30 million healthy people didn't just wake up one day in 1918-19 with bacterial pneumonia from the Spanish Flu. Its was in direct correlation with constant mask wearing.
P.T. Barnum missing his afternoon acts.....
Well most Liberal's view a fetus as no more than a virus.
McAfee had a tweet on June 8th this year speaking about the location of his info in case he was murdered. It's eerily close if not the same building in Miami that just mysteriously collapsed.
Its too soon. If they install Kamala before the midterms she will not be able to run for 2 full terms as President. If they want Kamala so badly to be President, they have to drag Biden along until 2023.
I don't remember seeing Jill Biden anywhere on my ballot.
I even believe the 2016, and 2020 Democratic Primaries were stolen?
St. Louis has a higher murder rate than Honduras the country with the world's highest murder rate.
Is sad that his daughter Angelina Jolie is one of the biggest retarded liberals in Hollyweird too.
Coming to a US City near you soon.......
I saw an article just the other day. It was talking about YouTube is going to suspend the dislike button on the Official Whitehouse YouTube Channel. Wonder why?
He walks like his diaper is ALWAYS full of shit.
I 100% believe its to give the illusion that he's actually with reporters. They won't let this fucktard talk to anyone with out a script. Its just a big fucking game with the left anymore.
I've made it a nightly ritual to down vote every Whitehouse YouTube Channel video just before bed. No matter the content.
Bye bye every major US company.
Well, there are reports that Tucker Carlson has been targeted by the Pentagon for remarks he made live during Biden's Address last night.
He's obviously used the same plastic surgeon Kenny Rogers did. His cheeks are pulled so fucking tight that his eyes are now almond shaped. When he makes any type of expression his forehead wrinkles but nothing else on his face. I'm surprised this fucker can even close his eyes.
True Trump is on one flight log from NY to FL. However from the logs I've seen online. Clinton, Obama, and numerous Celebrities made NUMEROUS trips to Epstein's private island.
There's a push to have Eric Greitens to run.
The Queen will make sure Meghan Markle is dead by the end of the year.
Blunt was an Anti-Trumper, the people of Missouri knew it. He was going to be losing his upcoming primary.
It was Biden going for a PR stunt at a local Hardware store. Making it look like he and his Administration are available to the American People
Either you're aware of the Programming Or you've been Programmed.
Weather manipulation is very much real, and has been around for a while. One of the first documentations of it was the US using it during the Vietnam War. Creating Monsoon type rainfall to flood the Viet Cong supply roads etc...
Trump pulled 100million+ votes, and carried every state. Guaranteed