Outsidein406 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sure, because the White House posts their updates on a free .info domain.

Outsidein406 19 points ago +19 / -0

There was that unverified post floating around too that the mayor of OKC had been briefed that there were arrests going to be taking place. Wonder if that rumor actually had some substance to it? If so my question is why the hell Oklahoma City?

Outsidein406 12 points ago +12 / -0

A lot of folks here in the States don't realize that most of East Asia is stupidly racist. Not just China, but go to Japan and there's a ton of places like hot springs especially in smaller towns that have signs saying stuff like "Japanese only", "No foreigners", "No dark skins". And they will run you out of there if you're black or white or anything but Japanese. I know China has a lot of similar stuff too and that everyone over there is in a constant pissing match over if someone is Japanese or Chinese or Korean. It's not uncommon to basically call someone a half-breed to their face if they're anything but 100% native of the country they're in. But people are brainwashed to say we're "ThE MoSt RaciSt CoUntrY in thE wOrld!!!"

Outsidein406 12 points ago +12 / -0

I think the consensus on Pence's speech yesterday was that you needed a chainsaw to cut through the tension in the room and that there was a massive amount of subtext going on. So no, maybe you're not. I thought the part about emphasizing the "unified chain of command" was pretty telling too.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm munching popcorn as fast as I can!

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can only imagine the collective reeeeeeee-ing of the entire city of Seattle at always having Trump’s face in the distance. That sound alone might be enough to make me visit again.

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just posted this in another comment thread but I'll copy it here:

The more I see of how things play out, the more I think that Pence has basically been the sacrificial lamb in order to get the deep state in Congress complacent and moving full steam ahead with their agenda, showing their true colors. I just can't get what Trump said on the 6th out of my head:

All Vice-President Pence has to do is send it back to the States to recertify [...] I just spoke to Mike. And I said, “Mike, that doesn’t take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage.

And now Pence is getting basically shunned by the military, drowned out when he tries to talk (the fighter jet taking off mid-speech yesterday) and a ton of people around the country basically turning overnight to hating him and throwing out threats his way.

But if he'd thrown it back to the states there'd be a giant power struggle either with legal battles in corrupt court systems or RINOs overriding people in their state legislature. I mean look at how many people that originally said they'd object in the House suddenly changed course and immediately voted to certify or supported this latest impeachment filing. By him certifying it revealed even more people in the legislature that were corrupt and bypassed the courts.

I dunno, I think the guy supports Trump. This was just the role he needed to play and he was willing to take one for the team.

Outsidein406 13 points ago +13 / -0

The more I see of how things play out, the more I think that Pence has basically been the sacrificial lamb in order to get the deep state in Congress complacent and moving full steam ahead with their agenda, showing their true colors. I just can't get what Trump said on the 6th out of my head:

All Vice-President Pence has to do is send it back to the States to recertify [...] I just spoke to Mike. And I said, “Mike, that doesn’t take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage.

And now Pence is getting basically shunned by the military, drowned out when he tries to talk (the fighter jet taking off mid-speech yesterday) and a ton of people around the country basically turning overnight to hating him and throwing out threats his way.

But if he'd thrown it back to the states there'd be a giant power struggle either with legal battles in corrupt court systems or RINOs overriding people in their state legislature. I mean look at how many people that originally said they'd object in the House suddenly changed course and immediately voted to certify or supported this latest impeachment filing. By him certifying it revealed even more people in the legislature that were corrupt and bypassed the courts.

I dunno, I think the guy supports Trump. This was just the role he needed to play and he was willing to take one for the team.

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks to be a copy of this article here from the AP:


At least based on what I could see before the pop-up loads in.

Outsidein406 25 points ago +25 / -0

Maybe CNN got confused. This is what a Canadian coup looks like.

“We’re in the capitol now, eh? What’re you gonna do about it?”

“I’m sorry, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Oh gosh. I’m sorry, we’ll take a couple pictures then go.”

“That’s fine! Sorry for having to ask.”

“That’s fine, you stay safe out there!”

All in good fun to our Canadian friends on this board xD

Outsidein406 22 points ago +22 / -0

Good catch! Wonder if the choice of "Nessun Dorma" to close out the RNC was a wink to all the Q posts that talk about "Nobody is sleeping" or "Those who know cannot sleep". Never made that connection before.

Outsidein406 15 points ago +15 / -0

Found this part interesting:

One reason for the new nationwide lockdown is that the Bureau [of Prisons] is moving some of its Special Operations Response Teams from prison facilities to Washington, D.C. to bolster security...

What do we have confirmed at this point in DC? National Guard, Marines, US Marshals, now SpecOps from the Bureau of Prisons?

Outsidein406 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here’s my mile long thought for what it’s worth. I think it’s all about control. People want what they cannot have. Someone in a “lower class” of society may want an old beater car so they don’t have to take the bus. Someone that can only afford an old beater wants a new Toyota. Someone that can only afford a new Toyota wants a Corvette. Someone with more wants a Bugatti. Someone with more wants a private jet. Someone with more wants a private island. Meanwhile the poorest of people just want their next meal.

My point is that as humans, we always seek that which we do not or cannot have. And these people that are at the top of the deep state? They’ve run out of things to want. They want an island? Sure, they can talk to their buddy Epstein. Private planes? No problem. Want to take four months off and live in the Bahamas? Why not? Quite literally almost anything in the world that they want, they can either buy or get through trading favors with their friends that can buy it.

The problem is that, as humans, they still want more. But what more is there to get? It’s like the story attributed to Alexander the Great, that near the end of his life he cried because “there were no more worlds left to conquer”. That desire eats away at them and it drives them insane. Maybe not just figuratively speaking. But their desire for excess only drives them to find more excess. It’s the same way that someone that starts out drinking two beers a night may work up to drinking a 12-pack a night. Or the way that someone dipping into the waters of things like “alternative” porn may end up only being able to get off to beastiality or some messed up stuff like that. It’s the same reason why serial killers often start out as kids by hurting cats but then move up to killing other people in order to chase that “thrill”. If we’re not strong then when we get a hit of something, we want more of it until it consumes us.

Going to get a little biblical now. The Bible (and, thereby, God) tells us to give to the poor, to share what we have with others and to accept when things don’t go our way. We’re told that we might not have the nicest house or a perfect family, but that we should accept that and try to be our best anyway. And we’re told that if we do that, our reward of endless pleasures is waiting for us after this life. But there’s a reason why Satan is known as the Great Deceiver. He promises that these endless pleasures can be had all in this life. But his “pleasures” are based on our corrupt earthly world. Sure, have sex with whoever you want, as often as you want. Have all the drugs that you can take. Stay in mansions and five-star restaurants every night. But ultimately that’s a lie, because as soon as those things become readily available people turn to trying to get what they can’t have. Sex with supermodels isn’t enough for them, so they turn to the most vulnerable of the population. Even typing that makes me sick but to them it’s probably more of a thrill. And much like how some people turn to God thinking doing so will bring them wealth or whatever, I think that these “elite” turn to satanic stuff because that way they can get anything they want in this world. Heck, I’m sure that a lot of them don’t even believe in God or Satan or Heaven or Hell but they keep up with it because it gives them that thrill and lets them make more connections and get more things.

The problem is that the desire for that thrill never goes away. So they need more. And the ones of them who don’t have as much yet see how their colleagues get places and get richer by making connections, so they engage in this stuff so that they can get more goodies for themselves. It’s a messed up, vicious cycle that ends up destroying them in the end, but not before they mess up the lives of countless others in turn. They’ve fallen for a parade of lies and have been caught up in it so long that they can’t break out. Not that they’d even want to if they could at this point.

Outsidein406 11 points ago +11 / -0

I haven't slept worth anything this entire past week--and to be fair, I don't know if I will tonight--but like you said, it's almost like today something's just different. I'm happy, I'm content, I know that no matter how things go over the next few days that all will be well. It's not that I've not been able to sleep because I'm worried, but more like I am when I'm in the middle of a really great book or a really good video game. I just want to see what happens :)

I've honestly struggled with my faith for a few years. And to say that all of a sudden I've returned to the point of faith I was at a few years back wouldn't be right, but I've found almost a sort of...I don't know, catharsis? I've found myself just talking to God more like I would to a friend. More spontaneous prayer too. I don't know what going to happen, but I just have a feeling that I can't explain that it will all be alright.

For any Christian folks out there, have a listen to this:


It's a modern setting to a prayer that showed up 700 years ago, but no one knows who originally wrote it. It's honestly one of the most beautiful prayers I can think of. Let's all make sure to keep praying in these times :)

Outsidein406 16 points ago +16 / -0

The Commander of Space Force

Sorry for Twitter link, too much going on right now to link it another way


Outsidein406 76 points ago +76 / -0

This is the same guy that people were saying dropped comms last week! He did a book review and a movie review saying "grab your popcorn" and talking about how the movie Midway made people seemed like they were underdogs until they came around and slapped their enemies in the face.

PLUS he tweets this with the location of Colorado Springs, CO which is JUST DOWN THE ROAD from CASTLE ROCK, CO. Where the plane thought to be AF1 JUST LANDED an hour or so back. My heart is racing so much right now holy shit holy shit.

One of his reviews from yesterday was about a book called THE TEMPEST GATHERS. What’s another word for “tempest”, folks?

I've had a few beers after work so I might be getting really over excited about this but IS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENING?

Outsidein406 10 points ago +10 / -0

Istanbul was Constantinople. But now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople. It's been a long time gone, Constantinople.

Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks.

Outsidein406 8 points ago +8 / -0

Get this fake trash out of here.

Outsidein406 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well the Google campus was in Santa Clara, that's about six hours from San Bernardino. Unless OP has a Silicon Valley area code on their phone and got a text blast cause of that?

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is from last year.

Outsidein406 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not gonna lie, something like one of these with a little monkey stove in it...out in the woods...somewhere up north...with a good snowstorm outside and some whiskey...that sounds pretty nice.

Using it for a "restaurant safe space" though...now that's a special kind of stupid lol.

Outsidein406 16 points ago +16 / -0

All three have happened in the span of a half hour or so. False flags incoming?

Outsidein406 6 points ago +6 / -0

There was one yesterday that stood out to me like that. Left Pearl Harbor and headed toward Andrews. Was squawking as a C-37B but had a tracked speed of 500+ kts--that's almost twice the speed those birds go at cruise from what I know.

Outsidein406 6 points ago +6 / -0

RED4 looks to be Pence on Sunday. Not sure what time that's scheduled for.

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