California didn’t vote for this you stupid fucking retard
i dont mind being proven wrong, but until nasa is exposed for their blatant lies and obvious slush fund run by freemasons, then i'm going to go ahead and run with the creation story that almost every ancient civilization shared
Obscene “stolen” money since almost none of the money they steal go toward their stupid fake fucking projects
NASA lies
Space agencies lie
Scientists lie
Science journals publish lies and censor truth
Science journalists lie
Scientism priests peddle lies
The entire science experiment we’ve been in is more deceitful and disgusting than all the religions combine together for the past 10,000 years
It’s a reference to the ever changing number of “murdered” jews during WW2 so no one will ever support “nationalism” ever again
But it started with words
We still haven’t written our new Declaration of Independence so there’s not exactly a rallying cry yet.
Be patient, prepare for battle, and wait for the right time - it will arrive before you know it and I’m sure we’ll still wish we had more time when it comes
True False True
Never take your eyes off israel and the death cult that’s headquartered there
But yes, the Maxwell case is obviously pertinent and relevant
It’s fun to consider all options of what’s going on, but the contradictions he pointed out are still legit
I mean, nothing makes sense anymore.
Imo Biden is a double, but it can’t be proven Imo the virus was a bioweapon, but somehow failed to kill everyone, so msm had to stuff the numbers Imo trump is a political figurehead for a nationalist populist movement to fight globalism, nothing more Imo cops are mostly law abiding citizens with good hearts, but so many of them are unwilling to defy unlawful orders
Shit seems really upside down. Idk
I wonder what tribe of powerful media influencers constantly lobby and extort politicians to force mass immigration policies into white Christian nations?