QGadget 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's alright dude. Live and learn. Sorry I called you a shill.

QGadget 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yikes. This post is some disinformation shilling bullshit.

The wallpaper you see in the Biden picture here was chosen by Donald Trump himself back in 2017 when Trump ordered a renovation of the oval office.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/gallery/2017/aug/23/white-house-renovations-donald-trump So the wallpaper you see in the Biden picture has been the same one that's been there since 2017. You can see the current wallpaper here: https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/a35272354/president-joe-biden-oval-office-white-house/ The wallpaper you see in the Trump picture is the one that was there before the renovation. Meaning the Trump picture itself was taken before the renovation of 2017. OP is using an old as fuck pic of Trump in the oval office and comparing it to a new pic of Biden and trying to suggest that because it's so different it must be a stage.

But it's easy as fuck to prove wrong with a minute of googling. OP is a misinformation shill that gives everyone here a bad name. Deport.

More proof:


QGadget 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, I see where we're disagreeing. What I'm saying is that these prophets are bullshit artists. I think that's obvious at this point. And they made the mistake of making a very specific prediction that did not come true. And further, the Bible is clear about how to spot false prophets.

What I'm saying is, they are known bullshit artists, and we can see them using psychological manipulation tactics to make excuses for themselves about why they were wrong (according to them they weren't wrong, they always have an excuse of some sort).

So if we know they're bullshit artists, we can see what kind of techniques bullshit artists use whenever they're exposed to be frauds. And when we see what those techniques are, we can also learn to spot them when they're used in other communities besides Christian fundamentalist circles. For instance, tons of people in this community have been using the same exact tactics as those "prophets" have. It's a good way to weed out the bullshit artists on this community as it is to spot them in other communities.

I think you and I can agree on this: people who somehow always find a way to find an excuse for their failed predictions are bullshit artists. Honest people have no problem admitting they were wrong and learn from that. Insecure people, and liars, and grifters are the ones always making excuses. And it's useful to know how to spot those kinds of people.

QGadget 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct. Again, I'm not even sure what we're disagreeing on here. Are we disagreeing on anything?

QGadget -2 points ago +1 / -3

I mean, it's just obvious to be Wood is a grifter making a name for himself in this community by making prediction after prediction and never even once delivering on any of them. Idgaf what side he claims to be on. His record speaks for itself. At some point you should be pissed off at people like him too and demand he deliver the goods or shut the fuck up and go away. Credibility is earned, and he sure as fuck hasn't.

QGadget 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only thing I'm saying was wrong was the claim "Biden will not be inaugurated on 1/20/2021".

Obviously that was wrong. For all we know Q's predictions may come true some day, but obviously they didn't yesterday.

QGadget -12 points ago +3 / -15

For fucks sake enough of this numerology horseshit. How the fuck are any of us expected to be optimistic about bringing down a satanic global cabal full of powerful fucking figures if the only people trying to bring them down are illiterate about how fucking numbers work. Step your game up and give up bullshit like numerology. Fucks sake


QGadget 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really suggesting it has positive connotations. What's interesting is the "prophets" are saving face in a number of different ways:

-Claiming what they said was misrepresented -Doubling Down on being right, but pushing the date back and back and back and back endlessly -Flat out denying they said what they are on video recorded as saying -Providing some convenient explanation for why things didn't happen like "we didn't pray enough."

You may not be one of the people here who predicted for a fact that Biden wouldn't be inaugurated, but a lot of people in this site absolutely made predictions like it with ridiculous confidence. What people who bought into those predictions should do is recognize the common things people who are wrong tend to do to convince themselves and others that they weren't wrong.

For instance, tons of end of the world cults that predict the end of the world on a certain date, and it doesn't come to pass end up keeping a lot of their followers even after the failed predictions. Why? Because they give their followers a bunch of bullshit to keep them from bailing on the cult. So it's useful to highlight these things so that people in this website don't fall for the same bullshit tactics (the obvious one being moving the goalposts endlessly, so that no matter what happens, there's never a point in which anyone here can admit they were wrong). At some point, if you're confident in the truth of your beliefs, you should be able to make solid predictions and predictions that could in principle falsify those beliefs if they don't come to pass.

QGadget 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct. I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here. I don't get to decide shit in the world. I don't claim to.

These "prophets" claimed to know though. And the Bible is clear about what we should do with false prophets.

QGadget 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give us a court docket number and we'll immediately be able to verify whether this is legit or not. Without a docket number there's not much anyone can do with this.

QGadget 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's human though. Instead of kicking your own ass and being ashamed of yourself for despairing when tensions were high and emotions were at an all time high, use it as a learning opportunity instead. Looks like you're doing it right now. The world's full of hate and negativity as it is. You don't need to add to it even if it's directing it at yourself. We fall, we get back up again, and we make a mental note not to trip in that specific spot ever again.

Also, all the "Christians" here saying evil won and the good guys lost are just awful at theology. God didn't lose. He can't. He's the author of all things. The only thing that was "lost" was our confidence in one specific interpretation of how things would play out. It turns out that interpretation was wrong. So be it. It just means God's plan is different than what anons on the internet thought it'd be. He's still sovereign.

QGadget 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm only sharing this because I think it's interesting to see the parallels. It's not just the Q crowd that believed something would happen that didn't come true. A lot of Christian "prophets" predicted with 100% certainty that Trump would be reelected. Like, almost all of them did.

It's been interesting to see how they've reacted to the election results and the inauguration since then. I'm not condemning or condoning anything in this video whatsoever. I think it's at least an interesting case study to see how others react when they've gotten things wrong. May be something in there we can all learn from.


QGadget 4 points ago +5 / -1

What were you angry about? What lesson did you learn?

QGadget 3 points ago +3 / -0

No one has to prove you wrong. The burden of proof isn't on people who are skeptical of claims like these. The burden of proof is on Lin Wood to substantiate his claims with solid evidence.

Lin Wood is trying to convince you and I that this stuff is going on, let him put his money where his mouth is. Especially after his numerous failed predictions, he's gonna have to do a fuck ton of work to get any kind of credibility back.

QGadget 2 points ago +2 / -0

You sound healthy and well adjusted.

by Ash45
QGadget -3 points ago +2 / -5

Feels like another goalpost shifting.

People who have been scammed tend to double down on the scam even after they're made aware they've been scammed. Ask yourself, "why is it so difficult for me to acknowledge that I believed a falsehood. I was wrong. But I can learn from this and do better next time."

Isn't that healthier for everyone than doubling down trying to convince yourself that you couldn't possibly have been led astray by an obvious internet scam?