MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

The beliefs I mentioned are not biblical. They were taken from pagan religions as christianity expanded into new territories. It was easier to convince people to accept a slight change to the characters in the religions in the new lands than to convince them to fully abandon their beliefs for a new religion.

That is why, in places where people worship any type of goddess, they replaced it with Mary. All the saints have to do with ancient beliefs that everybody has a personal god based on the day they were born. The cross, hell, life after death, immortal souls, and others have been part of many religions since or before egypt, and a part of many different cultures.

MG74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, I get it, the whole Saints things is also not in the Bible. But the main beliefs are the same. They all come from pagan religions, by the way, and not in the Bible either.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what I don't get. Evangelical Christians have basically the same beliefs that Catholics do: Jesus is God, the trinity, Christmas, the cross, heaven and hell, etc., butt Christians call Catholics pagans.

MG74 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, I'm gonna leave this here. I realize I'm part of a community that represents the Q movement, and media will use anything they can to discredit this movement. I wouldn't mind if they only said "MG74 is a anti-semite piece of shit", but if they drag other who have nothing to do with what I posted that would suck. I don't know who you are. I don't follow anybody here. You might be new, you might be old. I don't know, and I wont bother finding out, but I apologized for my posts before this one, they were over the line.

MG74 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, there are millions of public documents, articles, news reports and other stuff from jew owned media about forcing Germany into war, murdering civilians, and destroying the country.

MG74 1 point ago +2 / -1

He invaded poland because the polish, under jew supervision, were murdering the Germans that were in the territory that had been arbitrarily given to poland by a bunch of assholes in a meeting. Shit man, stop falling for jew lies. They have controlled the media for a very long time.

MG74 5 points ago +6 / -1

Hitler was a patriotic man who loved his country and took a stand against the bankers, and piece of shit jews who were exploiting the Germans. He fixed Germany without central banks, he created a barter system that left the bankers out. Of course they wanted him dead, and the country destroyed. So they used the communists from russia, that drunk half-jew, churchill from england, and the freemason, roosevelt from the usa to kill as many German civilians as possible.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't need to. You will continue to promote these fantasy tales.

MG74 2 points ago +3 / -1

You will see that happen more and more as others are touched by the mandates. This bullshit is ran by a few individuals of jewish descent, and the politicians playing along will get their comeuppance at some point since they are only serving a purpose until they are no longer needed by the ruling motherfuckers. Then they will be discarded because they know too much.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't apologize to me. You are the one posting personal gospels of some self-promoting person who is talking about "biblical" stuff that is not backed by the Bible. Sorry.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't fall for the jew narrative. They used their media to talk shit about Hitler because he didn't allow them to take advantage of the German people anymore, and they used the armed forces in several countries to take Germany out, including the US, Britain, France, and communist Russia. They bombed civilians in cities, burning them alive with incendiary bombs. The worst atrocities have been committed by the jews, either personally or through others they control.

Hitler was a patriot. The people saluting in that picture were not forced, or brainwashed. They really loved and thanked him for what he did. Fauci is a motherfucker. He is under jew control, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has some type of jew ancestry, or if he is a freemason.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good riddance. He led the invasion of my country and thousands of civilians died.

MG74 6 points ago +6 / -0

This motherfucker deserved to die. He led the invasion of Panama, and thousands of innocent men and women in my country were killed by the US armed forces.

MG74 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is a piece of shit, but to be factual, this isn't in the book as the image claims.

MG74 72 points ago +72 / -0

I'm going to say this as clearly and bluntly as I can: Fuck your brother. I don't give a fuck about love and some people anymore. Any family member that pushes anybody aside over this bullshit narrative can go fuck themselves.

by Quelle
MG74 4 points ago +4 / -0


by Quelle
MG74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why 11:11?

by Quelle
MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't have a defeatist attitude. Just seems like a waste of time going over there and telling them all kinds of shit that won't change their minds, or calling them names. Post memes, post stuff over here, facebook, twitter, instagram, facts, and other worthy information. That's how you don't abandon the digital battlefield, because that way you get to the normies, people who are not awake yet. But those people there, they are too far gone, and they have all their support system there, so whatever you post there will be removed and get you banned immediately. Seems like a big waste of time.

by Quelle
MG74 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who gives a shit?

Why mock them? That doesn't work. And why waste time going over there to tell them all kinds of shit? That doesn't work either.

Posting screenshots of whatever they post over there only gives them exposure, and that is what they want. Stop giving them exposure.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, if God left the Bible as his message to mankind, then yes, everything regarding him and his messages has to be written on the Bible, otherwise you get stuff like this lady proclaiming her own gospel.

The Bible does say that anybody who add to the written words, or removes from the written words shall receive the plagues described in that book. That is in the book of Revelations 22:18, 19.

MG74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Abortions are not Spinach to the devil. They don't make the devil more powerful, and abortions are not keys to release more demons into the world.

If Jesus said un Matthew 12:31

And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.

I expect everything that he supposedly tells some people to be in accordance to what he has said before. So according to Jesus own words, abortions is not "the worst of all sins". It's it a terrible and barbaric thing to do, and is a sin, but not "the worst of all sins".

I don't trust people who go around telling that God gave them a revelation, that they have a message from the Lord, that they were spared and shown visions of the worst things to come if people don't change their ways. They lie.

MG74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meant this fantasy writting:

That's the worst of all sins, to kill your own children, to kill a baby. But each time that there is an abortion, Satan releases from the pit of hell

the beast, feeds off of human sacrifice. The beast becomes more powerful after each human sacrifice.

Every time, there is an abortion, the blood shed by that baby is like a key that Satan turns and the Lord showed me something that looked like seals on the ground and every time there is an abortion, those seals open up and millions of spirits get released on to earth from the pit of hell

MG74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to be a dick or anything, but where is all this written in the Bible?

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