has a story and photos about it. Sorry l can’t figure out to post it. I truly am thankful for that protection sent from God.
Trump needs to be so careful. They know once he is elected it is all over for them. He and Vance will work together to turn the country around and arrest them.
I posted yesterday about wanting to see Trump in my town but was given four reasons not to go. Turns out it was help from above. A man came to town to assasinate Trump. He sat 3 seats down from a friend. She noticed his erratic behavior, notified police, and when he tried to rush the stage at the end they tazed him and took him out.
Had my friend gotten in he would have sat with her and my daughter and l would have sat there as well, one of us would have been next to the man who was arrested. God knows what would have happened. The three of us would have been vocal with him. The one who got in is much more reserved.
Always follow your gut.
Trump is in my town. My eldest daughter and l have tickets. Got a sitter for the grandkids.
It rained yesterday. Alot. In Flood City. His venur for today, the War Memorial, flooded last night. My foot issue is acting up making it painful to stand for hours. The grandkids are all sick.
I told my other daughter last night that l was going and she asked me not to. She said too many crazy people for any political event. I told her not to worry, if l died Trump might give her a lot of money. She said she would rather have me alive than any amount of money.
I believe in signs. Guess l shall watch it on the computer. Please pray for Trump and all those who are in Johnstown, PA today, especially for the rally. Johnstown is a very corrupt Democratic town (many now pretending to be Republicans) and those at the top were working with the Biden admin to bring Afghan refugees here so l know there would be connections.
God, please bless President Trump and Johnstown.
When I found bankruptcy many years ago, you could choose to keep the home and or vehicles, and continue to pay the mortgage or car loan. Only one creditor showed up to my hearing, and that was Sears. They were there to offer me a new credit card. Lol
I’ve been worn out. Took a pencil eraser size dose of Ivermectin. Depression and tiredness much improved. I am also not fighting myself to get outta bed.
This pony is feeling much better after her horsey juice.
Edit. Dose once in AM and once in PM each day. Sorry if l misled anyone. I am in day 3.
Trains are amazing ways to travel. So relaxing.