Randino1237 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey sportfans! Just go round behind everybodys back and let out the air and de core the tires on all snotsi loyal vehicles. No way they can find a new core quickly. They're skrood...

Randino1237 1 point ago +1 / -0

This post shows the video of the lvpd cop chopper blowing the peeps on the street away. The mandalay 3rd floor where the 'lone gunman' was only showing sporadic muzzle flashes. The pd went up to his room later pretending to rescue the city, but they just popped him to erase any loose ends in the op.

Randino1237 1 point ago +1 / -0

To think I used to feel sorry for Kave-in-awh when he was getting chewed on for his sorority days. He must think that those bribes from Sorry-ass are worth going to the Fire for...

Randino1237 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey moondoggies...Cowabunga! Let's cruise to the beach in our 'woodies'. Suzy can be sooo boss by making a 'mask-ini'. You know, a couple blue ones tied together for the top, one for the 'G' spot, and one for the caboose. Jan and Dean would roll over in their graves, and the Beach Boys would hurl bisquits...

Randino1237 4 points ago +4 / -0


Link shows gunship firing by Mandalay Bay and then over the country concert venue.

Randino1237 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen. Variants come and go like roadies on a Led Zeppelin tour. But the black hat vax will always be deadly. Avoid it at all costs!

Randino1237 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you don't go around calling the flora and fauna biotics in your gut a bunch of filthy germs do ya? That's cuz their mission is to help and not hurt. If something is proven to help, then why have a spaas over it?

Randino1237 3 points ago +3 / -0

Money and power, yes. Not to mention those super luxurious billion dollar yachts that gates of hell has been lusting after...vax up dummies, his ship is waiting to sail.

Randino1237 12 points ago +12 / -0

Ampule of vax with #1:saline(safe, placebo), ampule#2: clot shot( death), #3: clot shot(death and onco gene for soft tissue cancer growth later on). See expose from nurse in slovakia(?).

Randino1237 2 points ago +2 / -0

And don't forget, MTG actually went to see the J6 pows, and reported the horrible conditions to uncucked news like CFP, epoch, western and others.

Randino1237 1 point ago +1 / -0

U know what! Yo! Yo ah bustin my balls with deese 50 dolla words that don't mean diddly bupkiss. I ffkkin only wanna heeah one freakin word from dese state pukes that still ain't fallen on my eears. Dats 'DECERTIFIED' as in officially done! Capishe?

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