Psydo5 5 points ago +6 / -1

What happened to Geert Wilders? Wasnt he the Dutch Trump in 2016?

Also heres hoping La Pen kicks Macrony out of Frances Presidency!

Psydo5 4 points ago +5 / -1

Never inferred it was mine. I didnt even know it was from there, a friend of mine sent it to me and I thought it was funny

Psydo5 7 points ago +8 / -1

This is embarrassingly going way over my head. Could we get a layman's ELI5 for all the special kind of retards like me?

All I see is a bunch of blue and red

Psydo5 0 points ago +1 / -1

Putin is ex-KGB and he has a ruthlessness that comes with it. The fact that hes had decades to cultivate a government of loyalists gives him the freedom to act and say as he pleases.

I feel he has a lot more understanding of the nuances of politics than Trump, due to sheer experience.

I always think back to that meeting he aud with Merkel (who has a phobia of dogs) where he let his dogs roam free in the meeting as a power play

Psydo5 14 points ago +15 / -1

We've gone full circle from liberals demanding a few years ago that breastfeeding in public places including restaurants to be ok, to now saying a mother feeding her baby is now cis-gendered patriarchal oppression.

What a clown world

Psydo5 19 points ago +20 / -1

My only qualms with all of this Lincoln Project shit is they've literally admitted to crimes of soliciting sexy from a minor, yet so far the worst thing to happen to them is a resignation. Why were there no arrests of these founders who have proven to be pedophiles, and have admitted to the crime? I want heads to roll, not unemployed humility.

Psydo5 0 points ago +1 / -1

Another tip is that laces can be used to break free from zip-tie handcuffs (which are used more frequently as they can be adjusted to the size of the child's wrists - and fasten quicker than rope).

[Here is a pretty good video explaining how it's done.] (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/femail/video-1329105/Could-escape-zip-tie-handcuffs-using-shoelaces.html) I'd recommend teaching it to all your kids and small relatives. It's horrible that we live in a world where they need to know this skill, but better safe than sorry.

Psydo5 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just playing the role of devil's advocate here, but perhaps the manufacturer knows that women and gay men make up to demand for lifestyle magazines almost entirely (including Men's Health/Fitness which is just a bunch of photos of super fit dudes). They're pandering to their audience, which is probably why you dont see many dads.

Not saying it isnt another tactic to shatter the illusion of a nuclear family, but they're probably just saving their asses from the woke SJWs who would throw a hissy fit if all the parenting covers were of a husband-wife family.

Psydo5 12 points ago +13 / -1

Literally one of the worst songs I've ever heard, and I've had the misfortune to hear WAP.

Psydo5 5 points ago +7 / -2

Mods still dont seem to grasp the concept of Streisand effect. Before the stickied PSA about banning anyone who says the N-word, I'd never seen it commented or posted on the site.

Rather than trying to get a public pat on the backs for doing your jobs you should have just remained silent banning racist remarks, and nobody would care. But now you've stupidly opened the floodgates, just for attention.

Psydo5 4 points ago +5 / -1

"Silent men like still waters, are deep and dangerous."

Everyone is currently in Defcon 1 level radio silence, on both sides. You can feel the trepidation in the air, like birds sensing an incoming storm.

The silence is deafening

Psydo5 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's not just that though, from 1:10:00-1:11:00 (before he pulls his mask back up) you can see that the skin around his eyes doesnt move with the rest of the face below it. It's like theres a line where the bridge of his nose is and it's just flapping up and down like a South Park Canadian head.

This is amateur hour, they must really not care about pretenses anymore.

Psydo5 18 points ago +19 / -1

Damn this dosage of hopium was exactly what this sub needed!

I cant wait for all this to unravel. Not so we can rub it in the faces of those who gawked at us, but rather we can welcome them with open arms into a world worth living in.

Psydo5 3 points ago +5 / -2

Civil war would probably be in their interests. Nothing would be easier for China to swoop in and take full control than a fractured, distracted, and militarily weakened enemy.

It's one of the main reasons the US managed to win the revolution against the British - wars closer to home taking up the resources.

All wars are wars of attrition after all. (Edited to add)

Psydo5 -2 points ago +2 / -4

I'm not gonna lie, there is a tiny fraction of me that nags away at the back of my mind saying "What if Q is actually part of the DS's plan to give us false hope and fatally shatter the resistance of anyone left opposing them?"

You just gotta have faith I guess. I dont want to raise kids in this world, so if we dont succeed then I guess my lineage dies with me.

Psydo5 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well wouldya look at that, a fruitful discussion on an online forum. This place has to be graced by God, it's the only explanation. ?

Psydo5 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's not about censoring what some shills say on a case by case basis. It's about the outright banning of specific words irregardless of context. If the N word is banned then so should Fag (which means almost every user on here including mods would probably need a ban as theres stickied Planefag posts almost daily), retards (and any variation), tranny.... the list goes on.

I dont have a problem with removing pointless and vitriolic comments from shills, in fact I encourage it, but it needs to be done after contextual review and not just because specific letters were typed next to one another.

Psydo5 0 points ago +3 / -3

As if those semantics make a difference. r/thedonald was a community, so was r/pedowood and many others. That doesnt change how utterly moronic your "solution" is. If you dont like free speech go to the ample 'communities' that already censor it, simple as. Much simpler than OP starting their own board.

Psydo5 -2 points ago +5 / -7

"Dont complain about Big Tech banning conservatives just start your own social media platform, oh and your own app store, oh and your own ISP."

"Dont complain about GA.W banning people and censoring free speech, just start your own W forum."

Do you honestly have such little self-awareness that you cant make the connection?

Psydo5 7 points ago +8 / -1

Ah see what you did there? you just did something we like to call 'moving the goalpost'. Your original point was proven to be wrong so you decide to change your mind about the parameters of what the original topic was about.

Ignoring this, the same idea still stands, you dont outright ban specific words because they "dont show truth" (tbh I dont know how using a word shows either truth or lies as that doesnt make sense), you let the community decide. It's an insult to our intelligence to say "we decide what words you can and cannot say", if it's a hateful and false post it wont get upvotes, simple as.

Psydo5 5 points ago +7 / -2

You aren't even saying anything bro. Did you even read what I said? Your definition of a "positive post" is different from EVERYONE elses definition of a positive post, it's not an echo chamber. And I didnt understand a word of what the rest of your comment said, seems like you're trying to be intentionally illiterate

Psydo5 8 points ago +9 / -1

Again that's a logical fallacy because it's entirely subjective. It can be used in a meme, it could be quoting someone, it could be used ironically or sarcastically. You dont get to pick what's a positive post and what's a negative post, and neither do I, the community as a whole does. During my time on GAW I've never seen any vitriol and malicious behaviour, and it's a welcoming place, especially compared to places like r/politics.

Psydo5 15 points ago +16 / -1

As a language teacher I've always followed the principle of context. If the phrase isnt used in a derogatory term then it shouldn't be assessed as such. Another mantra is, you cant get offended on the behalf of someone else.

On an anonymous messaging board how do you know the race of the person talking? Should a white moderator ban a black user for saying it? The only speech that should be banned is hate speech - defined as a real incitement of violence; e.g. "I wish someone would kill xxxxxx", otherwise you get a slippery slope that Reddit started off with.

Psydo5 17 points ago +18 / -1

They allude to pedophilia and satanism through sarcastic jokes and offhand insults but refuse to speak about it in-depth, like they're mocking the idea. Even if they dont believe it they haven't even given the evidence the time of day.

Yet people are calling them patriotic news. At the end of the day for them it's all about the money, rather than waking people up to the greatest battle of good v evil going on right now, just like the rest of the MSM establishment cronies. They're basically no better than TYT.

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