MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny how that link no longer works.

I find when I go to older stories here that many links no longer work. This suggest to me that there is some AI crawler app that is scouring the Internet deleting certain links.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

So now we have to have Bus Marshalls too!

Send kids through a body scanner prior to loading. Have them remove their shoes.

Hire guys like this to ride on bus: https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/fights/post/192775/1-russian-man-vs-3-migrants

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like the CIA was behind the hippy movement in the 60's to try and delegitimize the anti-war effort. Also behind the 60's rock revolution.

Peter Coyote, narrating the documentary “Hippies” on The History Channel, said that “Some on the left even theorized that the hippies were the end result of a plot by the CIA to neutralize the anti-war movement with LSD, turning potential protestors into self-absorbed naval-gazers.”

An exasperated Abbie Hoffman once described the scene as he remembered it thusly: “There were all these activists, you know, Berkeley radicals, White Panthers … all trying to stop the war and change things for the better. Then we got flooded with all these ‘flower children’ who were into drugs and sex. Where the hell did the hippies come from?!”

Read this, it will amaze you that almost all the top groups were formed by people with CIA, Military, State Department connections.

Remember the Gulf of Tokin incident that got us involved in Vietnam, and event that never happens?

The Admiral of the ship, Admiral George Stephen Morrison was none other than Jim Morrison's dad.

David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Frank and Gail Zappa, John Phillips, Jackson Browne

MuckeyDuck 5 points ago +5 / -0

And because Russia builds relationships based on mutual cooperation, respect, and prosperity, while western countries, at the forceful prodding of our satanic, communist Dept. of State builds relationships based on an "It's my way, or the highway" dominance partnership.

If the country goes against Washington's orders they are put under sanctions, the leaders and people murdered, or the government overthrown via a color revolution.

MuckeyDuck 20 points ago +20 / -0

Why do French Navy vessels have glass bottoms?

So the sailors can see their Airforce.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm getting vibes it's going to be Bill Clinton. I know that is wild, and will never happen, but can't deny the vibes.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +2 / -1

Dude, you can't win for losing it seems. Don't let peoples attacks, or disagreements get you down. Stay in the fight.

No one here could do a better job than you are doing, for as long as you have done it.

Thanks for your efforts.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a thought but, and I'll use this analogy, when an Easter egg hunt starts, there are lots of eggs in the field, the get found easily, and quickly. As the hunt goes on, the eggs are much harder to find, and are found less frequently.

Also, prior the explosion of digger activity, it's possible that much of the information produced had been hay bagged in archives by people who on some other forum or another had accumulated this info. So when the info was produced in the chans or voat, it appeared as though someone pulled a rabbit out of the hat.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well all the check site asked for is first name, last name, state, and year of birth. It's not like it's requiring one to enter the SSN - Drv Lic - or other personally identifying information.

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

I went to site. It only ask me for Firstname, Lastname, State, and Birth year. That in my view is not very intrusive.

If it had as me to actually input my SSN, or any other data, I would have been more suspicious.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Show me anywhere in that story where Desantis's name is mentioned pal. Story says:

The Biden-Harris regime then granted her Temporary Protected Status later in 2021, which allowed her to apply for a work permit.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you're going to be a shit bag liar, go back to Reddit!

Desantis's name not mentioned anywhere in this story. It says:

The Biden-Harris regime then granted her Temporary Protected Status later in 2021, which allowed her to apply for a work permit.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the alternate address.

Are you getting that by just putting 12ft.io/ in front of URL?

Nevermind. I see you not. If you just put 12t.io/ in front of URL it would render as:


MuckeyDuck 14 points ago +16 / -2

Jack Smith can't do shit. He holds no legitimate position that enables him to do anything.

If you going to post a story from X, make sure and have another source for it. People without accounts can't see anything but top level information.

I apologize, I am getting grumpy in my old age.

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