PermaHandshake 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's possible but it doesn't mean this will necessarily be the outcome that stands. On insurance policies when you go to claim it goes to a manager who looks into the claim. This person's job is essentially to try to prevent you from getting your money as much as possible. The person could easily claim they won't payout because of this and now they may need to hire a lawyer and fight it etc...

PermaHandshake 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mainstream news: Israel is bombing Hamas tunnels and killing Palestinians, oh no!!!!
Israel bombs mainstream media HQs
Mainstream news: Hamas is bombing Israelis and killing them, oh no!!!

PermaHandshake -1 points ago +1 / -2

As long then as we both believe we need to take action and that we're the good guys, while the leftist are the bad guys, while we both disparage people who refuse to take action then we're pretty much the same and don't need to recruit anyone anywhere.

PermaHandshake -2 points ago +2 / -4

I'm a white nationalist, fairly racist, reactionary, omniPOC that doesn't frequent this GA site and just happened here cause of this post on the front page of communities.win

I'm just reading the comments here and there's guy like u/335K and u/JackArrow talking about getting more "patriots.win" people to believe Q etc...

I'm just curious, what exactly is there to believe in Q? That the military is secretly in control and America will fix itself by us doing nothing? That sounds less like a conspiracy and more like a way to satiate your drive to actually go out and do anything to make changes yourself.

Pedos in Hollywood? We all know that's true and don't need Q for that.

I'd maybe believe Q stuff if there was actually some evidence of anything in the USA going our way but it's looking more like civil war is on the horizon and that no one will rescue us. What exactly is it people on here want people like me to accept?

PermaHandshake 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the end you will have been proven right so good on you for sticking with what you believe. No true family would ever disown their children over government compliance.

I remember hearing a story about some North Korean defector who ratted out his parents for disobeying government rules. His parents were executed. He never felt anything and didn't believe he did anything wrong. it wasn't until he left North Korea and unwound from his government indoctrination that he realized he ever did anything wrong and then the feelings over what he did hit him. This situation is what your parents are going through. They are wholly indoctrinated by the government and have lost their humanity in the process.

When the time comes that you are proven right, you should forgive them but make sure they truly understand their mistake.

PermaHandshake 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, men have been hit the hardest by the psychological operation. Masculinity is dying. Men's testosterone level today are lower than they ever have been. The gynocentric government, academia and work environments cause a lot of men to just give up. Masculinity is wholly oppressed in men.

Men tend to wake up when there's a motivation for effort (there is none) and when they're in physical danger (they aren't).

The people in charge have been careful to specifically craft a situation entirely around how to avoid getting men to "stand up".

PermaHandshake 1 point ago +2 / -1

University is nothing but communist indoctrination camps to turn her into a slave.

99% of women would be 100x better off saving the cost of education for a dowry and then marrying a quality man, having children, home-schooling, taking care of the children, the household, supporting her man and then doing some entrepreneurial venture on the side if she gets bored (she won't get bored).

PermaHandshake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Men and women are different. Don't believe the equality lie. It is pure deception designed to subvert the moral values of society and degrade cultures. It is not true and false.

One of the differences between men and women is that a woman is naturally submissive to strong authorities. This is by design because genetically, this is how women survived and how our species continued to advance as a species by allowing mixing with new genetics. When invaders took over a tribe, the women submitted themselves to the conquerors and the women who refused were killed along with all the men. Thus over time, women's genetic became that which easily submitted to strong authorities. It is what they are naturally designed to do. If women weren't naturally designed to do this, tribes would kill all the men and women which wouldn't allow for as much mixing and enhanced genetic makeup.

Men on the other hand survived by fighting against invaders so submission was never in the genetic code of men. Men know instinctively too that submission just leads to their demise so men fight strong authorities rather than submit to them.

This is why in a society with universal suffrage democracy, it has veered far more authoritarian because women like to submit to the State while men want liberty from the State.

Traditionally, women submitted to their fathers and husbands such that they took on the moral values and beliefs of their husbands. They also submitted to God and took on those values, typically far more readily than men.

In western society today, God is no more and submission to father/husbands is no more. What you have is a bunch of women who are submissive to the State and woke ideology (the new religion in society which is the State's religion) because the State is now the strongest authority and women naturally submit to it a lot more than men.

A woman's submission to authorities tends to be fluid and she'll just submit to whatever the strongest authority is at the time. When a man's wife leaves this culture and goes to another culture, she may submit quite readily to the authority that these cultures place on her because these authorities are going to seem extremely strong. A woman in western culture is taught specifically by the State NOT to submit to her husband because the State fears this since it's how they maintain control. Women who submit to men and not the State are a liability for them. The State teaches women not to submit to their husbands and thus women stay submissive to the State no matter what their husbands say.

There is still a chance your wife changes her beliefs again as she lives longer here in western society because of the authoritative pressures she'll face. You see this in non-western women who come over to the west and then initially they have great values but the longer they stay in the culture, the more they submit to the State's value system. Men DO NOT do this nearly as readily as women.

If we want to break out of the control mechanisms the western elites have on us then we need to be honest about the differences between men and women so that we structure ourselves in a manner that best utilizes men and women's strengths and weaknesses to our advantage rather than letting the elite use them to their advantage. Any man or woman who says "but not all women" in regards to what I just said is doing the bidding of the elite. They force equality on us when it is not true in order to maintain their control over us.

PermaHandshake 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had covid-19 about a month ago. The symptoms only lasted about 2 days and then I was better. Fact of the matter is that for the vast majority of people, covid-19 is a completely harmless virus. It's relatively weak too compared to a common cold or flu.

PermaHandshake 1 point ago +3 / -2

It gets confusing. Nazis were socialists but not by most modern understandings of socialism. The Nazis wanted to socialize production in the sense of creating an economy where the benefits of the economy went toward benefiting the State first and therefore its citizens first. This was in competition with international capitalism or international communism. Today we mostly call what Hitler was against as neoliberalism/globalism.

The Nazis had private property and capital in their economic system. The Nazis also privatized many industries/businesses. By a modern socialist's standards, the Nazis weren't socialist because most modern socialists dislike capital.

A better word for the Nazi's economy is National Capitalism; however, at the time of the Nazis, capitalism was becoming synonomous with globalism/neoliberalism; whereas socialism was not entirely defined and was viewed more as simply a way to align a country's production such that it benefited all the citizens of the country rather than benefiting foreigners.

Hitler's economic system is likely one of the best economic systems for any country. Staunch capitalists on here would actually quite like Hitler's economy because Hitler believed in capitalism except wanted to detach himself from international banking and trade agreements that didn't benefit the country, reduced its sovereignty or did not allow the country to be self-sufficient.

Calling Nazis socialists as a modern insult to try and liken modern socialists to Nazis completely misses the mark. It's not much better than communists saying the end-goal of capitalism is fascism. What everyone is missing here in the discussion is ALL OF US, whether you're communist, capitalist, or whatever, hate the same enemy which is international neoliberalism. Fascism was a counter to this and the most effective counter ever. It was the only real counter and the world went to war against Hitler because of it. No other economic system has ever managed to counter international neoliberalism. For all the theorizing of communists, we actually have a proven system that can beat international neoliberalism and that's fascism.

PermaHandshake 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think a lot of people are realizing Biden and Harris aren't legitimate. No one respects their authority because they are tyrants.

PermaHandshake -1 points ago +3 / -4

Looks like Muslim countries are the best. Time to adopt all Muslim values in the west and end liberalism.