I don't see him regularly in person anymore. He's in Houston, I'm in Austin. Nearly all of my closest friends are in Houston now that I think about it. I play Xbox with him regularly, tho. That's how we basically started out friendship was us loving Battlefield 3 and playing it together. Without Xbox, I wouldn't have my closest friends in general. I'm just gonna have to keep trying with him. My other best friend is an "ardent" jabber and idk if he can be saved. He already doesn't like it that his girlfriend refused to get it.
He's only been a fag these last two years. He and I go back 10 years to sophomore year of high school. I get it somewhat with how he was brainwashed to think Covid is even a little threat because his dad "died of it" last year. Healthy, 57 year old just dropped dead from it combined with pneumonia. Sounds fishy as fuck. Knew he was goner when they put him on a ventilator.
I swear, my best friends are brain dead sheep. They call me sCIeNcE dEnIeR because I hate the jab and refuse it.
So in this instance, my buddy Christian here is double jabbed and is complaining he has a sore throat. He is so scared of Covid that he's running to get a test. Man, those shots really must be effective, huh? Then this screenshot of messages started. I got tired of him calling me a sCiEnCe DeNiEr so I sent him the PV videos. He retorts with a leftist article 2 mins later, so I know he didn't watch the video. He's so deeply brainwashed, idk if he can be saved.
Crystal Lake? Peeps should be more scared of Jason Voorhees than China virus./s