According to this Republican Governor, it’s the “regular folks” who have common sense by getting vaccinated. What does that make the rest of us? Not regular folks? Are we abnormal? Are we dumb? Tell us, Governor. Maybe we are the undesirables? Maybe send us to a Concentration Camp so the “regular” people can live without us?
100% agreed. It makes no sense.
His White House should go through each Q post and debunk them all on their website. Then I would stop believing in this wild crazy conspiracy theory LARP. But you’ll never see them do that.
Today was absolutely huge. Don’t get discouraged. This was never going be a big “TRUMP WON” pounding the table type of thing. When in our history have we ever had a hearing like this that proved such irregularity in a presidential election? Never. This is just the start.
So Trump let a pedo be his VP? And speak at many of his rallies? Are we forgetting that millions of people wore TRUMP-PENCE shirts and voted for Pence as VP? I haven’t seen conclusive evidence yet when it comes to Pence.
I know, dawg.