I kind of think of Durham as a smokescreen, he keeps HRC in check and protects Barry et al.
I guess I just trust no one.
He gypped them. I’m sure he’s thinking Ukraine is used to being betrayed, they’ll get over it.
Globohomo would be better. I am not now, nor have I ever been ….
That’s a cap n ball pistol. Very much pre 1882.
Vegetable oil works to unstick from those.
Bye Tulsi. If you see her getting on your plane, don’t go. This assertion, though true, imho does nothing to highlight Gabbard’s own shadowy background.
I was in a guru cult myself back in 1970, so I hesitate to criticize, but I wasn’t a bigwig in it, and soon left it laughing. I’m too cynical, and too skeptical to take her seriously as Presidential material. Can you say Subud here?
They all punch to their immediate right.
Implicated. Even the Gestapo was afraid of Hitler.
I mentally added the height bars behind the heads for a more mugshot image. We’re waaaitingggg!!!
Anybody who red pilled themselves knows, it’s a shock to the system. Nobody likes having to finally acknowledge ongoing wrongs. It implies responsibility for cleanup. Easier to roll over and sleep more.
Especially because it’s not what somebody says about Gates, Podesta, Clinton, Abramovic, et al, it’s what they say to each other when they think they’re in private. (Emails). Pa$$w0rd eh Johnny? Not strong.
Podesta’s emails re: spirit cooking will convince him. Then point out Microsoft using Marina Abramovic for a product launch promotion.
Thanks for posting. Waitlisted, and feel like I’m missing everything.