MamaChipmunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lord, as You have done for me, please lead this Anon in healing. Show them what will help them uniquely as only You know what's really needed in their body and brain. You have promised us self control and a sound Mind in Paul's letter to Timothy and we stand on that promise today. Amen

MamaChipmunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, we moved to a small town a bit away from our former life long very small town and in the year we've lived here we hear about MANY more people from home dying unexpectedly. It's been crazy. That and so many got cancer.

MamaChipmunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've read things about them knowing that it was only 12% Effective while saying 95% publicly, but I haven't seen much else. This also includes the fact they knew it was causing heart problems.

MamaChipmunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

A couple of posts copied from my telegram channel:

It's a good day to catch up on Sussman, here are some links to get you started: https://technofog.substack.com/p/day-1-of-the-michael-sussmann-trial?s=r DAY 1 Where we begin to see key players who helped build the web of this conspiracy to influence our elections by the DNC.

https://technofog.substack.com/p/day-1-of-the-michael-sussmann-trial?s=r Day 2 where we see that admissions are made in email before lies are told in person. And we get a bit more definition on who is involved and how.

https://technofog.substack.com/p/day-3-of-the-sussmann-trial-baker?s=r DAY 3 Where James Baker is 100% confident he was lied to by Sussman, which is the actual charge in this case.

https://technofog.substack.com/p/hillary-clintons-media-strategy-revealed Day 4 In which it was confirmed under oath that Hillary personally approved a plan to make it seem Trump had colluded with Russia

https://technofog.substack.com/p/the-sussmann-trial-fingers-pointed?s=r Continuing here we see that the FBI "7th floor" leadership was pushing this just as hard as they had against Flynn (the case where the agent in charge decided it should be closed but it couldn't be because the Top brass insisted it be continued). It should be noted that Durham has cleaned up FBI corruption before.
I know we all want to see Hillary go down, but I imagine maybe this is continuing of old themes of Durham who has already had some experience trying to clean this particular swamp.

https://technofog.substack.com/p/how-fbi-hq-hamstrung-the-alfa-bank?s=r In which we see that they were unable to ever substantiate any of the allegations about Alfa Bank and Trump even though they had opened a very high level field investigation as if it were a true threat to the security of the Nation State.

https://technofog.substack.com/p/was-rodney-joffe-involved-in-the?s=r Where we see that the whole thing stank as much as the proverbial Denmark and that Joffe went around typical channels (likely because he was lying)

I love how the mainstream media who never actually apologized or corrected themselves over thrusting the Russia/Alphabank story on us now casually say things like "the now debunked data that purportedly linked Trump Tower to Alpha Bank". Anyhow, what I'm thinking I'm seeing in reporting and in all of that trial which obviously laid out more about the conspiracy than this lie he was charged with, is that this was never much about Sussman. I mean?! They made the jury disregard the only actual evidence of this lie. The games are afoot! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-sussmann-trial-durham-verdict/

MamaChipmunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

He knew they excluded best evidence of the actual crime Sussman was being tried for from consideration by the jury. He's very much a man who hasn't ever tried a case he thought he even might fail on, but, the factors here are different. If you read up about the case, day to day, it was MUCH more obviously laying out the conspiracy of it all than it ever was talking about if Sussman lied or if that was material (he did and it was) but there are bigger fish to fry here. They knew they had a suck jury and a judge who should have recused and didn't. And so they used what time they had to put into the judicial record the foundations of the worst corruption and biggest conspiracy seen in our government in a long time. It's also my personal recent theory that Durham is actually aiming to clear out the corruption in the FBI as much as anything. He has before.

MamaChipmunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got the same translation from every Google powered translator, however, all translators not associated with google cannot translate this from Cebuano or any other language or the translator suggested. Most suggested French so it is likely closest to that. I also checked each word in a search on a Cebuano dictionary site, there are no results for any. Looks to me like more proof that someone is currently in control of Google Translate than anything else.

MamaChipmunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not a beard, it's colar bone, flat plane catching that side light just above the dark shirt. Total woman.

MamaChipmunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Questions worth asking.

MamaChipmunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Then again, no one is better than Celebrities and Politicians at just finding what is getting others attention and emulating it, and I do think mostly just for the attention and without any thought of deeper or spiritual meanings. We need to remain aware of that and not give meaning ourselves where it might just be the natural need for those who trade in the currency of "eyes on me" to get more people looking in their direction.

MamaChipmunk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also, reflection in his glasses might be interesting.

MamaChipmunk 13 points ago +14 / -1

People in this movement do so much research and great critical thinking, and then turn around and judge people by one tiny thing. One major portion of being a critical thinker is to know that you don't and can't know everything. We need to know when to set things aside and just move on for a bit, until more pieces come together.

MamaChipmunk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Book someone is using to hide their face behind him says "every last secret"... this may be worth digging on and/or filing away for future reference anyhow

MamaChipmunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen. Here's a discussion worth beginning. I pray I will hear that phrase one day.

MamaChipmunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm so glad you found a church! Even within a church, test all things against the scriptures. But I know you will since you're an Anon and that's what we do here, research, double check, and use that logic and reason. Now you're exploring life with the Author of all Reason guiding you, it will only help.

MamaChipmunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lord, we praise Your Name for the gift of this warrior and his fighting Spirit while He is with us. Hide him and his family under Your feathers, hold them in Your perfectly capable hands, and may we remember when he goes to live with You in paradise that it was Your mercy to save him from further suffering here. In Jesus' Name, Amen

MamaChipmunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except we should be very curious as to why they are all resigning and not caring about future elections while they shove this bill through. It isn't because they're defeated. It is because they're legislating a color revolution and planning their extended vacations on the money they made off the chaos they caused while they wait for we serfs to finish killing each other in the streets over the war they began.

MamaChipmunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good plan. I just bought the newest car I've ever owned, a 2013, and I'm a bit leery of it. We never get them too new because all of the newer stuff is so hard to work on one's self and has so many computers that can go wrong and be hard to fix, too.

MamaChipmunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting to think of this with the @Snowden close door portion. Does it mean something Per Snowden and twitter or simply per Snowden? Also, is the context of MSNBC interesting to anyone? Phil Griffin stepped down there 12/7/2020 after 25 years in the job. That's almost a delta and certainly would be "spaced out" if that's what we are talking about here (the stepping down of heads of places, possibly forced by behind the scenes maneuvering of the forced behind this veiled war).

MamaChipmunk 1 point ago +2 / -1

https://t.me/mamachipmunk/34 They aren't resigning in shame like we like too think. They're all taking their ill gotten gains and slithering off to hide away until the war they started finishes up.

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