Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

In agreement, very sad about those who have not made it and are homeless, lost jobs, lost their primary care doc because of Obummer”care”…. ____ In a reset, most likely the corporation-owned homes lose value, and it was not right for corporations to buy up homes in the first place.__A) Every jubilee 7x7 years +1 the land goes back to the original family owners within the tribes (equivalent of states here minus the 40 mill. invaders). Absent finding the original family owners, then the land can be redistributed evenly. ____ B) As RFK Jr. talked about the Federal Res. in another post today, we can know that the Federal Res. Note is an“unjust weight and measure” used in trading (paper and electronically) and the “select” are given credit and multiply 10x their notes to leverage and buy out a lot of homes. This is unjust gain in violation of Leviticus 19:35-36, Deuteronomy 25:13-16, Micah 6:10-11, and Amos 8:4-5). ____C) It will take some years for restoration, but the “We Buy Homes” people do not win. In Matthew chapter 5 Christ said whoever teaches the Torah and does them will be greatest…. We don’t need to sacrifice sheep, but learning the principles and applying them is part of knowing and doing God’s will and to be blessed on God’s path.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Upvoted yes, but for posterity I would like to add Devy Kidd on to the “A” list of great researchers to the cause of freedom. 1) about 10 years after the “Project ‘93” HOTT broadcast, I was introduced to Devy by phone by two businessmen, one who was friends with Attorney Larry Becraft, all guys of good repute. 2) Bill Cooper was correct to call out the Liberty Lobby /Tom Valentine (of Stelle Group and mystery regions notoriety). Devy was younger then and not educated about the Mystery Babylon aspect of them infiltrating patriotic organizations.____ 3) Liberty Lobby being gone for some time, I think we can consider Devy Kidd as being a good advocate for truth in all of her research, especially her vote fraud research going back to 2000. She is not connected to the Stelle Group member Tom Valentine that promoted the ‘93 event as a distraction from Bill’s event. https://newswithviews.com/author/devvy-kidd/ (Stelle Group mentioned with Tom Valentine in the book 5/5/2000: Ice the Ultimate Disaster by Richard Noone, published 1982)

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for sharing, I have been hoping that there’s more to all this, and confirmation is good to hear.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

This makes sense, although some billionaires have their places to escape, except they won’t escape per Q plan. What you wrote is the logical outcome of WEF and NATO actions. Democratic millionaires and RINOs are blinded by their rhetoric, maybe they need to be sent to front lines in Ukraine.

Malachi3vs16 5 points ago +5 / -0

excellent find, the Jimmy Carter memo even has SES called “the keystone”!

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0
Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

thought you might like to add for all to see tomorrow as autumn is still fresh: Dog cute video Dan Scavino: dog diving in to the leaves, announcing beginning of fall, autumn, dog encouragement for diving in to the election season: https://x.com/DanScavino/status/1837504143570702375____and qagg.new____ posted by D. Scavino 9/21/24____diving in to the fight, WWG1WGA!____ some symbolism or just great dog video

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like biblehub, especially for interlinear. On this verse, I suggest retranslate it, because God in Heaven and the Son on earth knew the plan, and so If God is trustworthy, then faithfulness is a character trait of God’s part to come through with His plan. I hypothesize that God’s Son was faithful. The interlinear Greek-English, Strong’s 4102, shows ”faithfulness” is one of the words for Greek pistis. Did God’s Son need faith to know that in going forward with the plan that the Passover plan would be successful? ____ As a human being, the Son might not have had a different perspective compared to the Father. What are your thoughts?

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Olympics 2028 Los Angeles, hold-over Shadow Government operatives threaten a stadium with chemical attack. how does CIC respond? ____ 2) Global cooling with a new solar cycle beginning causes 2026 drought and famines in certain states and across the globe, causing uproar and the Globalists present the nations of the world with a Maitreya religious figure and a new United Nations deal with stronger political powers, and they threaten with Mid-East conflicts. How does CIC respond? ____ 3) Kama[B]la is handed the presidency in October and Dems and RINOs do ballot cheating in Michigan and Pennsylvania, yet Trump still gets 270 electoral votes. Meanwhile NATO helps Zelensky fire off a missile that kills Russians in Moscow and Stalingrad. Escalation to nuclear-level retaliation occurs. Do Generals turn to K or to DJT?
Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to want to run, but with all of the corruption and threats, I cannot imagine running for office. I would like to work in government with a Trump return, state department , interior, white house fellowship (I think pipe lines are needed to transport oil and gas, and why not water from wet regions to dry regions, but I think we have enough materials so that we can build around native American lands).

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Will be ready. “We’re on the same team”. quote or paraphrase from Emily to Sylvie from “Emily in Paris” ____ Mark has the most solar symbolism if I understand correctly. Mark 14:13 and Luke 22:10 have the story where Yeshua or Yahoshua tells his disciples to enter the house of the man carrying the water pitcher —-> equivalent character in the heavens Aquarius.____ I would encourage you to approach the idea of a Creator God not as “love and obey me or else be damned” but as a Creator who fashioned and shaped the universe, visited in occasion (Abraham, Isaac, Joshua, some of the prophets and possibly as Yeshua / Yahoshua). ____ James and Paul volleyed in their letters against each other if the story line in Acts is correct, that Paul opposed the Pillars (James, Peter and John). 3 guys usually don’t write letters opposing each other’s ideas (Peter and James vs. Paul) over a fictional character. ____ If I wrote a book about the presidency of Peter Hammond: 1988 and how great his policies were, and then someone else wrote a book saying how terrible his policies as president were in 1988, and then someone else wrote a book about “Peter Hammond’s Presidency 1988: Mediocre” — we know that would be ludicrous (actor Peter Hammond was not President— shhh!!! don’t let others know! and shhhhh! don’t let others know that Zelensky is not president of Ukraine, his term expired!)____ What would your thoughts be about a historical character 2,000 years ago be, a character whose biographies were embellished after a couple of decades passed to fit the Hero story line, yet he still existed?

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +4 / -1

US debt clock for Sept. 15, 2024 https://www.usdebtclock.org/ ____ Proverbs 21:15 “ When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” (ESV) https://biblehub.com/esv/proverbs/21.htm ____ The path of light, or trajectory of the sun is across the eye of Aquarius the water-bearer as he floods the Old World oppressive order and we move toward justice. ____ Hold the line!— Wiiliam Wallace Braveheart and “Hold your course” — Captain James T. Kirk Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan transcript http://www.chakoteya.net/movies/movie2.html ____ typo in the picture “fist tail” meant to be “fish tail” as the “sea goat” in mythology was a sea creature, but the tail is held in Aquarius’s fist, so the quote still “works” Editcloth held, not the sea-goat’s tail, per solarsavior’s comments observation, and Aquarius’ is above another fish, not a goose or san

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

right, they have to remove “the 10” and dumb down America and flood us with drugs and other crime and then burn down our cities (and waste money on wars) instead of teaching good values and helping protect children around the world.

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good. philisophical write-up on combatting the evil forces through the centuries. Good to read that there’s philosophical warriors around! I think philosophy was not presented to me well when in college years. This writer makes reading the ideas interesting. 10 barks!

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting chess. Kamala is still their candidate, Bye-den is in the WH, Dems could cause an emergency and have Kamala placed in control a-la Cheney during Bush 911. I noticed I did not answer a question a while ago, I did not mean to ignore, sorry. When Trump added a [b] to Kamala making it Kamabla and an extra “r” to Barak spelling it Barrack, on the same day Il Donaldo Trump posted a 1 min. 28 sec. video, mirror Q post 821 with D3. Good post here, with Trump deleting his “#” post, maybe the chess moves D3 moving Kamala and Obummers around are still in play? Or maybe Dems have other moves in play?

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was doing some research on part of the mission to combat worldwide trafficking, and I noticed a missions organization AIM Moldova. On their page https://aimmoldova.org/ they have some statistics I am not sure about, every thirty seconds a child is sold into slavery https://aimmoldova.org/about (30 sec. x 2 per min. x 60 = 120 per hr. * 24 = 2,976 per day * 365 = 1,086,240 a year) but this is important to take notice! ****Note: this site is safe to read, there are sad stories in addition to the stories of helpful work they do. There are no gross terrifying stories for frens here who need to know ).

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

this is an entertaining way to practice typing! If I can get back into teaching and tutoring in private schools /home schools setting, this is one to remember!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

great photo and meme! ____ a must one to see, along with reviewing your posts on current news!

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

For men I like and use multi-pollen extracts, (flower pollen, not to be confused with bee pollen, so make sure no allergies, I do not seem to have allergic reactions from the pollen extracts, even though in springtime breathing in pollen would cause me to have an allergic storm.). _And there’s tomato sauce and paste with lycopene. I am going to try a non-tomato based lycopene supplement soon, capsules, as I think the concentrated amount per capsule will be good for me (tomato-based lycopene should be okay for people who can eat nightshades including tomato). ____ Also be careful of brands, make sure no pesticides used on the flowering plants. Integrative and holistic doctors might be able to give you guidance. Best to ask and and see what works!

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