Point-of-impact 2 points ago +2 / -0

On the eve of the election at around 9PM (est) I was watching the feed on The NY Times website and monitoring vote counts. The entire west coast hadn’t counted or reported votes. Then all of a sudden WA, OR and CA turned blue, just like flipping a switch. That’s when I knew it was all rigged.

There was a time in history when CA was actually a red state.

Point-of-impact 3 points ago +4 / -1

Operators are standing by.

Point-of-impact 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone listen to Bannon’s War Room? Things I’ve heard Bannon say;

This is the great awakening. This will be the shot heard around the world. I am Q.

If you’ve done any research into Cambridge Analytica, the firm hired by Bannon while he worked for Trump, you’ll understand they use what’s called psychometric profiling. I wouldn’t be surprised if this played into Q.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Analytica

Something to think about.

Bongino and a lot of other people showed what kind of person they are after Trumps victory was stolen. Bannon never backed down. He has always been about the fight.

Point-of-impact 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can tell you this, someone close to me needed to get registered to vote and she said the Kalamazoo County Clerks office was closed on the biggest Election Day in history.

Rather than registering voters it sounds like the county needed to re-allocate resources for other things.

Point-of-impact 27 points ago +27 / -0

I work for a big company and make outbound calls everyday. The conversations aren’t supposed to be focused on politics. People speak about it because they can’t stand to see what’s happening and I’m a good listener. That’s all I can say.

Point-of-impact 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m probably late to the party... oh well. Weekend entertainment in our occupied country.

Point-of-impact 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heavens Gate Hale Bopp Nike Castrations Phenobarbital

Good times!

Point-of-impact 4 points ago +5 / -1

X22 is pure speculative entertainment that is enjoyed by many, myself included.

While Dave has a remarkable ability to piece together clues into a plausible theory, sadly I have never seen anything come true.

Then again my memory might be failing.

Regardless, I am entertained.

Point-of-impact 19 points ago +19 / -0

Let’s talk about your health... 96% of Americans think eating Cheetos is a popcorn alternative. Studies show it’s not. Not only is Cheetos not a shortcut to popcorn it’s also not a shortcut to “Nothing can stop what is coming.”

The safest way to eat popcorn and enjoy the show is to pop each kernel individually and eating it one kernel at a time. Garlic butter will be shipped with every order.

Point-of-impact 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’ve listened for years but Dave has not made one correct prediction. The simple fact is, there is no magic someone that’s going to save humanity. It’s only human action that will.

Less Hopium more human action.

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