I’m a retired registered nurse and worked in the industry for 53 years. I noted the opposite of what we were being told; that is, my patients were getting better faster during my earlier career than the later part.
I’m calm and humble but also noticed that I many times knew more than the physicians and surgeons. I just listened to my patients. And I saw and experience numerous situations of misdiagnosis within my own family.
I have also seen some pretty terrible nursing from R.N’s during two hospitalizations of my husband. I was thankful that I was there to correct them. Many times I have recalled President Trumps famous saying, “these people are stupid” when I think back upon the many dumb medical things that have happened. Some very serious but God always provided the right solution.
My intuition tells me that the entire medical system will be revised. From top to bottom. I know this ‘in my bones’. (Grandma Knowles saying). And I’ll take that to the bank.
We are living in a blessed time right now. A time to be thankful and joyful. I for one to chose to make my own sunshine every day. Why you ask with so much apparent negativity going on?
Because it’s the right thing to do! Again you ask Why? Because its powerful, its biblical, and it’s the opposite of what the deep state wants for us. And it gives me I unbounding joy and hope. Which spills over to my family and friends and also to some strangers.
The ‘Wink’ is perfect! I’m going to save this image in my memory so I can view it as needed. (In the Folder: Holding The Line)
Got some very creative patriots among us and all are appreciated.
I’m a registered nurse and, Nope, not afraid at all and don’t wear a mask.
Of course they know! My husband went about a month ago. His MD knows I’m a RN. He asked Mike if he wanted the COVID vaccine and chuckled as Mike said, “My wife would kill me if I got it”.
But you’re not alone. I’m a registered nurse, now retired, and I refuse to go for the same reason.
I’m weary too. But I also noted that this thread hasn’t mentioned the ‘G’ word. That is,God Almighty. Q often mentioned lines such as”this is BIBLICAL”. Each time I read those references I was reminded of, the parting of the Red Sea, Noah and the flood, the battle at Jericho, Daniel in the lion’s den.... it’s my belief that we are waiting for a truly BIBLICAL event. And it will happen just at the right moment.
God parted the waters of the armed Sea at JUST the right moment. I bet you those people were thinking and feeling pretty much like most of us are. Worn out and waiting for a miracle.
As for me, I’m holding the line. I know a miracle will happen in God’s time. I trust, I pray, I give thanksgiving for all of my blessings. I look for each and every little bit of joy I find each day. And I reach out to family and friends continually to share a bit of sunshine with them. Almost forgot, I also put more energy into being extra kind and nice to strangers I come into contact with as I go through my day. I learned this many years ago when working with my fearful mustang mare. I learned I was most successful when I had ‘smiling eyes’. And I quickly discovered that it is excellent with people too. To me it’s what WWG1WGA is all about. It’s also what scripture is all about. Love thy neighbor as thyself. When I do what I’m supposed to do, God will do His part. It’s not really my job to even remotely entertain the thought that God Almighty can not, or will not defeat evil.
So, even when I’m weary like many, I am filled with hope and faith as I go about sharing sunshine and smiling. Sometimes I think we become a bit mixed up about hope. I’m a retired registered nurse so I know quite a lot about about this subject. I’ve come to learn that hope is not a passive word but an active one. It seems to me that one who waits around waiting for hope has a hard time finding it (passive). But one who goes about with purpose to be kind to others, thoughtful and caring are the ones who find hope.
I had read an article by Liz Crokin about Donald Trump where she shared so many of the wonderful things he has done for others. Our wonderful President Trump is the best example of what I’m trying to share here. I believe that he makes his own sunshine every day and people actually can feel that energy. WEG1WGA. God bless. I for one am awaiting an amazing revival and great blessings globally.
From Maine
God bless patriot. Have an extra blessed day today.
Sounds about right.
Not me sir. I’ll never forget nor will millions of others. We know this is Biblical, a fight between good and evil. A massive, powerful knock down and out kind of fight. It’s just that there are many of us is so strong that we neither whine nor does our faith waver, even for a moment. We are a mighty army of warriors and foot soldiers. Lots of us are very low in rank like us ole grannies. Never forget that we have been toughened by the game of life and are real battle scarred street fighters. (Ask our kids)
We do not grow weary nor do we complain. We know who we are in Christ. Our power is in God Almighty. And we will NEVER forget that our fearless President Trump is our mighty Leader, chosen by God Himself. We WIN. Always praise God for our greatest warriors on the battle front. And always, always pray for those who need strength, comfort and a renewed spirit. Gods anointing is being poured out upon His People.
OR, the corrupt supreme judges have already been arrested. Makes sense to me.
Just look at his hands. They look like an eagle about to strike a target. Very scary.
I love every single example of love and goodness shown by people. This gentleman will receive great blessings. True goodness from deep within a person is infectious along with spreading hope.
Funny, I just mentioned the Back to the Future movie to my husband last night! And I wholehearted recommend the ‘buckle up’ comment as I have this inner quiet feeling that what’s up ahead is nothing that we have ever experienced before. As Q has said, “THIS IS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL.” My only reference point is Noah and the Ark, Moses and the Red Sea, Daniel in the lions den, etc. Nothing in my lifetime.