Plasticpower5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nahh we will save it for our “World Breakers”. They are our Trump card to strike fear in those no good avian bastards.

Plasticpower5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watch it like a movie and as soon as he finishes the oath the escort just pells in to formation. That would be a tell tho. I remember seeing that the first time AF1 flew with a fighter escort over American airspace was 911. I’m not sure if it became a regular thing tho

Plasticpower5 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sum of all fears, CFB natty championship, the Inauguration, the puppy bowl I wonder if we’re gonna see a Nuke?

Plasticpower5 3 points ago +3 / -0

On a side note she’s playing the game. Say 24hr rule in effect. Her statement is a safe gamble. She won’t recognize it untill it’s 100percent official. Keeps her safe with the bads and it’s a safe out with the goods. Pretty much we wanna be super certain before we move kinda thing.

Plasticpower5 5 points ago +5 / -0

Some of this can be accredited to the colleges around. Young men and women just getting out and are exploring them selfs. Druidic shops are the place for best interaction. Some just have that mentality. But if I was to open a “magic” shop I so do it near an all women’s school.

Plasticpower5 5 points ago +5 / -0

My brother hiked the trail 2 year ago. He made it safe. Started in Georgia and picked him up north of Nannahala. The woods hold a lot of secrets. Just because we have technology doesn’t mean we fully understand the shit that goes on out there.
Always be safe and prepared. Pick your stops carefully. Act with confidence and get the hell back on the road. I’ll wear a CC charge before I end up dead.

Plasticpower5 6 points ago +6 / -0

Look up the stories of those who hiked the Appalachian Trail. There are multiple reports and stories of the “Crazies” and supernatural. Our mountain folk are not to be fucked with. They are out there doing their thing. Now as far as the new witches/wiccans out there look at Sylvia NC.

Plasticpower5 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they are like us then yes. My plant we use PVC/abs material to make the cable boxes on the sides of houses. As much as this headline grabs, you otta see the amount of waste we produce.

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