NotaJewMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh I got 4x4, have fun packing it hundreds of miles along the train tracks. Gallon of water is over 8 lbs how long you walking?

NotaJewMod -2 points ago +1 / -3

No I didn't misunderstand, 92lbs is too heavy and i guarantee you'll shed it in the first 10 miles. Yea major roads hence why I pointed out a paper map and dirt roads. What you're just gonna hike over mountains with a 92lb pack? One way or another you'll use roads

NotaJewMod 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't think you realize how many foreigners have been imported, Asian African the whole enchilada, they get immediate voting rights. My Canadian friends put it best Canada voted him in for the legal weed and then he just goes aww well let's flood the country with refugees

NotaJewMod 0 points ago +1 / -1

Someone shoulda told Hawaii you NEVER go full retard

NotaJewMod 0 points ago +2 / -2

You don't think a 92lb pack is far too much for a SHTF scenario? I, and only based off the veteran so I'll give you more than I'm sure it's worth when we were in but you don't go 3 miles with a 92lb pack. Most of your shit isn't necessary. Binos? Rifle scope. If you really want to be ready have a bug out place, most land in rural southwest is 10k for 20 acres or more. Get a map and look for roads marked like this - - - - - that means dirt road, and find ways to your place that won't be blocked. Your bug out bag should be 35 or less, you're bugging the fuck out. You'll need to be agile, and I bet lose that armor in the first 10 miles. In a vehicle kit go nuts. But keep that bug out light so you can be light

NotaJewMod -11 points ago +1 / -12

All that and you didn't list your pack weight including armor. Sound like a larper considering Potassium permanganate is a controlled chemical