RageBringer -1 points ago +1 / -2

This country has till March 5th. Then we start playing Cowboys and Indians.

RageBringer 18 points ago +18 / -0

15 pictured in the group photo, all 17 pictured individually and by name as they receive their certificates. Missing from the photo were 2 officers 2nd LT Faraz and Captain Reis. In the scrolling 32 images taken they were images #3 and #14, which equals 17. Q post 314 is as follows:


Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


There is another post, trying to locate a password for an image scanning program that hides messages, is the password: 'BREAK' ?


Image 3 of 32; 2nd Lt. Qazi Faraz, 773rd Test Squadron, originally of Houston, Texas, accepts his U.S. Space Force certificate from Col. Randel Gordon, 412th Test Wing Vice Commander, during a Space Force Transfer Ceremony at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 11. (Air Force photo by Richard Gonzales)

Image 14 of 32; Capt. Christopher Reis, accepts his U.S. Space Force certificate from Col. Randel Gordon, 412th Test Wing Vice Commander, during a Space Force Transfer Ceremony at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 11. (Air Force photo by Richard Gonzales)

RageBringer 25 points ago +25 / -0

Password?= BREAK Or Morse Code, BREAK? <BK> Break -...-.- https://morsedecoder.com/

The missing members in the photo are in image positions 3 and 14, which equals 17 (Q). Q post 314 is;


Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


https://media.greatawakening.win/post/gKqNmxFJ.jpeg < here is the image with the missing two added, it was quite the # lol = Q

*EDIT if you scroll right in the group photo, I think it is numbers 3 and 14 that are missing from the group and showed individually. * 3+14 = ?? Image 3 of 32;

2nd Lt. Qazi Faraz, 773rd Test Squadron, originally of Houston, Texas, accepts his U.S. Space Force certificate from Col. Randel Gordon, 412th Test Wing Vice Commander, during a Space Force Transfer Ceremony at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 11. (Air Force photo by Richard Gonzales) Image 14 of 32;

Capt. Christopher Reis, accepts his U.S. Space Force certificate from Col. Randel Gordon, 412th Test Wing Vice Commander, during a Space Force Transfer Ceremony at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Feb. 11. (Air Force photo by Richard Gonzales)

15 pictured in the group photo, all 17 pictured individually and by name as they receive their certificates. Find the 2 NOT in the group photo. Use their information to find the password? Group Photo of 15: 4 in flight suits, 11 in camo. There are 5 individually pictured in flight suits, so that will be one of them. The other one will be wearing camo. You have their ranks, names, dates and prior units, maybe the password is in there? GL > https://www.aftc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2503507/edwards-afb-conducts-space-force-transfer-ceremony/

RageBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

MIL time 13:11 = 1:11 PM CIV Time. TWO Presidents TWO Precedents? Too strange?

Q-post 1311 TRIP UPDATE

Q-post 111 What year(s) did this occur? What year(s) did this occur? (Fantasy ISland 1977) Fantasy land. Fantasy land. Snow White. - (Majority of US States covered in Snow) (White House) (The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms' Fairy Tales and numbered as Tale 53.) Godfather III. Q

Q-post 1977 BIG statement. What's coming? Q

Q-post 1812 Comms understood? Do you believe in coincidences? (Awakening of Love / The Impostor Fantasy Island (1978): Season 7: Episode 17) Q

Q-post 53 The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY. Alice & Wonderland. - (Once the realm of dreams, Wonderland was long ago tainted by the malevolence. It quickly turned into a realm full of nightmares and insanity.) https://comicvine.gamespot.com/grimm-fairy-tales-presents-alice-in-wonderland-1/4000-312905/

Yeah, like I said I am no researcher lol. I wasn't able to see Trumps Tweet on Qpost 1977, may be relevant.

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

If the SCOTUS decides to hear the cases on the Election, it will be FAST TRACKED to the next case they hear. That will be the MOST Priority case in the nations history.

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tell them you IDENTIFY, as a Female, Black, Mask. Therefore you do not need to wear a mask, since you ARE a mask. If they challenge you scream all their regular words they scream when this happens to them.

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

This should be the next daily event for COMMON SENSE people to help the SHEEP see the truth.

Try it both ways though, go in SOLO, trickle in, don't bring attention just SHOW you are not willing to be a MASK SLAVE anymore! People wearing masks will start to take theirs off, no confrontation needed.

If that fails to work, then do what these people did... go in as a huge group and ignore anyone who is threatening to you. CAMERAS ROLLING.

RageBringer 1 point ago +2 / -1

Deep State has its paws all the way into Tractor Supply lol.

Yeah, you can take a dose as a preventative every 6 weeks as well. There are many studies on this, and I handle more than that anyway now, I switched to Bimectin for all my herd animals.

RageBringer 3 points ago +4 / -1

The funny thing, is if you post this all over the place, at least 30% of Biden voters will be it is true.

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

The plunger on the syringe has tick marks for the dosages. Yes I used a single 250, it won't hurt you there isn't much medication in it to start with. There is a cap you can replace the cap and store it. Check if you need to refrigerate or not, I did not, but used a follow up dose 2 days later. I doubt it will go back, it stores in room temp prior to opening.

RageBringer 6 points ago +7 / -1

Anyone actually think a Democrat other than maybe Machin from WV votes to acquit? I mean, he has to go back and face a 70% Trump voter base.

The RINOS don't change their minds? Hah, who knows at this point.

RageBringer 2 points ago +3 / -1

1/4 chance that happens if the max

47-53 / 53-47 48-52 / 48-48 49-51 / 49-51 50-50 / 50-50

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

I went through so much of this type of bullshit.

RESILENCY training because we had a spike in suicides. We had to break up in teams of 10 people and go thru a power point slide show and some handouts. I was a facilitator and it was a total waste of time. It did nothing to address the issue of suicides.

Sexual Assault Victim training, because a few people screamed about their pictures leaked on social media. This only made men and women in uniform afraid from dating for years, everyone was too scared to compliment anyone, or look at someone the wrong way or they may scream sexual harassment! We had some Military Equal Opportunity professionals come in and counsel us all on professional relationships. Total waste, caused paranoia and fear between coworkers.

Racism and minority concerns. White people were split up from all others. We had to go thru a mass briefing and given handouts about ensuring minorities are not discriminated against, or it would look bad. The end result of this, is more Whites were marked LOWER, so the minorities could be marked HIGHER. Everyone was scared to death to mark down minorities or they would be called a racist. This was so evident as time went on. Black women and men would always get promoted faster than others. The minorities hardly EVER had anything less than a max points annual performance report. No one was going to risk it and the max ratings were stratified and there was a limit, only so many could be marked "exceptional".

Now, here we are, same shit different decade. There is no need to worry. Commanders will talk about it, send out a letter and there will be a training session that will talk about professionalism and leaving personal bias out, that rule of military chain of command Trumps all... TRUMPS haha. Anyway, if you think this bullshit is going to sway right wing extremists to suddenly feel bad that they are fucking tired of being cancelled, told they are white supremacists and that they are still going to be forced to work as hard for the same report card, you are sadly mistaken and the military knows as much. This clown Sec Austin needs to get the boot.

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1
  • yep, as I thought went and looked, GF was under the knee of Derek Chauvin and he had hair. This is fake news.

Doubt it. These videos were scrutinized so hard when this happened. People were comparing potholes, road markings, sign dents. My guess is this video was edited to remove the things they point out.

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't get it at all do you? Biden is already OUT. Woods is standing in, but always wearing a Covid-19 mask. Check out the video today when his mask slipped off, Biden's nose was super wide and messed up compared to what it was last month.

RageBringer 1 point ago +2 / -1

If Biden was already "gone" woods plays him till the needed time?

RageBringer 0 points ago +1 / -1


Has anyone seen Biden post inauguration WITHOUT a mask?

Look at Woods/Biden hands above. Holding a Mic and a Pen, notice the hold. Look a their off hands, how they use them when they talk. Identical.

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