MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except, much like the fed, the IRS is a foreign private corporation, not a govt entity.

MoU-2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget they like to do their "merging/union of opposites" rituals as well, i.e. baphomet has tits and a cock, the black and white checkerboard floors, blowing up the twin towers and rebuilding as one twisted tower, the george floyd riots starting in minneapolis during the monthlong period when the sun was in the constellation gemini, the twins "castor and pollux" ("minneapolis" literally means "water city" and it was set ablaze), the purple symbolism representing blue+red merging, etc etc etc., so this could very well be the same thing going on here w the 666 and the 7s

MoU-2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love how in the vice thumbnail they used a pic of rogan doing the pepe pose

by BQnita
MoU-2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only way they can increase their numbers from where they currently stand is by actually getting companies to enforce mandates and opening it up to the youth. Any adult who hasn't gotten it yet will prob never get it unless that's the only way they will be allowed to continue to put food on the table. Hopefully the nurses protesting the mandates will put an end to that trend before it even gets rolling.

MoU-2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love Petter Amundsen's work. Very interesting, and I've tried to share it w as many of my family and friends as possible bc in school I didn't find Shakespeare very interesting or noteworthy, but if they had taught me this I would've sought out copies of the original texts (instead of the modernized crap they made us read) and wouldn't have been able to put it down. Likewise, I've now gone on to read everything I could find by Bacon and that has led me down some other fascinating rabbit holes.

Also, if u haven't already, be sure to check out Alan Green's decodes of Shakespeare: https://tobeornottobe.org/

MoU-2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ah, yes, makes perfect sense to clog up the front page w posts about the others who have not had any adverse reactions (yet) only a month out after taking an experimental vaccine w no longterm studies and is so safe that the media has to lie not only about the products themselves but also the generic drugs that have been around for 50+ yrs and have shown positive results at a fraction of the cost.

And face it, even if he ends up being the only one to have severe adverse reactions, 1 out of 39 of the most physically fit men on the planet is not a good stat for the pro-vaxx camp considering the virus itself has a survivability rate of >99.9% for young fit men like chardy..

MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate your input.

You don't think the day that IT hardware gets returned and wiped might be consequential? (Genuine question, not rhetorical or being a dick)

MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the insight.

What would cause pages 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, and 18 to be unsearchable but the rest to be searchable? Is that just another buggy aspect of this thing or is it a fairly typical practice? In looking at those pages vs the searchable pgs, I don't see much of a reason to selectively prohibit, but then again I'm not a govt rules & standards expert.

MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for sharing.

Here's what I'm smelling so far. It's not a +17 offset, .. it's +49 of the ASCII table (to match the case printed).

Can you elaborate on "case printed"? When I copy-paste the content into notepad, I get all-caps.

Also, can you explain to me the +49/+75, I feel like I'm missing something simple here. I'm looking at an ASCII table rn, but not seeing exactly what you're talking about. Tbc, I understand that 'A' +49 takes me to 'r', but if you search the doc, ctrl+f "a" yields capital and lowercase R's, as well as other random letters, which has been explained away as an error in the image vs text, but I'm still not certain that this is the case either as the file has obvious mistakes when copy-pasted and ROT'd.


I'm not super well versed in the processes for these sorts of things, but just using intuition and a little common sense, those misspellings aren't on the OCR end right? I mean, I get how the system could misinterpret an uppercase 'I' for a lowercase 'L', or merge 'rn' into an 'm' if the kerning is tight, but replacing 'P' with '' seems like the file either got corrupted at some point (is "mild" file corruption even a thing?) or it suggests some level intentionality.

MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for sharing. If this is it, and seems plausible enough to me, it would need to be a new protocol that they've enacted because the other MOU's I've looked at haven't been altered in this manner.

MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know how/why, but I know that they had multiple values return the same letters. For instance, '@' and '&' both produced 'Q'. So I'm guessing that's why it produced so much unintelligible nonsense.

Also, I knew the pgs 1, 3, and 4 weren't selectable, but after seeing the totality of ctrl+a in your two posts, it looked too brief based on what I remembered reading yesterday, so I went back and double checked and it appears that pgs 10, 11, 15, and 18 aren't selectable either.

What an odd little pdf we have here lol

Thanks for posting that btw

MoU-2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's interesting but after looking at their alphabet, which is not at all what I was expecting given their geography, I can see how the autodetect could misconstrue roman alphabet letters forming gibberish as being of Hmong origin. Before looking at their alphabet though, I figured it would be more similar to chinese characters and thought you were onto something with this find. (Fun fact, apparently they didn't have a written language until the 1950s)

Thanks for running that study and sharing though!

MoU-2020 11 points ago +12 / -1

I'm not sure, but I found it bc it was linked on a .gov doc: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46602

36 3 U.S.C. §102 note; PTA, §4(g). For examples of such memoranda of understanding, see “Memorandum of Understanding Between the Obama-Biden Transition Project and the General Services Administration,” at https://presidentialtransition.org/publications/memorandum-of-understanding-between-the-obama-biden-transitionproject-and-the-general-services-administration/, and “Memorandum of Understanding between the General Services Administration and the Romney Readiness Project,” at https://presidentialtransition.org/publications/memorandum-ofunderstanding-between-the-general-services-administration-and-the-romney-readiness-project/.

MoU-2020 41 points ago +41 / -0

YES!!! You nailed it. Thanks, bud.

Does user summoning work here like it does on reddit or do I need to dm?


MoU-2020 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nope, just scanned the comments to see if I recognized the OP's user in there but didn't see it unless he was one of the deleted comments...

The one thread I remember where they were actually discussing the results didn't have more than 30-40 comments.

I wouldn't be surprised if the OP deleted the threads later tbh, but thanks for helping with the search.

MoU-2020 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh also, do you know what would cause some of the substitutions to be off? For reference, here's what you get when you ctrl+f "a": https://i.ibb.co/dmbswnT/image.png

Lots of R's but also there's some random letters mixed in...

MoU-2020 20 points ago +20 / -0

Interesting, thanks for the info. Only thing I can add is that DJT's MOU was not given this treatment. It's searchable and unredacted.

I just tried to copy+paste the portions of bidan's with the redactions to see if I could recover the redacted text but I'm doing it by hand so if you have a better way, I'd gladly defer to your expertise.

MoU-2020 61 points ago +61 / -0

EDIT to add: Do any of you guys happen to remember the post from someone who was on the Flynn forensics team analyzing the Antrim machines? He was crowdsourcing the decryption of some encrypted files in their machines and a couple users here (or maybe it was on thedonald/patriots.win) was a big help in cracking it... I tried to find those posts so I could tag the helpful users, but no luck searching both here and patriots.win. If you know what I'm talking about and can find the post, please comment below or tag the OP. Cheers!

(tried to edit my submission but it screwed up the formatting so I'll just leave it here, pls upvote parent comment for visibility if this gets buried)