Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I agree with your general statement, I don't think any of us has a real clue what's really going on ^^

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess you are probably right.

Nex3 5 points ago +5 / -0

The 1% is the interesting stuff, the rest 99% is just noise.

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

You post pre-2017 pics of Trumps Oval Office (prior to his redecorating) then get all excited because the wallpaper doesn’t match (Trump changed wallpaper in 2017).

Also the image that is changed and is the same as in the movie independents day. Trump changed the image -> check out pictures from bevor trump. Took me less then 3min to debunk it, yet i see 3 heavily upvoted posts about this picture.

I get it, you want evidence. But if you take stuff out of context and spin a new story around it, then there is no difference to taking trumps "fine people on both sides" quote and then spin a new story around that.

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Angles? What i have seen does not look that different. But feel free to show me what you have seen

Nex3 1 point ago +4 / -3

I agree with the nuances. But there is also a thing called optics.

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess I have to be that guy.

coomparision pic: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-22/joe-biden-oval-office-donald-trump-decoration-change-white-house/13072634

video: https://youtu.be/NTus5FevWhM?t=189

trump has a different picture: https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/trump_time_june_2019-1.jpg

however, Obama had this picture too: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/press-277

Took me less then 5min. It looks Trump changed the picture, and Biden reversed it. Also look at the Trump image, cars outside the window.

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm drop 4821 and 4822. I am just watching the show and have no clue what will happen. But according to this drops, it actually was part of the plan.

Nex3 0 points ago +1 / -1

For people so smart like you guys, falling for this is sad.

What is with all the think 4D? This is not even 4D. The simple answer would be: Build up an enemy that you then can attack and use to push your own agenda.

It would not be the first time the US government would do such a thing.

Also.. The propaganda is not for you, it's for the normies. I mean.. everyone should see that, it's not rocket science.

And sticking this.. better stick to the meditating monk.

And no this is not doomercomment. If Q is psyop and therefore Trump too, why does Pompeo push so hard against China in the last days? It doesn't fit to the story. Unless... they want to associate the pushes against China with Trump-bad, to discredit it.. But that would be a very hard shift (hopefully to hard) in the narrative.

Nex3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why does it need to be ethnic group? USA has so much patriotism, you can run this shit on the patriotism.

Nex3 5 points ago +5 / -0

The shills do that for their own amusement. It's sad, but they like the feeling they "were right" and rub it into your wounds now.

Tbh I think if the situation was different a lot of people on this board would do the same to normies or lefties.

F by catsfive
Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t give a fuck, I will call our president a pedo every time I mention him

I understand you, but if it was a LARP I think that is exactly what they wanted to archive.

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

the way I see marx is: He saw the problems with capitalism. I don't think he ever thought about how far this problems can go. However.. his solution just don't work. The only way his solution would work is if all people are good. But this is not the case. Not even in marx theory itself. Simple spoken for marx the rich where the bad guys and the poor ones the good guys. So we already have bad people in his own theory. And it's the good old we vs them mentality.

For me it's clear the economy needs to be in private hands. Every person needs to have the ability to build his own business. That is freedom.

But what we see today, companies like amazon have so much power and influence. They can dictate whatever they want. That is not freedom anymore.. and tbh it's not a big difference if so much power lies in the hand of one single government or 1 single company. People like bill gates with his foundation also have way to much power and can dictate whatever they want. Also look at practices like high-frequency trading (trading stocks 1000s of times in 1 second) have absolute no realworld value.

So, we see the problem. But seeing the problem is easy. Finding a solution is the hard part. Putting the means of production in the hands of the workers is a simplified idealistic idea. Putting the economy in the hands of the government will never work well (even if the government is 100% good today, there is absolutely no reason to believe it will stay this way).

My 2ct are: More local production, less globalism. It's a lot better if he have a lot of small and medium business, then a few big and global ones.

Feel free to disagree.

Nex3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Erm, conspiracy answer: Now they have a new enemy, the domestic terrorists. Noone will question new security laws vs "qanons", noone will question censorship vs "qanons". To expand this idea: Some people will may now go violent and do stupid things, this will help label all Q followers (which in future will just be called qanons) as terrorists. Keep expanding this idea: Some of the bad stuff is probably true, but now it's linked to qanon and will never be trusted anymore. Any time something bad comes to light they can just say this is some crazy qanon stuff and it's discredited.

Nex3 3 points ago +3 / -0

mainstream answer: Trump allies with everyone who gives him support

Conspiracy answer: It was a psyop and Trump is part of the swamp. They need people divided. And now they have one more enemy, the domestic terrorists. Good reason to increase security laws and censorship.

F by catsfive
Nex3 8 points ago +8 / -0

just logical thinking If Q was a LARP, Trump is in the swamp too

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hilarious? No. But possible. However it most likly must be an insider, maybe fbi or something. Focus on russia an isis, the political correct enemy, says a lot about how your mind works.

Nex3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel your pain. Hmm everyone needs to wake up on their own. Like it says in matrix: i can only show you the door, you have to go thought it.

The door was shown now. If they regognize the door and walk thought it's their decision, not yours.

I imagine its very frustating for you. My advice would be to focus on other things with them, not politics.

Nex3 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's hard to say what started it. I am left leaning but totally against identity politics, when i realized how much identity politics the democrats play i got very critical of them. However this did not change my view on trump yet - I still saw him like the media wanted me to see him, as a racist fascist narzist. You my not like to hear this, but I never liked the USA. Mostly because of their endless imperialistic wars, their war on terrorism (i know the USA from the bush and obama era..). but I had to admit that Trump was different in this regard (this was the first time i gave him credit for something). And then there was this line in the epic rap battle that somehow sticked with me:

"Eh, they impeached me, I still walked out of DC looking peachy!"

From there on i started to dig. Videos like "who is the real racist" come to mind. I saw more and more good stuff from trump. I saw yuri bezmenovs video. And so on.

Nex3 7 points ago +7 / -0

If Q is wrong then they will come for the evil q-terrorists.

Nex3 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the inauguration is canceled, does the transition will still happen?

  1. Jan is still the date?
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