Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

Modern art that beats leftist art of the past century!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Often I watch over again the RFK Jr. entrance and reception at the Trump rally! + Elon Musk + Tulsi Gabbard! ____ 4 to 6% I think are the die hard socialists /globalists Rinos. The balance of Democratic voters this year are greater than the 4 to 6%, but the greater number of Democratic voters will understand Trump is right with the increasing revelations of how evil toward children the leftists are. .

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

possibly just hopium, but I posted this as a review of Q, Red October, Declas and MI operations

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s a collage of hopium based on past Q posts, 2020 and 2022. On the Julian calendar, the original Red October (Oct. 25, 1917) occurred on the Gregorian calendar November 6, 2017.

One more collage followup with a theory of military colors and Trump indicating we’ve got help.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

So sad. Way far past time to ban the American Bar Association and the bar associations in the 50 states and replace them with Constitutional law organizations in the 50 States. John Eastman for honorary Constitutional Law societies 1st chair.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welcome fren! I would like a pilot or air traffic controller to review sometime. ____ In a few days I want to post a Giuliani Four Seasons decode, as Las Vegas Four Seasons is in the same building where the MGM mass murder occurred, and the media mocked Giuliani for doing his 2020 post-election press conference at the Gardening center instead of the 4 Seasons Hotel.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure: John Cullen uses his skill as an analyst (former Oracle data analyst) and he studied video from The Las Vegas massacre of 2017. His study of video and flight records (I think he does it similar to how MonkeyWerx does their aviation tracking).

He concludes that good helicopter pilots chased away bad blackhats on the night of the massacre. Whether rounds from the helicopters hit people on the ground, I am not sure. My thought from the 42 minute marker is that the most badass White Hat pilots chased away Black Hat helicopters.

The “guy walking the dog” being interviewed before and after the 42 minute marker gives corroborative eyewitness testimony to the analysis John Cullen has determined from his study of flight record patterns.

I appreciate some of his past work. Around 2020 ( before I learned I needed to be saving videos ) he compared the Coronavirus situation to the ”Spanish flu” outbreak in 1918 and he noted that ****there’s a depletion of susceptibles” in which people who have weakened immune systems are likely to succomb. ****In 2020 doctors and politicians, epidemiologists and virologists” failed to tell the public about this. ****. That’s an aside about why I appreciate John Cullen’s earlier investigations.

Malachi3vs16 5 points ago +5 / -0

John Cullen https://rumble.com/v1lzw30-john-cullen-presents-the-dog-walking-guy.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp ____ At 42 minutes he and guest discuss the map (sorry not in focus) of aircraft / helicopters flying on the night of the shooting.

I am not sure about John Cullen’s recent research, but I thought he did an interesting interview here with “the dog walking guy” posted on Rumble about 2 years ago.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Giuliani and Eastman will get Medals and there will be competition rather than just one bar association for each State.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

+1 that’s a good strategy idea too! I can hardly waitfor Trump to be backin again, and then start a ballot initiative to end ranked choice voting, and also to eliminate (anti-) American Bar Association accreditation of law schools and introduce competition. Pepe accreditation for Pepe University.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting observation, no Hawaii on the map. Independence for Hawaii, D.C. no longer usurping powers of the Atates, possibly a new capital?

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes sense, I’ll give a +1 for your working hypothesis, and a +1 for your thoughts that you first shared about Bitcoin in this thread. Cheers!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

+1 for your thoughts and perspective. It is interesting GamesofTrump made on the Bitcoin Blockchain. One Trump supporter has noted that if Hillary had won in 2016 that their plan was to have had BTC already gone up $3 million per BTC.

Is GamesofTrump backed by Trump? I think that it is completely different than Trump’s “Trump Digital Trading Cards” ——> no sign that Q and no sign that White Hats are going to use Bitcoin Blockchain as the basis for a new monetary system.

https://www.Ingersolllockwood.com is based at 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, but they dismiss Q, and they use a calendar that is off by approx. 206 to 209 years. Using 1717 can be a clue, but not a proof. 17x3=51 Area 51 —> Deep State Shadow Government uses these numbers too.

How do we know that XRP is CIA / deep state coin? If establishment /globalist banks and firms are using the ripple / xrp blockchain then that could be a hint. But that would not mean Bitcoin is the White Hats coin.

I would never favor USA and other nations adopting Bitcoin as its basis for currency. 21 million coins with a few millionaires or billionaires already staked in it while the rest of the 300 million people get Satoshi crumbs.

The blockchain cryptocurrencies that survive the changes over the next few years will survive because people willingly choose to use them, but Bitcoin will not be adopted by Congress. 1 Bitcoin is not worth more than $1 to me. Do I wish I had bought 10 when it was only going for $1? Yes. But then constitutional money is important to me too: gold and silver.

Oil could drop in price due to an oversupply soon, and gold and silver could drop with oil. Or more than one crisis could cause oil and gold to skyrocket. There’s risk in this GAW environment.

Whatever cryptocurrency blockchain system becomes standard, a few coins will likely come out as being utilized, kind of in a libertarian market-oriented fashion. The best will rise to the top.

Bix Weir over at Road to Roota makes a good case that former Fed chair Alan Greenspan planned for the end of fiat money. He believed in sound money. Money printing ( increase in the money supply ) ——> inflation ( Austrian School of Economics ). https://roadtoroota.com

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was worried for a moment, you made a good meme a day ago. Have a +1 for being part og theGAW.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Scrolling down there’s read who sponsors them? It’s a bunch of socialist, anti-family values / anti-Trump-anti-MAGA losers. Let’s look to a different site to support!

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read the scriptures on these feast / celebrations and I would like to follow more closely. One of my newer friends just had surgery, is recovering well. He often has a campout for Tabernacles. I am planning for next year.

So what do you think? , My thoughts are that these scriptures are not about our works to earn salvation, but celebrations to understand God’s plan and experience and understand more closely God’s works / God’s part of His plan? That would make sense to me.

Happy Sukkah / camping out / Tabernacles!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting 80 years charts, so I enjoyed reading up on some history. Moses 80 years preparation, interesting!

Prince William of Orange was of Dutch ancestry on his father’s side and then on his mother’s side Scottish, Danish and German area Mecklenburg -Gustrow, a “duchy”.

6 years from Prince William of Orange, 1688 revolution to 1694 creation of the Bank of England.

The colonies like Massachusetts Bay used foreign coins and bartered tobacco and “wampum” and Massach., Virginia and New York made their own script backed by nothing. Inflation occurred, and by 1750 Britain banned further Massach. paper money because it was ruining the economy. ****So 1694- 1774 could be the “experiential and development years” equivalent to Moses’ first 80 years.

Interesting orange — Trump = orange hair / Scottish and then we’re looking at the House of Orange, the Prince of Orange’s mother was a daughter of Mary Stuart = a daughter of King Charles 1 (Scottish son of King James I / 6th of Scotland) and Anne of Denmark. Anne = daughter of Frederick II K. of Denmark and Norway and Sophie of Mecklenburg-Gustrow.

Burning Bush visit by God with Moses ‘til end of 10 Plagues = several months (travel time — from Midian where his father-in-law Jethro was a priest back to Pharaoh — + encountering Pharaoh + 10 Plagues.

Interesting history!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Juan does tie in the stories like none other. On some global affairs details he says some things that confuse me, but he travels so much that I give him a break. And another Anon , I think a Mod here, wrote that Juan has people who advise him like handlers and so some things he will put out might have the numbers off. 2 million dead in Sudan, I think it is possibly 2 million or 200,000 displaced.

Whoever doesn’t understand these aspects about Juan is probably the person giving the “-1s”

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +3 / -1

That would be interesting. About a year ago I think when Juan and Jerry Foley and a small group went out to the statue for the Pilgrims (“National Monument to the Forefathers”) he talked about the covenant they had made when they arrived and started Plymouth Colony.

This past week Juan told Nino that we’re supposed to be celebrating this week “Sukkah” / Tabernacles, camping out and celebrating blessings from God, 1 of the 7 feasts / celebrations given to the Hebrew people who were freed from slavery in Egypt. I think he will say more next year. https://rumble.com/v5j4f9h-juan-o-savin-bearshit-gamed-out.-crisis-or-reality-nino-10-17-2024.html (“ JUAN O SAVIN- BEARSHIT Gamed out. CRISIS or REALITY? - NINO 10 17 2024”). — I think the title was made up just to get attention!).

Sorry, I don’t have the minute marker, it was a short “aside” comment, but significant. I’ll be listening a second time.

Malachi3vs16 6 points ago +6 / -0

That’s quite the arrangement! I have heard one hypothesis that the note was simply that Trump would counter the deep state’s attacks. But with CasuallyObservant’s thoughtful observation, I wonder if the note stated George H. W. Bush’s role in the Kennedy Assassination?

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

Welcome Joys1Daughter! Maybe before November 5 they will do 1 more artwork piece that will entail an encouraging decode.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like the connection to 17 as the bad guys use 17 for their purposes (17*3=51 bad generals opposing Trump) but they cannot corrupt Silver 17which. is naturally good

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

good chart! thanks — by selecting “All” to the. left of the chart is shows the price chart from 2000 to the present. Year 2000 is relevant I think as that is around the time of the “dotcom” crash and around the time when the Bank of England sold off a lot of their gold holdings from 1999 through 2002

Malachi3vs16 8 points ago +8 / -0

https://www.usdebtclock.org/. This won’t be up tor long, but the artwork is also here: https://x.com/USDebtClock_org/status/1803457776808501628.

Bix Weir on X22 Report talks about silver, Trump talking about Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan) and the 3 banks Bix thinks will be most affected by an uptick in silver https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/bix-weir-the-good-guys-are-about-to-change-the-economic-system-buckle-up-its-going-to-get-bumpy/

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