He tweeted it
Kamala walked into her own trap on that one.
And that horrified face she made when Trump called her out on busing people in and paying them 😂😂😂😂😂
Almost as rich as when Trump called out Biden in 2020 for specific payments Biden received from China and Biden made that “oh shit, how did he know about that?” face.
No matter the location and no matter the conditions, just accept the debate, Mr. President. The three against one was in your favor and you delivered. There is no possible debate scenario or conditions that could hurt you.
If Kamala wants another smackdown, give it to her.
The issue with the claim that Trump was weak or ineffective is nothing more than a hearer’s programming technique for the purpose of causing doubt. Trump was perfect and made the best use of the additional time the moderators allowed him to speak (which is altogether surprising itself).
Trump was laser focused on every point of discussion. He was aggressive and consistent and truthful.
Brit Hume, Trey Gowdy, and the rest of them, have been given their inaccurate talking points to criticize Trump and defend Kamala. But the polls are proving that Brit, Trey, and all the rest, cannot sway voters away from the truth. Trump won the debate. It is an objective fact and verified by the response of the American people.
Tall mf’s scaling walls in all black gear with weapons… well-trained.