Qthemasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Release the tapes and they’ll learn quick.

Qthemasses 0 points ago +1 / -1

It’s BS masked as necessary. It can end today and be just fine.

Qthemasses 1 point ago +2 / -1

Grow up sheep and learn to think for yourself!

deleted -6 points ago +2 / -8
deleted -8 points ago +7 / -15
Qthemasses -5 points ago +1 / -6

My question is why? Whitehats purposely stretching this sh*t show out is criminal. End it now and quit prolonging everything.

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why is nothing being done about our more important crisis’ of disease and finances? What do i care about the border if i’m dying from bad food, bad doctors, and bad pharma, and i’m broke to boot? The border is not the greater problem.

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

“the wheels of justice are slow” but why? Because we are told so doesn’t mean it needs to be. Stop dragging this s**t show out and end it already. Stop defending this plan as necessary and start demanding they speed it up and end it already.

Qthemasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree wholeheartedly! This perhaps, maybe, could have BS to justify the murder of civilians as “necessary casualties” needs to be seen for what it is—accessories to murder, period! Justice demands accountability from ALL who are or have been in government!

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

By the way, why did he continue even after the March 16, 2021 FOX interview to push getting the vaccine all the way until October 2021 at a Texas rally where he was booed loudly for the second time by suggesting it? He shrugged, then he shut up about taking it ever again. if he was promoting something helpful and benign as an alternative to something actually deadly, why stop talking about it?

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two questions - why would he recommend taking the “vaccine”? And, why did he not differentiate anything from the vaccine that all who listened would easily interpret as the COVID shot?

Again, you keep making a point of missing the point. Trump as POTUS then and supposedly now, has a constitutional required duty to protect American citizens from both foreign and DOMESTIC enemies. He failed!

He continues to fail by not publicly explaining and or apologizing for those failures. If you have to apply mental gymnastics to interpret what he said, then he failed to accurately and effectively communicate truth.

You want to keep grasping at these straws of “what he meant was this” or “casualties in war” or 5D chess”. These are all a load of horse crap in explaining anything. They are pipe dreams that the Trump sheep want to convince themselves of so their Messiah isn’t questioned thus their dreams of salvation aren’t hurt.

Trump failed every American by allowing the COVID SHOT to be considered an option knowing full well that many would die. If he didn’t know, then he is incompetent and naive. I highly doubt it is the later since the Q posts beginning in October 2017 put advanced knowledge of many things to come in his lap (i.e. he already knew). That leaves deception as the only recourse. FAIL!

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0



this article verifies what i said. in addition, go and listen to the live phone interview on the FOX site linked to March 16, 2021 with Maria Bartiromo and hear his own voice say that everyone ESPECIALLY his supporters should take the vax, i’ll wait for your apology. Then you can find another way to justify Trump pushing mass murder.

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

You keep wanting to make me out to be some “outsider” brainwashed by media. WAY OFF on that one.

I knew from the get go that this virus and vaccine were crap. I read all the Q post beginning in 2020. It was those Q posts that showed me “WH” were in control. POTUS is still in command. These statements make the responsibility of protecting the country squarely and unequivocally at Trump’s feet.

He failed the American people at large by both praising and promoting the vax and his refusal to publicly declare a very real deadly substance as deadly shows his negligence and responsibility in its effects on the people.

Either Q is right and Trump is still POTUS thus being responsible under his watch or Q is a lie and I cannot trust voting ever again. Justice demands accountability! Sheep stop thinking and just parrot what they’ve been told.

These are my thoughts, rationaly considered over the past 3 years. Trump deserves no pass unless he can publicly show why he doesn’t bear that constitutional responsibility as POTUS to protect the American people against ALL ENEMIES both foreign and DOMESTIC (Fauci included).

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

He wasn’t acting as a businessman but the as the leader of our country sworn to protect us and our rights. That makes his endorsement criminal if he foreknew the dangers but didn’t stop it or warn us, or it makes him incompetent that he fell for the same disinformation he himself promoted. Either way, not holding him to account for such a deadly mistake makes you and all the other sheep morons. Justice demands accountability!

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

Media? Trump went on the media numerous times like on FOX in March 2021 with Maria Bartiromo where he said publicly that everyone especially his supporters should get the vax. Was he forced to say that? Sounds like you have a sheep mindset about Trump. He’s not the next Messiah so stop worshipping and blindly following a man that needs to explain his actions and rhetoric. People died as a result of his inaction to,stop it and his proactive support of people taking death in a bottle. Justice demands accountability from EVERY leader!

Qthemasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you are okay with a leader that either intentionally knew a deadly vaccine was being unleashed on the population that he says he “loves” and “would never harm” thus committing being an accessory to murder OR he is a leader with bad judgement and advisors (Q, etc.). As you said, you did your “research”. Either way incompetence or murder are neither traits for a president. Justice demands accountability from ALL our leaders!

Qthemasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why did Trump promote taking the vaccine from release until he was publicly booed at an October 2021 rally and then stop recommending it? Why hasn’t Trump publicly apologized for recommending people take an untested and now proven to be deadly vaccine? How is promoting death in a bottle for normal citizens not treasonous? Why?