PowerToThePlebs 11 points ago +11 / -0

Anybody else notice the only white guys in that picture are in the back actually doing work.

PowerToThePlebs 14 points ago +14 / -0

I need somebody to explain to me how cooking from scratch is more expensive. I have been cooking my whole life both personally and professionally. I have an entire notebook filled with my own recipes. I have 3 children under the age of 9 and a pregnant wife, if I take them to a sit down restaurant it will cost me at least $50. $50 at the grocery store will buy the ingredients for a full meal. I'm talking meat, potatoes (rice, bread, whatever starch), vegetable. I will have leftovers for the next few days and ingredients for another dish. I don't believe I could feed my family on our income if we didn't cook from scratch most days of the month.