Oh she knows...she is from a bloodline family...she is really a boy. Very connected to Soros. Paren TS wear antifa tee shirts.
I don't see what the shape the earth is would control your mind...what does the shape matter? Why would either flat or round be of importance to whether God exists or not and first you have to determine what you mean. Y god as god means different things to different people.
These are all stupid distraction s from your real purpose here on this earth.
Gurdjieff who came from the mystery schools said the moon was growing...an offshoot. It would eventually become like earth and the earth would become a sun..
Yes there is great danger in believing there is only one way. As Krishnamurti says truth is a pathless land. You end up the same whatever path. Ouspensky fell out with gurdjieff as he said gurdjieff was leading his pupils down a religious path..he did send some to monasteries for higher teachings... ouspensky didn't want religion coming into it. He was a very heavy drinker and dour...all left brain imo.
Dark journalist points out at the end of his life ouspensky told his pupils to abandon the teachings as he said gurdjieff did not leave him the two keys needed. How to reach the higher centres but gurdjieff said in his teachings the higher centres are always there but we cannot hear them because our being is not developed enough to hear them. Ouspensky very left brained ..all intellect. Gurdjieff and his pupils thought him childlike with not much being. You might know everything as he did but his being did not. It's as if every cell has to know imo
Clif high used aikido marshal arts to reach his point of enlightenment..a very good way to develop using breath and meditation and fighting skills. Clif said he saw all his past lives..and what he was. The face is the same mainly throughout.
Have a look at gurdjieff. Ashlanddog is posting a link. Gurdjieff came from a mystery school. What he has to say about the octave of humanity and the. mUsical scale would interest you. He taught someone an exercise to astral travel on condition the didn't get obsessed with it as it is not important.
The mystery schools to prepare for this time in history let people like Edgar cayce who could read past lives and cure illnesses just by holding a possession of someone's. Rudolph Steiner Blavatsky the whole theosophical movement gurdjieff ouspensky to prepare the world for this time now...letting out secrets that had been kept for thousands of years especially America which Gurdjieff said was the hope for the future to save mankind from being just virtually robots with all spiritual growth wiped out.
Presumably if you reach no thoughts and know the real Self there is no duality here either? Did you listen to Ramana mararshi?
Only here is duality
Have you looked at Dr Hulda Clarke zapper and her free online book cures ? Do you use bicarbonate of soda and lemon to counter acidic body?
Have you looked at Dr Robert young California naturapath?
Did you know about chlorine dioxide? Buy from Amazon?
Yes Rockefeller was behind it hundred years ago I think. It needs to be changed back. This is why I won't listen to music
I buy nitrate free bacon. It actually tastes better. I don't eat deli food.
Ronald Reagan was a Hollywood star..steeped in what Hollywood were really up to...and he was a cousin of the queen...a bloodline elite. No decisions were made without consultation with astrologers and mediums..getting messages from whom? Not a way to run a country
I am deeply suspicious of enlightenment process being allowed by CIA through these frequencies...why would they? The archontic forces use technology etc so we get sidetracked after death to the eighth sphere where a fantasy world awaits run by these lower beings.dark journalist talks about the rise of tech nology being part of this..we need to be careful..not reject it all but... Even royal rife warned about a process of entrainment occurring playing frequencies.
It's hard to believe a normie could put on headphones and achieve the two in one when many lifetimes might have been spent gradually learning...see what I mean?
I did play CDs but got concerned. Gurdjieff discouraged his pupils playing all music although he did compose some hymns ..if you achieve the two in one by hemisync where is the effort? It's like taking drugs..as gurdjieff says you may unlock the room but find it empty.
Clif high who says he went through enlightenment process ..saw his faces through all past lives etc said when I queried it with him that what prof Michael Levin discovered a bout cells would advise against it.
Churches and hymns were designed to heal but I don't go as they don't know what they are talking about ..it's a shame as they used to be healing centres and I hope they go back to it. Gurdjieff said the early churches were schools of repitition where the secrets of universe were learnt
So I play some gurdjieff music in the car sometime but prefer silence.
Ah yes I had forgotten that one...I don't see that as being to do with male/ female do you? As we are souls having a human experience that may be male or female we are really neither or both!
How interesting. Thanks for that. I must pass that on to my friend. Where was that Jesus quote I don't recognise it?. Interesting because I always thought that the marriage mentioned was the two sides of the brain becoming one..merging. the fairy stories where the prince battles through to marry the princess...to me that's what it meant...the logical maths side merging with the intuition and creative side which uses symbols not words
It's a bit like if thine I be single your body shall be full of light. Jesus lost gospels The Sufis say the heart and the mind must be in agreement.
I am not going to start hemi sync as having just listened to dark journalist it seems this might be part of an archontic scheme ..to waylay us into technology world.
When I tried it there were definite changes going on in my head but intuition was whispering to me don't do it. Quick ways are not good if you are not mentally and spiritually ready and I am still not willing to meet demons without the body for protection.
I found it disturbing in his third book when he mentions that you can get thrown down and you are born in a stairwell tenement to a young girl....this didn't gel with his other stories about picking your own parents etc. No one in their right mind would choose to be bornpn with the handicaps some are born with.
Hate to disabuse any Muslim bent on jihad and his reward ..but in heaven therecis no giving or taking in marriage. Ie..when the meat sack is dropped you don't have any equipment to do anything to the virgins who you will discover to be sexless.
As wonderful Terry pratchett has Death say..it's all glands you know..the desires are dropped along with the body. There is no male or female..just astral souls
While we are here we need to overcome the lower desires..the attachments to the body..the addictions....otherwise we will never be able to stop returning
No it doesn't exist. Cos you were I'll doesn't mean it's covid. Every year millions worldwide die of what they call a flu virus... influenza...now the symptoms of influenza ..are the same symptoms of lack of vid d which people get through no sun or radiation poisoning from 5g or your body detoxing from bad water food alcohol air smoking drugs vaxx.medicines polluted air etc. In uk ministers aware perhaps of execution looming are now saying covid is the flu which of course is what they renamed the flu.
They canno attach spike protein to a virus...they can't even pick out a virus and isolate it ..no virus has ever ever been isolated cos they can't do itm!!
Well they have switched to digital passports currency etc
The sad thing is so many doctors still believe in viruses. Viruses being able to mutate etc so no wonder the public believe the lie. There has never been a pandemic..apart from the plague..and even that the doctors prolonged by giving it to others deliberately from scabs they ground down and threw in the air to infect others.
You can listen to his broadcasts online..hour of the time I think they were called. he saidche never knew if they had allowed him to access alien stuff..fake stuff..knowing he would tell the public.
The towers falling were planned for years..part of their obsession with the singularity...mad as a box of frogs.whatsxthere now..one tower... Baphomet both male and female in one body which is why they transgender. It is said our creators the nummo were both and could decide to be female and have offspring ..they would then transfer consciousness in that offspring and soxbe I mortal. This is what they Re trying to achieve through techn ology but we were not created to do that but to die an d after soul cleaning be reborn.
I understood from Blavatsky that as we became more and more enarmoured with earth we came down from the heavenly realms ..from being boneless to decending more and more into lower frequencies and therefore.... matter. I prefer this version myself. It makes more sense
The atlanteans were apparently not truly human ..much higher frequency..more powers,over nature ...and themselves.
My friend went to a gateway course in Spain for two weeks.years Go when Monroe still alive....not cheap!! Nothing happened but some claimed to have astral travelled. She lent me his books as I was very sceptical...the tone of his third book was very different. He said the military..CIA...wouldn't let him say or do what he wanted. I did try the CDs but wondered if the frequencies used was doing other things I was.nt conscious of..and I did wonder what I would meet..demons ..without the protection of my body. I understood the military took it over afterxmonroes death.
Another friend I trust told me he was out of his body looking down on it after a motorbike accident..but our watchmacallit..word escapes me ....projects a long way out all around our body in any case...and as Jesus is quoted as saying ye are gods....we have amnesia and are purposely kept from what we are capable of but some yogis demonstrate quite clearly we can perform miracles...as Ramana mararshi says go inside..ask where did I come from? Where will I go? ..ask constantly who am I...there is only the Real Self....
Monroe in his third book admitted he may well have not got outside his head...I decided not to pursue it as it was a distraction from learning how to be a conscious being. Gurdjieff says what we accomplish in the way of knowledge we keep in our next life.
The queen of England grant s knighthoods to order of the garter people who plot the bloodlines and there was talk prince William is king Carlos of Spain's son and is the antichrist they say...she is black nobility ..but her mother was called cookie as she was the cooks daughter..so where is the bloodline there? As they are all supposed to be transgendered how does that work out! Kate Middleton is incapable of bearing. children as is moaning Minnie Harry's wife or ?
Have you looked at wm hoff? Do you do breathing exercises? Bodies need to be more alkaline than they tend to me. I am probably talking to the choir but breathing exercises so beneficial in your cancer regime. Clif into aikido martial arts which is all to do with breath. He never talks of anything but the universe will provide etc
Wm hoff studied all the disciplines in his youth ..martial arts Zen etc and is another enlighten soul. When pressed he says god is love.
Gurdjieffs wife and mother both got cancer at the same time..different ones. gurdjieff accepted his mother dying at her age but fought to save his wife..she had been a countess at the Russian court when he met her. He used to put water in a bowl and then sweat standing out on him transfer energy to her through the water. He said this was her last incarnation here and he needed To keep her here a little longer. He was then involved in a strange car accident..he drove like a maniac...and was ill and unable to help her as much as previously. I think she lived long enough to complete the reason she was here for. Gurdjieff as you know talked of our common father his endlessness.
Ramana says every move we make is predetermined and nothing we can do will alter what is meant to happen. The Arabs have this mentality too which cuts down on the anguish!! But I had a hard time believing and then accepting