PepeTheHorse 38 points ago +38 / -0

That mandalay bay reeks of a glow operation. So much shady shit surrounding it. Weird vehicles and shady people days prior. Supposed vehicles and people fleeing the hotel night of. LEO drills prior. Crowd attendees had their phones confiscated and returned wiped. Virtually no video footage out there, and the tiny bit that made it out was removed. Overlapping gunfire ("deboonked' as echoes?) Missing laptop hard drive. Oddly staged photos of hotel room. Dude was likely executed.

Distance was exceeding ballistic efficiency range, ie: "ice-picking" is what anyone with front-line experience would call it. Could it have been all blank rounds, and crisis actors?

The whole event could have been fear theater propaganda to push anti-gun narrative.

PepeTheHorse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Their plans were out in the open on their 2020 campaign web page


PepeTheHorse 22 points ago +22 / -0

Or "buyback" programs, how can they buy back what they didn't manufacture, or let-alone sell?

PepeTheHorse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saw that yesterday. I find McAfee stuff interesting - ties to "rusty shackleford's" youtube account with drone footage of the FBI "raid" on Little St. James Island.

Think that creators page has been pulled, but looking back it seem someone under the name "regular rock" has re-uploaded vids

Ironically the feds were pulling curtains, and blocking windows with cardboard (just like during the 2020 election?)

PepeTheHorse 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's disgusting that our women have been coerced and conditioned into forced consumption of sex and lust... Degenerate debauchery does not lead to a happy wholesome future

PepeTheHorse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Daytime soaps are basically degenerate soft-core pornos

PepeTheHorse 9 points ago +9 / -0

Meanwhile we have more censorship, sanitized propaganda than north korea does... At least in my area, most are nose-to-grindstone; Consumed with their distractions/entertainment - wool over eyes, fingers in ears. Bring the honkening State-side!

PepeTheHorse 2 points ago +2 / -0

They could easily grift off of any "viral" tragedy that triggers deep emotion. Simply skim whatever off of the top of every "cause/fundraiser" Just like goolag/yootoob manipulate the data to present whatever they want.

Also all the celebs and "elites" encouraging plebs to donate to blm... maybe they were getting kickbacks from the slush-fund skim - Or was that actblue

PepeTheHorse 25 points ago +25 / -0

"Non-Biased" bullshit, he was doing everything he could to prop up Brandon. That Savannah Guthrie cunt is the same filth fake news propaganda

PepeTheHorse 2 points ago +3 / -1

NASA Hires Top Priest To Prepare Humanity for Major ‘Life-Changing’ Announcement. Is this why they launched the James Webb telescope on Christ's birthday? They could generate whatever fictional "blue beam" narrative the want to with all the fancy cgi/ai and deepfake developments over the last couple decades.

PepeTheHorse 7 points ago +7 / -0

Only in the sense of big tech's horseshit narrative. They try way too damn hard to be "the ministers of truth"

PepeTheHorse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Once you awaken to all the degenerate filth pumped into mainstream tv, commercials, movies, music - you notice it everywhere. It's easy to detach and unplug from their grasp.

Yet I find it astonishing how many idiots mosey around 100% distracted from reality with stupid ear buds in consuming meaningless garbage.

PepeTheHorse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Almost like all food production supplies are modified by design. Fortified with stuff that isn't necessary, removal of iodine and so on. Everything is ultra processed for convenience, and a work force on-the-go.

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