Mary911 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've used it once before and it worked fine. Yesterday I didn't get much done and my poor little granddaughter stood by me all day because she knew something was wrong with her Memaw. Let's pray today is better.

Mary911 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. I just woke up after having slept on a heating pad. Wow am I soaked.

Mary911 1 point ago +1 / -0

It sounds like you have everything under control. And God bless your wife. I had no intention of keeping my grandkids, but my son and his wife could find no one else. So I've had the almost 4 year old since she was 5 weeks old. Looks like it's a lifetime commitment for me. I would love to stay home and rest among other things, but I guess God has other plans for me. Have a blessed day. Time for me to leave. It's almost 5:30 am my time.

Mary911 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. I take Vitamin D3 twice a week. 1000 IU units per caplet a week. Doctor never told me how much or how often. Just like she told me to take Calcium so I wouldn't get Osteoporosis. Guess what? I took an overload as I always thought Calcium was good for you, but NO too much is bad for your heart. So now I don't take it at all. Anyway, I used to get a flu shot but since the Covid, I will no longer be taking those. I suppose you know I keep my grandkids throughout the week. Still have an almost 4 year old at home but she will be attending Head Start next week M-T. Fridays will be mine and hers and she will only go those 4 days for about 4 hours. These kids catch everything and school only started. They bring home every disease imaginable. Wish me luck for the schoolyear.

Mary911 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think I have the flu. Started feeling bad Tuesday night. Bones and joints aching. Yesterday the cold chills hit along with a headache, tiredness, coughing, achy bones and feeling crappy. Took some Ivermectin on a cracker yesterday and this morning. Hope it kicks it soon. Those kids bring home everything from school and school just started last week. Even Tiffany is sick.

Mary911 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trust me u/ILoveIvermectin, I came down sick with I think the Flu yesterday. Took my second dose of Ivermectin when I got up. Thanks. And it's deworming me at the same time.

Mary911 2 points ago +2 / -0

And if you watched the Police talking about it, he said there were 5 threats against schools in Georgia so far. This just happens to be the first one. Probably trying to take our eyes off other things.

Mary911 8 points ago +8 / -0

I guess it's that time of year. Kids have been in school a little over a week and already brought home their CRUD. And I caught it. Feels like the flu. Cold chills, aching bones all over my body, headache and tiredness. Took some Ivermectin. I can't handle this mess.

Mary911 8 points ago +8 / -0

I pray that our Lord will see to it that Justice will be served.

Mary911 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dry with no rain. Yesterday morning while driving to my son's house, I saw a deer from the corner of my eye. When I realized what it was, I could count 4 points on the one rack but couldn't see the other rack as he was running along beside me trying to get out of the ditch he was in to cross the road. All I could think of was, 'there goes my front end.' Lucky for me, "Thank you God" the deer stayed there until I got by and he finally crossed. He was a beauty. So I'm assuming he was at least a 7 or 8 point buck.

Mary911 21 points ago +21 / -0

Ever notice how SIN makes you ugly from the inside out?

Mary911 3 points ago +4 / -1

If they've modified gravity; then they should be the first ones to Fall Off the Planet. KEK!

Mary911 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am doing fine so far. Yesterday the weirdest thing happened that I still don't understand. An airplane (the kind they use to spray crops) flew over my house 3 different times. He was NOT spraying crops as there are none to spray, but was simply flying low over my house, making quick turns, going up in altitude really fast and then plunging/sweeping down low again. At his first pass I ran out on the porch and he looped around and came back right above me. Then he did it a third time and that was when I saw him gain altitude and dive back down, right above me. So I called on the Lord and asked him to please make him stop and not come back, which the pilot didn't. He flew off in a straight path and he did not return. I don't know if he was practicing for future crop dusting or teaching another pilot. But it was all weird to me about WHY he chose to go overtop of me 3 times.

Mary911 2 points ago +2 / -0

No dear, I think it's just you and your daily post. I have nothing to do with that. The credit is all yours.

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