Quiet_Lib 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of all the people who have been keeping this community going with Hopium, he is the only guy who has consistently said that April 1st is the earliest safest date to expect Trump to be president.

With respect, April 1st is April Fool's Day.

All of our talks about dates and symbology in general and this one floats by unchallenged?

The hopium is nice but it's easy to be lead down all sorts of paths chasing that next hit. The plan is happening or it's not.

Ditch the Hopium, stick to pure, unrefined Trustium instead.

Quiet_Lib 8 points ago +9 / -1

Yeah, this is the clip but it's from 2017 and she's talking about the tactic in general. Now, they then went and used it on Trump (and everyone else they could) but it's not evidence that she's admitting to doing it, only what the tactic is and how it works.

If anyone has audio of her actually admitting to creating bullshit lies about Trump et al, I definitely want to hear it and help spread it around.

Quiet_Lib 4 points ago +4 / -0

Been away lol

Sadly life keeps on and the board keeps moving too.

Quiet_Lib 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh? Wow, that would be huge! Link?

Quiet_Lib 51 points ago +51 / -0

It's even bigger than AIDS - thanks to Trump we now know that zinc + HCQ stops the coronavirus AND we know it stops HIV.

What if the game changer is right in front of us?

The "excuse" for letting viruses having to "run their course" was always that we couldn't get inside the cell to stop the virus. Trump just made hundreds of millions of people around the world aware of the concept of "zinc ionophores". That's really what HCQ is - it's not the HCQ, it's the concept that's the real killshot. People are treating COVID with Quercetin, EGCG, a host of other things as long as they are zinc ionophores.

The Zinc Ionophore lets the zinc inside of the cell.

So then we learn that zinc, cheap, readily available zinc, when able to get inside the cell, caps off the end of a lot of common and deadly viruses and stops them from reproducing.

The answer has been in front of us for decades but big pharma has played the "oh, it's a pity we can't get inside the cell" card to Trillions of dollars.

THAT is why big pharma hates Trump. He didn't cure COVID, he didn't cure HIV, he cured viruses and made sure that, by making it controversial, it became common fucking knowledge around the globe.

I think that this is the real reason they needed him gone, because they're hoping that the general public doesn't realize what they really have yet.

Trump kneecapped the entire fucking pharmaceutical industry with a cheap, effective workaround that literally anyone in the world can access.

Quiet_Lib 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now to check the other EOs to see if the signature changes or if it truly is cut and pasted. If it doesn't change at all or is one of a couple exact copies then that's the tell.

Joe's signing "documents" but probably can't read anymore due to his dementia. So they're giving him pages with text on it but like Joe says, "I don't know what I'm signing"

That could actually be a moment of lucidity because they're giving him bullshit garbage sheets to sign for show and then substituting the "official" signature afterward.

THAT could be a brilliant bit of foreshadowing on Trump's part in that he always signed then held the document up to show everyone!

Quiet_Lib 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for actually commenting instead of downvoting. (And believe me, I hear you re: HCQ. That was a red pill for me too.)

"As Biden Became President, Medical Journal Quietly Retracted Study That Claimed Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective"

The article is fake news because it's saying that this happened as Biden got into power but it was retracted long before that so the National File article itself is fake news.

Quiet_Lib 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whoops, sorry! Meant to reply to someone else!

Quiet_Lib -4 points ago +7 / -11

This is article is straight-up fake news.

The study was retracted long before Biden became President, the study was retracted in June of 2020.

Here's the Guardian article linked to in the tweet:


Deport this fake news bullshit out of here.

Quiet_Lib 2 points ago +2 / -0

And this will be used as justification to repeal the second amendment right at the start of Biden's presidency.

Quiet_Lib 1 point ago +1 / -0

But did JFK jr have any kids who might be adults by now?

Quiet_Lib 1 point ago +1 / -0

It will be verboten to speak of Trump at all in their version of the history books. He will be the closest thing to Hitler they can manage.

He was so evil that the valiant Democrats had to rise up and impeach him twice!

Quiet_Lib 9 points ago +9 / -0

Look up "Fraud vitiates everything" and Supreme Court precedent.

Trump said that "When there's fraud you get to play by different rules."

He's right and he chose those words very carefully.

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