NanoKhuma 1 point ago +1 / -0

BTC, as in the actual listed security, really hasn't been in much of a healthy spot for many years. Between the recent push for "spot ETFs" (In the vain of SLV, where they use the underlying to control price movements), the intentional stagnation of L1 chain scaling (See Blockstream and their patented Lightning network), the increasing usage of chain analytics to scrub "bad actors" from the chain, and the push for smart contracts and the smart money paradigm (A way to force how and to whom you can spend your money), BTC is in a precarious spot that leaves the Satoshi vision of trustless, free, internet cash further in the dust.

This is not to say in the future, that all can't be fixed or rectified, but in it's current state I'm heavily of the opinion that BTC is a cabal captured asset. However, this isn't me saying that all crypto is bad and always bad, just that we need to be wary of the total circumstances of the market.

NanoKhuma 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mate you know you can just buy amber with bugs in it, you don't have to resort to making your own?

NanoKhuma 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hence non-partisan. Partisan is if we should bomb brown people or shoot brown people, non-partisan is we should steal from the lower classes to make them even lower.

NanoKhuma 1 point ago +1 / -0

The society we live in has already established bodily autonomy is not absolute, hence drug usage is illegal, or suicide attempts are met with forced hospitilizations. If one can't kill oneself without risking forced medical intervention, or use drugs without running afoul of the law, why would abortion be in some vaulted, unquestionable status? After all, all 3 are my body, my choice.

NanoKhuma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those amoebas specifically go through the olfactory bulb in the nose to the brain, so it's not a huge issue unless you plan to snort the water, Hunter style.

NanoKhuma 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gold standard is the original wealth transfer scheme cooked up by the Cabal in previous years. Silver was the true money of the US before President Grant passed the Coinage Act of 1873 (without reading it, his words!!), demonitizing silver and moving the US to a pure gold standard, thereby enriching the elites at the cost of the common man.

Without a proper reset, to the country's true original currency standard, the silver standard, we will invariably reset back to a cabal of bankers hoarding the gold and lending out to us, with interest, just like what happened after silver's demonitization, maybe not in our lifetimes, but certainly in our grandchildren's.

NanoKhuma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually used this to take some pics of the 2017 eclipse.

NanoKhuma 2 points ago +2 / -0

John 15:18, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."

God bless, patriot.

NanoKhuma 4 points ago +4 / -0

Welcome to porn sickness, ideas like this only come from porn.

NanoKhuma 2 points ago +2 / -0

For being posted so long ago, still so much applies today. Truly a gruesome result waits...

NanoKhuma 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any clue why it's started moving that fast?

NanoKhuma 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm sure you would too if you got a surgical hole that

•Requires a plastic dialator shoved painfully in for ~3-8 hours a day or risks closing up. No doing it while watching TV either, you have to maintain constant pressure inwards. •Has a very high risk of creating a hole into the intestines, letting shit just fall through your new front hole. •Constantly oozes a mixture of hair and smegma, regardless of how well you can clean it, and causes the smell of death. •Completely kills sex drive, and any enjoyment from sexual acts. •You have to be constantly vigilant over your new hole, lest it fills with granulation tissue or just prolapses and falls out.

All for the low low price of upwards of $50,000.

NanoKhuma 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. Big Mike has a Penis

I thought this was supposed to be satire...

NanoKhuma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unless they are sweetening it, the sugar is just going to be double fermented anyways. Fructose to alcohol, then alcohol to vinegar.

NanoKhuma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct, they were made in the image of God.

However, by their hands, they have twisted themselves into cruel mockeries of God's pure image.

NanoKhuma 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Deflation is bad, because it causes things that are already happening, and no you can't have deflation"

The economy is already slowing down in real terms, unemployment and layoffs are way up, and businesses are already cutting hours and pay, so what would be sooo bad as to make deflation untenable, period?

NanoKhuma 0 points ago +1 / -1

The first half of the Bible is God caring about something very much, and then making that BEYOND CLEAR to his worshippers. Why then would He suddenly change philosophy and just watch disapprovingly over something that He would care about?

See the Flood, or Sodom and Gomorrha, or the entirety of 2nd Chronicles, or that time that God let the Israelites roam a desert for 40 years because of idol worship, or that time God had smitten a carriage driver for touching the Ark, or how He let the Babylonians enslave and conquer Israel.

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