I do not believe this. We are all God’s children. Not every black person acts like this. In fact, most don’t. The violent black community is in the minority. Though that number is definitely much larger than the number of “dangerous Qanons” that the media loves to say is the country’s biggest threat.
Tickets go on sale on Monday https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jun/7/donald-trump-conduct-history-tour-his-presidency-t/
What happens when the audits prove that Trump won? Will he still be doing this event? If not, will there be refunds?
“States cannot be trusted to protect the right to vote.”
Are they forgetting that Trump was president last year? Isn’t it dangerous to give the federal government so much power if a guy like Trump could end up in charge?
I agree. Imagine telling the founding fathers: “there’s nothing we can do!”
Even Thomas Jefferson would tell you that the Constitution is just a document that best tries to ensure the liberties bestowed to us by God. It was never meant to be a shield to protect cheating Satanic tyrants.
Don’t forget the Harvard professor - https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-indicted-false-statement-charges
“Omgggggg... the Trumpsters are gonna make local governments pay $25,000 for new machines!”
It’s funny how they freak out over the costs of machines and the border wall. Meanwhile they’re happy to print trillions and give billions in aid to terrorists and foreign invaders.
Can we deport James Corden, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver? They aren’t American citizens!!!