Instance of potential voter fraud happening right in front of my face, in the heart of a deep red state. Remember that even if they don’t think they can win these states, they want the popular vote and will definitely cheat here too, to gain more votes under the radar

Where's Gina? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by ProphetBoi ago by ProphetBoi

My friend is a missionary and visited Ukraine to deliver humanitarian aide. Her friends from there contacted her and asked for prayer. Evidently the power grids in their city have been taken out by missile strikes, and reports are that it's happening all over Ukraine.

I feel like someone here mentioned that this might take place soon. Well, it seems like that's the case. I hate it for the citizens, but if the Deep State falls as a result of this, maybe on the other side of their suffering is peace and prosperity


Hey guys, two years ago my ex-wife (then-wife) and I slept together. At the time we were separated, and she was in a committed relationship with a woman. We had been fooling around for 6 months prior to that.

Now that I'm in a very serious relationship and have pushed back on how our son and I have been treated lately, she's come out and accused me of raping her. It's only in text right now, and I don't believe she'll take me to court over this, but i want to get a little insight as to what to do.

Law frens and people who have knowledge, can you drop some advice below? I'm already cutting off all non-logistical communications related to my son. But from there, I'm at a loss. Prayers are also appreciated.


I've been job hunting for a bit & am finding that many jobs have caved, asking about pronouns, sexual orientation, etc. I'd like to find a remote position (marketing, operations) with a company that still has its values.

If you know of any companies like that hiring or any jobs board where I can find those sorts of positions, please drop links in the comments. Thank you!


Something I've been concerned with in all of this is what will happen to us once the USD finally collapses. How can "the best be yet to come" and yet we face potential economic ruin?

Well, I think that the Russian Ruble just showed us the way. Hear me out.

The media made it an absolute point to drive home that the Ruble was collapsing and Russia's economy was in free fall. Yet I just saw a graph of the Ruble since they announced major moves like backing their currency with gold, and it seems like they're quickly on the mend. Much faster than I would have expected.

What if that is our fate? A short "collapse" of the USD followed a drastic resurgence via NESARA/GESARA (I am very, very mildly versed in this-didnt believe it was even possible until witnessing Russia's rebound). Perhaps the best really is yet to come, and those dark times, while tough, won't bring us to the ruin we might think. Food for thought.

wat (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by ProphetBoi ago by ProphetBoi

Today my vaccinated mom with COVID calls me and tells me her local doctor prescribed her Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc, Vit C, etc. and that Walmart wouldn't fill it. She is changing to a local pharmacist who will.

I've been vindicated. Keep the faith, everyone! It's going to happen for you all as well.


Say America overcomes the threat of tyranny and ushers in a new era of freedom, be that because of Q, Trump, the military, or us anons taking it back through local, state, and national efforts, or a combination of all of it.

How does the rest of the world get free? Do we impose aggressive sanctions? Do we arm their populations? Do we invade? Or do we just let them be?

I think of American soldiers during WWII and think there may be a time where we are called upon to do that again. What do you guys think?


I recently started dating this nurse friend of mine, who is pretty conservatives but isn't quite redpilled. We were talking about COVID and I brought up that most of our deaths were preventable, referencing IVM/HCQ usage and the low vaccination rates in Africa in comparison to the world, and yet their deaths/cases are also low.

Her response challenged me: "If there's a treatment that prevents it or treats it, why wouldn't our doctors default to it? I know some, and surely they'd do everything they can to save them. I couldn't believe that they wouldn't save those lives because of money."

I'm stumped. She's treated and seen people die from this, so I don't know how to answer it. Do you guys have any way that you would?


If for some reason you do, DO NOT let them put you on a ventilator. Fight to be treated with Ivermectin, HQC, monoclonal antibodies, etc. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell everyone.

No more needless death. No more! Stand up for our right to live, and get others to stand up for theirs as well.

BUT BUT BUT BIDEN WON GUYS (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by ProphetBoi ago by ProphetBoi

I'm not sick, but I want to get my hands on some for the deworming element. I dont know if I have them, but I think it's worth giving it a go. My question, aside from getting the paste version (which I am willing to do if stores arent sold out and there is no other option), what would be my best course of action to getting it prescribed to me? My only stipulation is that I will not lie to have it prescribed.

Thanks, frens!


I love me some GA. but I'm gonna take a little time off to reset. I think it would benefit some of you frens as well! Mentally recharge for the things to come.

Stay sharp, stay vigilent. WWG1WGA


I've had a lot of anxiety about my approach to school since our district requires masks. Was considering pulling him out and homeschooling, but as I'm in a coparenting relationship, it would take both of us agreeing and I'd need a coherent plan of action for her to be on board.

Today, a large group of parents had a meeting. Afterwards we join a private group, and there I discover my son's teacher posting in protest of these mandates. She's got two children and she's livid about it. And she isnt going to be enforcing it in her classroom.

God really is good.

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