To me, Mike Pence is Schrödinger's Traitor. Until things have played out, he both is and isn't. Arguments can be made for both. The way things are now suck, but people are waking up every day. Support for the Democrats decreases by the day. Patriots are getting more involved. We're in a way and the election was just one of its battles. It could have been a feint for all we know.
In any case. Had Trump been sworn in, the Awakening we see today would not have happened.
I'm not really seeing it here, apart from the date and hash disappearing. That is suspicious.
The bit about fractional votes, the numbers check out if the ballots cast for 7669 = 19, and 8411 = 20. Not sure why they are blacked out though.
The voter turnout of 125% also does not seem suspicious. It is a precinct with 4 registered voters. Just one extra person casting a ballot will make it 125%.