewable sources that cause more harm than good.
  15. DoD - I'm sick of America being the world police. Bring the boys home, cut and reform the whole DoD to focus on actual defense of the realm rather than defense of ephemeral interests that may be more for the cabal than the nation
  16. All dei based agencies - abolish and ban, their value is non existent
  17. DoT - why is this a thing? What does it actually do to help? Cut and reform to get space travel sorted.
  18. NASA - redundant now, cut or can.
  19. DoJ - reform and cut to the bone. With a reduced and simplified legal code, this body can be stripped of a lot of fat.

Now I'm sure I've missed agencies / government functions here, and a lot of them, but by default if I can't think of em, then their function is something I probably would rather trust to the free market than their oversight so I'll cut them by default. However I would love to see what people think is worth saving or sacrificing for the good of our descendants and for the preservation of our freedoms.


I'm riding high on Trump's victory and the inevitable deep state collapse we all have been waiting for. What this election showed however is that, despite a huge red shift in political thinking, we all have work still to do. The Great Awakening isn't over, in fact it has only just begun.

Soon the demons among us will face justice. Soon the elites will suffer the cost of their transgressions. For them, life is soon to take a dark turn. Let it happen, and sip happily on your beverage of choice as it does, for this is God's will made manifest. Remember though that we are awake, and many will see these events as a nightmare scenario, and could break because of it.

We are all enjoying the salty tears flavoured popcorn with a smugness, me included. And we can for a little while, there is no shame in it. A victory should be savoured. But we have to be aware this is the start of a new world. If we keep the divisions in place, nothing will change. So here's some ideas on how to help your neighbours and family/friends get past this mess that they see before them, and realise this is a new dawn, not the end of days.

Some ideas I've been considering are:

  1. Hold a politics free bbq party this spring after the inauguration and the first few months are clear. invite everyone over, saying you'd love to have them, even if they would have been the type of person to scream obscenities at you today. Make them see you aren't the evil nazis or trash humans the dems and the left portrayed us all as, and realise that the world isn't full of hate that has been instilled in their hearts.
  2. Offer to help them through the "hard times" they see, and hopefully they will appreciate your support, despite hating you for your politics today.
  3. Do things for your community, even if you are in a lefty area. Unity will be a strength from here on out, and will help the cause.
  4. Time heals all wounds eventually, and this trauma of the left is something they either push through or lose their minds from. Do what you can to make sure it is the former and not the latter. Don't twist the knife in, no matter how tempting it is.
  5. Treat the sheeple with kindness by turning the other cheek. Judge not thy neighbour in this time, for the do not know what they are doing yet. Only when awakened can people be held responsible for what they do from then on
  6. Last, but definitely not least, be an inspiration to those around you, both friend and foe. Live your life as if God is looking upon you with a smile, for He is with us all.

Finally I want to end with a prayer:

Almighty God, thank you for giving us our hope through the great victory we have seen these past two days. Thank you for the plan to guide us out of the darkness. Thank you for everything you have given us, both the joyous rewards and the trials you set before us.

Please give us the strength to help all the lost lambs of your flock see the light as it truly is, your healing grace, rather than the fire of perdition they see before them. Those who have done ill to the innocent will not be spared, we know this, but help us to help those who have been blinded by the lies they were fed and did no real harm to anyone.

We, your servants and soldiers, seek to do your will, now and forever, and ask for guidance in helping those around us. Help us to be the Bigger men and women, and provide us with the strength and foresight to guide the lost flock back to your loving embrace. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN

Nyt calling trump (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate
Thoughts on Tomorrow LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate

Here I am, an expat american ancap living in England, worrying about a US election. Never thought I would care so much about a result as this, even when it was crooked Hillary in the race. Tbh, never thought I'd see it be the case.

That said I will make no predictions on the result. There is no way to know what level of shenanigans will be tried, and no way to know if the fix succeeds again. I've seen so many so far here today, and all are plausible, although not all are that probable. I pray God's plan is carried out, and the devil is kept at bay for eternity from the nation I love, my homeland.

What I do know know is that this site has revealed the depth of the lies to all who are willing to see them. I have seen the level of fight to save the children from traffickers (and used to do daily round ups for it before life and God's will beat me up and remolded me with deep tragedy and then profound joy). I know Trump is more popular than ever, stronger than ever, and his competition can only win via fraud. Again. This time, however, it will be a harder job, as everyone who has brains is looking for the fraud.

I VERY recently remarried, and want to build myself a family. That is my focus now, and probably will be FOREVER, god willing. But if Trump comes back, there is a high probability I move back to my homeland to build my new life with my beautiful new wife there. I don't contemplate the alternative now, because I can't envision it at all. 4 more years of the inmates running the asylum into the ground is never going to be allowed by the patriots of America.

In closing, and as much as I find voting a mug's game normally, this time it is one clear way to prevent the lies from running around the world before the truth gets her boots on. So be sure to vote tomorrow if you haven't done so yet.

And remember:

  • check your ballot isn't spoiled.
  • take the unopened mail in ballot with you if you had one and report it to your sheriff if you are denied your right to vote
  • be prepared for shenanigans, and be sure to be safe tomorrow
  • take the time to make sure your choice is made and is not taken from you by hook or by crook
  • report anything that looks fishy. Film it, post it here and on X, share it with OMG, do what you must to help catch the scum who want to deprive the nation of hope
  • and never forget that where we go one, we go all, and that nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing

The frogs know this wasn't the first attempt. The maralago drone attack a few years back, and of course the missile from hawaii too predates this one. It may not be the last one either.

It is obvious to all here that this was engineered and trump will be fine, because GOD WINS EVERY TIME. it is also obvious why the shooter was so quickly taken out - dead men tell no tales after all. Or do they? Dig frens, dig into this man, dig into everything. Weaponised autism will drive this forward and straight to the WH front door, I am sure.

This is going to backfire on Trumps's detractors, hard. His base will be more galvanised. New blood will see a man who get shot at and still keeps encouraging his base to "fight, fight, FIGHT!". Demon-rats will see their plans backfire.

News media reported Biden as saying to "put a bullseye on trump", which implicated a call to action by the government to kill both the current opposition candidate and a former president (and soon to be upcoming president). Huff post apparently claimed the SCOTUS said such attempted murder is legal by Biden (how they come to that conclusion is beyond me). This bodes badly for the enemy, and further attempts before the election as I see it are now unlikely.

We knew this would be coming at some point frens. A "shot heard around the world" reminiscent of JFK was called out by Q four times in Jan 2018. This will be something that helps trump win in the end.

The clock has a limited time frame left. The cabal has run out of options besides a hit on trump. And once the clock runs out on the cabal, their time will be over, and a new reality will be brought into play.



I saw this reddit thread here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rmA8JJuq/fun-stuff--watch-the-left-desper/c/ and decided to do something I haven't done in nearly a decade - formulate a reply to lefties that refuse to learn.

Why leftists think they are losing

The post hoc rationalisation and self deceptions going on in that thread is hilarious.

  • It's the algos that are against us! - yeah. Cool story Bernie bros. Because FB and Google are so notoriously anti woke /sarc. Seriously, the algos are biased to your favour and have been for years. Over a decade at least.
  • The right has all the power! - only if you define anything that is corporate or wealthy as right wing, which these days is far from reality.
  • it's because socialism is really just misunderstood anti-monarchism! - ummm no. We tried your way for about 100 years in loads of countries. It ends with loads of dead people and total societal and economic collapse. Socialism is fundamentally anti capitalism, not just anti monarchy.
  • people are just afraid of change! - no, people don't want a change that fundamentally is flawed and doomed to lead to literal hell. Good intentions make for a wonderful brimstone pavement. People are happy to take a change that adds value to their lives and the lives of those they care about, but not a change that adds only costs.
  • we're underdogs and always will be! - you literally are controlling the establishment, the media, and corporate pressure throughout the west since the last US election. Dude, wake the hell up and pull your head out. You haven't been underdogs since probably at least the 90s to be frank.
  • we are just disorganised! - this obviously is so tone deaf a response that it nearly gets filed under "I can't even" for me, but given the left has more ngos working to lobby and organise "grass roots" movements globally this is just a pretty lie for these losers.
  • it's because capitalism! - what, you mean you need ideas that can compete? If that is what you meant than correct, but it's not. You meant the same thing as "the right has all the power" in that you presume all rich people are right wing, a fundamental categorisation failure. It ignores wealthy people like David Brock, rob reiner, every left wing politician on the take and benefiting from trading scams, and people like Soros.
  • people lack critical thinking on why wokeism is correct! - no, this is projection. You are confusing critical thinking with critical theory, and fail to apply the former with consistency.

why the left is actually losing

To lefties everywhere, here is why you are losing. It is because you are on a foundation of sand, ideologically. You presumed there can be no real objective truth. You presume everything factual is relative, including biological facts on genetics. You have fundamentally flawed philosophical principles and always have, because your theories are based on feelings and not logic and empiricism. You forget that there is what you see and what is actually there, and if your lens of observation is flawed, the view of what is there will be flawed as well.

How lefties could change for the better (but we know they probably won't)

  1. Learn the trivium, and focus on logic.
  2. Read something on economic theory that isn't marxist or keynesian. I recommend F. A. Hayek and the road to serfdom, or perhaps watch some videos featuring Thomas Sowell.
  3. Learn the principles of biology as a physical science instead of a social one.
  4. Learn to understand that because we are individuals we cannot be all the same or just grouped into buckets, so the only system that can work is one which takes into account our individualism, namely capitalism.
  5. Learn that if you focus on privileges for minority groups over the negative rights of all, people will consider your opinion on what should be done as worthless.
  6. Perhaps most of all, learn some humility. Learn that maybe you could be fundamentally wrong and learn to accept failure. If you can't do that much, you won't grow.

None of the info seems realistic to me now. I'm calling shenanigans.

Seriously, if anyone believes the narrative as it stands, then aren't paying any attention to the past or the strategies the Media use constantly to deceive us....

Saving Israel for Last/Red October? (www.haaretz.com) 🔍 Notable
posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate

Sitting in the autoshop in VA and a member of 10th mountain walked in a moment ago. They are everywhere I swear...

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