Qcumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just saw the “17” and saw “Q.” Perhaps I am being too simple.

Qcumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Today I bumped into two people (masked) chatting whom I know and am very fond of. One is a leftie, one supports our GEOTUS. Both said the best thing to do was get the vaccine ?. Both have already received the “shot.” ?

These are friends (albeit stupid friends (one’s a doc, ones a teacher ?), all I could say in reply was “my body my choice.”

I like your story so much better.

Qcumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen Fren, god is loving & benevolent.

This may be a step too far for you, but I believe god does not judge us, god always loves us, all of us, even the worst amongst us. Judging and condemning is, I believe, a human trait, another means of control, if you will.

It is my belief that god is always with us, in us, and when we align ourselves with god, we feel joy, peace & love. When we turn away from god, we feel misery and despair.

I believe hell is the misery those who fail to see the god inside them, who fail to live in alignment with all that is good and godly, live and experience here on earth.

Our spirits are here on a journey, and we have free will to see, acknowledge, embrace and know god while we are here and thereby live a life of grace, or we can do the opposite and live, well, in hell.

Evil emanates from those who deny god, here in our lives.

God loves us all, IMHO.

Qcumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well said.

Faith will carry us through.

Dark to light Fren, dark to light.

Qcumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Scary as shit ... if we didn’t have the inside scoop.

Even knowing, still a bit scary.

Qcumber 5 points ago +5 / -0

You know how atheists find god when facing death?

I suspect there will be quite a few Bidan supporters who will “find Trump,” when faced with a real scare ?.

Enjoy the show Fren ?

Qcumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

Patriots - Are - Now - In - Control = PANIC

They’ve got this, have faith.

Oh & all movies have to build up to the big climax, enjoy the comedic relief along the way e.g. Bidan’s hand passing through boom mics!!

Grab some ?

Qcumber 8 points ago +8 / -0

We are watching a movie remember?!?!

So arguably most of what we are seeing happening is LARP, yet a whole bunch of normies don’t see that.

How do you wake them up?

A good SCARE, a “NECESSARY EVENT,”... might just result in a “great awakening.” ???????

Qcumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s intended to scare, not hurt.

Remember PANIC. We’re watching a movie. Have faith & know, no matter what, good and god will prevail!

Qcumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hmmm, could serve dual purposes! 2 birds, one stone, so to speak!

No question “dropping” a nuke would be a GREAT AWAKENING for those asleep!!

Qcumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes! Excellent! The Putin soccer ball aka “football” reference is genius.

I’m persuaded he’s a white hat & he really hates those sick pedophiles.

This should be some show!!!!

Qcumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Definitely interesting, I suspect on a small scale/ in some ways, that probably happens e.g. false flags.

Qcumber 5 points ago +5 / -0

No question what John’s warning about would qualify as a “scare” event.

Lucky for us, we know PANIC!!!

Grab your popcorn fren ?

by Intuit
Qcumber 5 points ago +5 / -0


But, since it does appear to be made up out of whole cloth, I mean guy confesses and blames sex addiction (not Asian animosity) & no other Asian “hate crime” made news since, I cannot remember when, so perhaps it’s so overt, so obviously unsubstantiated even normies might question “what Asian hate?”

Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows the China virus is called that because it came from China!!! Further, everyone knows Chinese people are oppressed by CCP, we want freedom for them, as we want for ourselves.

CCP bad, China virus bad. Chinese people, people who suffer an oppressed existence ... not bad, sad ? !!!

It’s that simple really.

Qcumber 1 point ago +3 / -2

Poor analogy. In one instance the “orders,” being acted upon violate human rights. The perpetrators knowingly perform the acts, but absolve themselves of responsibility for what they knowingly and willingly did by the lame excuse, “Just following orders,”

Now, as I write this, I see the dilemma. If the driver knows Q, they know the ills of the masons ergo should have removed said label from the vehicle.

A Q supporting Free Mason is really an oxymoron!

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