Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

This sounds crazy. Like people who showered their groceries with a hose. All for nothing because it doesn’t spread without a host.

Primetime 15 points ago +15 / -0

Don’t you find it weird when you reject the shot, they immediately offer a shot for something else? Why not a pill for something? Why not check your blood pressure again or ask for a urine sample or ask about your diet? Do they care about anything that’s not an injection? Do you trust you won’t get injected with the covid vax against your knowledge? It’s happened already to hundreds of people at least and reported in the mainstream news.

Edit: Her “I don’t judge” comment implies you are in the wrong. What’s there to judge? “I don’t judge” is what I would say to a person who sleeps around, but I don’t make it any of my business.

Primetime 33 points ago +33 / -0

It’s not just a tetanus shot. Ask which brand. Look up the ingredients. You are still trusting your doctor. Also, the microchip comment sounds like an attack on your intelligence. You certainly made the choice not to get it due to possible side effects, not due to microchips. The microchip comments were always a way to discredit people with concerns about safety.

Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think this lines up with my chicken pox. I wasn’t separated and I was a pre-teen. I was given a purposely infected glass at home. I know there are many stress related issues, but it seems to be something else for chicken pox.

Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

You linked the cloves twice. What is the other link missing?

Primetime 3 points ago +3 / -0

Found it by searching the TikTok handle. https://www.tiktok.com/@liveperformanss Rumble link: https://rumble.com/v25q07y-the-boss.html

People really should share with the class.

Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would you like to share the rest with us?

Primetime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure. I’ve been thinking of getting a water filter for it. Any recommendations?

Primetime 7 points ago +7 / -0

Are you saying fluoride kills or causes cancer? There’s some grammar error confusing me.

Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

2 doses on the first week and then once a week for a month is all it takes? Was it 6mg or 12mg? I looked up the protocol, but there are multiple versions.

Primetime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you cure the toenail fungus by putting it on the toenail or by ingesting it?

Primetime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many come up with the same date and coiner when you use DuckDuckGo. The one I pasted was Encyclopedia Britannica.

Wikipedia also dates it back to the 1800s, but different. Though used as the same purpose.

The origin of "antisemitic" terminologies is found in the responses of Moritz Steinschneider to the views of Ernest Renan. As Alex Bein writes: "The compound anti-Semitism appears to have been used first by Steinschneider, who challenged Renan on account of his 'anti-Semitic prejudices' [i.e., his derogation of the "Semites" as a race]."[15] Avner Falk similarly writes: "The German word antisemitisch was first used in 1860 by the Austrian Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider (1816–1907) in the phrase antisemitische Vorurteile (antisemitic prejudices). Steinschneider used this phrase to characterise the French philosopher Ernest Renan's false ideas about how 'Semitic races' were inferior to 'Aryan races'".[16]

Primetime 7 points ago +7 / -0

Let us know what you find. I have read of this site the term “conspiracy theorist” is only since the JFK assassination theories. Would be interesting to see if there is earlier usage documented somewhere.

As for anti-semitism it was originally used as a way to justify hating Jews for their ethnicity and not for their religion. It was at a time when semites were a lower or non-European race (racism was okay). But hating someone for their religion is different. The term anti-Jewish would be too unclear if it meant anti-Jewish religion or anti-Jewish race.

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