PatRolman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps all drop boxes should only be located in the lobbies of police and sheriff's stations. Sheriffs transport the sealed ballot boxes collected from the precinct to the county election headquarters already. The lobbies have cameras and LEO/PSO personnel there 24/7 plus eliminates all the fraudulent middlemen (harvesters, NGOs, mules and USPS).

PatRolman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Say Glory...Praying the Holy Spirit be with you throughout your journey!

The book of Hebrews gives us a great perspective of Christ to focus on moving forward from the Cross.

PatRolman 1 point ago +1 / -0



John 14:2-3 New International Version 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

PatRolman 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the hostesses, Maryann King, lived in our jurisdiction. She served on boards of several charitable organizations, always gracious, kind, giving and carried her "Magic Mirror" in her purse. She often led out in the Pledge of Allegiance too. RIP Miss Maryann!!

PatRolman 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is the results of the SFSTs that are subjective and based on the investigating officer's training and experience as to the degree of intoxication for the purposes of driving safely; thus an opinion arrest. A reasonable person and any police officer can determine that someone is too drunk (0.20+ BAC) and should not be driving; hence the term “Drunk Driving.” But the threshold level of results for DUI is far less. Since alcohol is a central nervous system depressant the impairment is subtle and not noticeable to the untrained eye such as nystagymus induced by alcohol or drugs. The greater the bouncing the greater the level of impairment/intoxication and it coincides with the results of the chemical test with amazing accuracy. The eyes don't lie.

The 9th Amendment is a jewel, an ace in the hole, a trump card when used for the protection of “unenumerated" rights.

I'm currently playing this amendment with the department. The sworn brass took the oath to uphold both the U.S. and State Constitutions; we'll see how they respond. What are the odds there is a primary election in 107 days?

Q-1287 How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

Q- 3852 How do you introduce evidence legally?

PatRolman 1 point ago +1 / -0

All medical procedures require the patient to sign an ‘implied consent’ document. Does the patient take the time to read the document and consider the circumstances surrounding the procedure or just pencil whip it? Define coerce.

To avoid self-incrimination by the suspect, Miranda is only read after the arrest if or when further interrogation may be needed. For opinion arrests such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, Miranda is not necessary because the officer forms the opinion based on the objective symptoms of intoxication (SFSTs) at the scene. BTW…if at any time the suspect makes any unsolicited spontaneous utterance(s) like bragging or snitching on another suspect are admissible. This provides the filing District Attorney a position to plea bargain too.

IMHO, all facets of the Criminal Justice System blanket Miranda indiscriminately as a risk management task (CYA) instead of educating their employees. For over 30 years it has become a check list item during the booking process even if it doesn’t apply.

Is your 9th Amendment reference based on Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)? If so, I totally agree that "privacy" is an unalienable Right not specifically enumerated and an underlying theme of 50% of the Bill of Rights!


PatRolman 2 points ago +2 / -0

YES. BOS has to go through the process to enable the policy first. If these burrocrats are able to grab the power after all of the lawsuits, then they have to adhere to the civil service and due process formalities. 18,000 county wide investigations could take a really long time not to mention some of them are surely the investigators. Dollars to donuts, 45 will be inaugurated before this even launches.

PatRolman 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is always a back story. Actually, of the approximately 110,000 L.A. County employees, 18,000 have not complied with the BOS vaccine mandate. Mother County recently changed the rules so only the CEO can hire employees and has halted hiring for Sheriff's Department (Defund the Police), thus a reduction in force (RIF) thru attrition. The BOS President, who was the Labor Secretary during the ObamaNation, decreed a mandate last August that all county employees be vaccinated. Since the county departments terminate their employees, the Sheriff announced he would not terminate his department members for choosing not to be vaccinated. Currently there are some 18,000 county employees that chose not to vaccinate of which 4,000 are Sheriff Department; 3,000 of us are sworn and 1,000 professional staff.

This past Tuesday the BOS voted 4-0 (1 abstention) to change the county rules to allow Mother County to terminate any county employee. So the BOS is trying to trump the Sheriff thru a power grab.

Just like the Rose Parade in Pasadena, the Sheriff''s Department is a major player in all activities at SoFi Stadium year around. When is the Superbowl? What are the odds?

PatRolman 4 points ago +4 / -0

Roger that Sarge! We've got almost 18,000 county employees of which 3,000 of us are sworn that told the County BOS to pound sand. We've been formally served as the subject of an administrative investigation for failing to bow to their vaccine mandate malarkey. The 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments have underlying privacy themes (Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) ); the Seniors know this, but the boots are just now waking up and are realizing that reality. For those of us that served under the UCMJ know to only follow orders that are Constitutionally lawful and disobey those that are not. The sheeples are just now learning the true evil that men do...NCSWIC; yet we have only to hire from the human race. Each profession has problem children, some more than others. Challenge authority. I've seen the spectrum from the worst and disgusting, including the very top brass, prosecuted and imprisoned to the humble courage, compassion and protection bestowed upon those who cannot protect themselves. I often wonder what motivated either group to this calling.

Q referred to “divided” 133 times; perhaps we should stand up as the United States and not the Untied States! WWG1WGA