PresidentialSeal 10 points ago +10 / -0

Praise Jesus, YES! The woodchipper of justice is ready and waiting for the festivities to begin! Bang on. I hope this ball keeps rolling and gathering steam until its ready to smash their entire evil kingdom once and for all.

PresidentialSeal 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same. This board is an island in stream. Looking down this thread's comments and not finding even one "two moar weeks" retard is enough for me. So helpful. So perfect.

PresidentialSeal 16 points ago +16 / -0

KEK, exactly my situation. Then suddenly I met a based woman who treats me with respect. I feel like I went through a mini "Job" experience. God is good.

PresidentialSeal 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is my favorite community on the entire interwebs. I'm a gear head. I mod things, build custom van/truck/hauler interiors, I'm a self-taught, top-flite welder. I spend time in endless forums, and NOTHING, NOWHERE offers the same level of just tight, pure focus like what GreatAwakening does. Everywhere else you have to wade through an endless onslaught of non-stop pretenders, tards, and downright faggots. Every time I press my "GW" bookmark on my tab I expect it to 404, as if this experience was too good to be true. When the page thankfully resolves, I know that THANK JESUS SHEEYIT I'm going to be breathing only the purest and most unadulterated air that exists on the entire internet.

To say that GAW is a special experience is an understatement. Everywhere else smells like diapers and day-old beer compared to this. EVERY other place I go, I wish it was modded by assholes at the level that this place is (and y'all mod team know that I mean that in a GOOD way). Hell, the entire world. I know others feel this way because I can tell from the comments that everyone else is so totally "bought in" to what we're sort of doing around here. It makes me comment LESS because I spend more time reading, because I know I am among ELITE patriots. FUCK YES.

Every single day, I feel grateful that this place exists. Thank you mods and mod team for what you do.

PresidentialSeal 37 points ago +41 / -4

I'm certain that Nazi Mossad ((((joo)))) u/catsfive is behind this crackdown! Affiliate links are free speeeeeeech!!!

Hahaha, don't ban me, I'm kidding. Those haters that discombobulate inside every mod PSA post are just too hilarious not to make fun of.

EDIT actually. It's simple. Guys. Amazon affiliate links get royalties. It's not about fenbendazole. You can buy it on amazon no problem (that's where I got mine). The affiliate links pay royalties, and the posts are just tards trying to skim off everyone's purchases. I wouldn't allow it if I was a mod too.

PresidentialSeal 3 points ago +4 / -1

When Elijah gathered the prophets of Ba'al, marched them down to the river and slew them, killed them, describe the language they used.

This is war. Literally, a holy war. God Himself is under attack.

PresidentialSeal 8 points ago +8 / -0

Agree. Probably the scariest weapon Russia has put on display has been their resolve, their patience. They will never waver. The SMO's objectives will be achieved.

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