PotatoFarmer20 1 point ago +1 / -0

So she fell ass backwards into a coi pond?

PotatoFarmer20 24 points ago +24 / -0

Because there was no benefit to the Cabal to have everyone awakened as Q has done. Global fascism would have been easier to implement uf everyone was still asleep.

Duh. Occam's Razor.

PotatoFarmer20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair. But i would say that exposing people to a taste of said info will make them dig for themselves. Thats one of the major purposes of the Great Awakening.

PotatoFarmer20 2 points ago +2 / -0

(((Them))) refers to a very specific group of Ashkenazi Jewish people who are ethnically Jewish, but worship satan. They also happen to head up most of the major power structures destroying the world today. How broadly you interpret that phrases application is on you, not the one speaking or typing the statement. It is an issue that needs to be discussed.

A parallel: not all gay men are pedophiles, but gay men make up 40% of all pedos. Should this be ignored and branded as homophobia? Or should this issue be adressed, at the very least, by a vigorous debate about correlations and causality?

Remember Kyle Rittenhouse? He shot three people who were rioting. All three had criminal records. Two were pedos/sexual abusers. Should we pull on that string to find the correlations that may exist?

Much work as already been done researching what relationship Talmudic Judaism has to the people destroying our world. Dont discount the research because you dont like the truth it may tell, rebuff it with truth. This is how honest open debate works. No subjects are taboo. If they are deemed taboo, its cuz those deeming it so cannot refute the facts presented. Shouting down ideas is extremely un American. Thats all I'm saying, and i believe you get my point.

Worth considering. Food for thought. Have a great day. Keep up the fight. Keep thinking critically.

PotatoFarmer20 1 point ago +1 / -0

So why is criticizing a singular jewish person or a specific group of Jews labeled anti semitism against the whole lot? Wouldnt that also be a part to whole fallacy? That would be using good religious Jews to protect those who are using those good people as a shield from criticism, which is evil.

Its a two way street. Criticism of any Jewish person is not "anti-semitism". The Jews typically being criticized arent even Semitic, thus not covered by such terms anyways.

It's not really complicated. People who do things which others view as bad get criticised, but only when those bad people are using associated groups as shields does a word like "anti-semitism" arise. Its designed to shut down a very valid debate that should be had in a country that values free and open discussion.

PotatoFarmer20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Got called a boomer today online ealier. Blew my mind. He's another channel to wake people up. And often correct.

PotatoFarmer20 2 points ago +2 / -0

FIPA and Federalism and 2a. If we were heading into NWO/Trump folding his cards.... We would already have nationally demanded lockdowns, which TRUMP hasnt done. We would have Chicom mil on our lands, not just our borders. And TRUMP would have "taken our guns" (my words not your and impossible). We arent there. Q was our wake up call.

PotatoFarmer20 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gab has archived and reposted all hia tweets. Should be on "his" Gab.

PotatoFarmer20 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bingo. Some people still havent fully awakened.

PotatoFarmer20 20 points ago +20 / -0

And knowing this... How do you think he got elected in the first place? This isnt the first time he stopped the steal. He let them steal it in 2018. He will win. A perfect storm.

PotatoFarmer20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup. Shes shit faced again. None of it makes sense.

PotatoFarmer20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rogan is a "clown". He is a gatekeeper. He silences any real truth. However, he's a micro-purple-pill absorbtion machine. Can he be used to free minds? Thats for you to decide.

Is a purple pill better than a lifelong blue pill? Is a purple pill a leading into a red pill? Your call entirely.

My view.... Fuck Joe Rogan.

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