Right and they keep showing their stripes and that is helping the Great awakening. People don’t really want 93% tax rates to pay for 93 trillion green new deal !!
It’s going to take more than a few days. Give it till March 4 please
He who laughs last .... laughs last. They will see and we will be the great karnacks!
Heck yeah! Trump won and will be ( or still is) our president for the next 4 years. Military will never let a pedo commie China sell out traitor get the codes ! 65,000 troops tell us that.
Yeah the part where Biden isn’t the president of Anything except a defunct USA corporation !
Who are you and what the heck is Qanon?
So what. He reads a ton then puts together a summary report of what he thinks is credible. Must people don’t go to 8 kun to find it.
There are going to be plenty of US senate and congressional seats up for grabs once the air clears and all these treasonous ******** are in gtmo ! Start preparing to run or to recruit a qualified patriot to run. We will have block chain secure voting soon.
And that’s what God is waiting for ... everyone to get to that point then he can act and Show all His Glory and God will get all the Glory.
Prayers always needed ! Q trusts power of God as do anons. We pray for little shedding of Blood , for satan to be crushed , children saved etc.
What’s a glow phag? I’m a patriot anon, digital soldier been fighting since March when I woke up !!
Welcome awake patriot ! God forgives you and I welcome you.
So stay home , like even if in Fla don’t send kids to school ?
Never mind it’s a hoax tells about all these charged for 911
Someone posted it in a thread on twitter
And then I’ve seen stuff saying he’s actually alive and they didn’t get him . Time will tell.
Wow thank you ! I wish you could tell my family that, most think I’m nuts ! Seriously though I appreciate your post and your gratitude and kind words. It’s sure nice to get an “ atta girl” . I do it for love of our great country and my fellow man and for God. It has been an honor . I’m proud to be a digital soldier. God is saving our Republic and our world. ???
So I’ve heard so much bad stuff about Pence , trafficking while governor and pedo and worse.the plot to dump Trump with Ryan before the election 2016 and his assassination attempts on Trump What is the deal ?
Amen !! 100% agree!!!!
There is no denying
That’s a good thing because every time an anon tries to call a time they are proven wrong and I’m sure I will be too, but to your point of all the different time zones, I have a lot more chances of being right. Thanks friend ??
Well I find little encouragement in that ! Abortions murder babies and they agree with that,but you think their Consciences will be jarred because they find out satanists used the baby’s and baby parts for nefarious things. I think you are sorely mistaken. It was exposed in Ca and Killama Harris prosecuted the sting operation leader David Daleiden ps. Kamala Harris was DA ! https://www.lifenews.com/2019/11/15/jury-forces-david-daleiden-to-pay-planned-parenthood-870000-for-exposing-its-aborted-baby-part-sales/
Wise council , thank you.
Yup that was kind of a rhetorical question calling that shill out. Thanks.